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It's probably the game I'm anticipating the most. thank you for making sure it's done right the first time.


Glad to hear that. The team is working hard to build the best game possible.

could you add PayPal as a payment option? its the only method i use to pay online.

Can't, banned for making adult games.

(1 edit)

The Kinky website is off, appear a info "Apache is functioning normally"

And some antivirus like Kaspersky is blocking access,  with the argument "Invalid Certificate".


Yeah, we don't have a certificate. The site is fine and functional.

You can request a Free SSL Certificate from CloudFlare: or Let´s Encrypt (Doesn´t offer Shell access from free plan, need to shell on Hosting Site Provider):


I like the concept. Keep up the pace when writing an interesting plot. Someday, this game will have 10 chapters.


we will have a max of 5 chapters in the game, it's all written already, it's mostly just art and implementation which is the slow grind.


honeslty as a person learning to do porn pixel art, it is the second slowest part only to making the level graphically XD especially if u wanna use unique pieces and not too many assets.


Okay, we'll wait. 

Deleted 200 days ago

If you preorder you'll get the full game. Once new updates are available you'll get those as they come out.


How different will the look and style be from before?


better lighting, better sketches, and better drawings. the style isn't that different, it just looks cleaner, and better. Check the dev blogs if you want to see examples.


When is the next update or devlog ? Been a while without news, I understood that you were redoing content,  so you could published it on steam ?


We are cleaning up bugs and doing polish right now. Erk is redoing all the renders to match the new look and we are doing a full pass on atmosphere and asthetic content.

(1 edit)

So, the newest version of the game is from 21 oct. 2022, am I right?


For now yes.

(1 edit) (-1)

Is it normal that i bought the game but i only have the scenes from the demo? There isn't anymore content? Like the game description shows some scenes that i didn't see. 


It's all being redone atm with better content. Please be patient.


Ok dude! Thanks👍

And Great responce time also!


I try to be speedy.


I have this in my "consider buying" collection on here. I have a question, idk if it's obvious or not, but just curious; when the game is finished, will the h-scenes all be animated and voiced? (by 'voiced' I mean will there be moans & sex sfx). this key detail plays a big part in whether or not I decide to buy the game. 


Not all scenes will be animated. If they are it will have sfx.


so *just* sfx? or sfx & moans?


It depends on a lot. So we won't commit to anything detailed. So sfx for now, we will see what the future holds.


Hey I just brought the $9.99 Early access version today and I have a few questions. When extracting the file is there a difference between the files Wet Nightmares and Wet Nightmares-32? They both have the same icon and open the game.


That depends on your operating system. If you don't know just run the one without the numbers.


I already bought the 2022 earlier access do i have to buy again for the updated version of it?


Nope. Just download the new version.

(1 edit) (-1)

I didn't work is there anything is I can do. And I did buy it I'm not trying to scam you here's proof 


Just view the downloads in your Library.


Cool game with cool art and all, it's just too bad that the guy you play as is the most insufferably perverted self entitled asshole; makes me wonder what weird ass demographic is being aimed at here


Yeah you play as the antagonist in this game. Strange concept I know.


Well that makes more sense I guess. Also not antagonist, just a protagonist who happens to be the villain. Here's hoping that he'll at least be a dynamic character or something 

(2 edits) (+2)

I paid 10 bucks for a demo. Super disappointed. You can't even hide the dialogue box during scenes. Rewind isn't a option either. 


You should have the correct build. Just make sure you're download the right apk.


I bought the game but it only gave me the demo I'm using android


Add PayPal If not I can't buy it but for now I'll download the demo

We can't add PayPal, we are banned there for making adult games. Itch also does not want to support us with payment options as well.

Damn it 

That was my only option

But I understand

Thank you for the reply

1 eternity waiting for this

Yeah we won't be releasing early. We will release whenever we are done polishing.

Mr ding ding its sad now :(

It's actually difficult to find good quality like this
(1 edit)

I still haven't failed NNN but ill be the judge of this game, if i fail ill buy the game

where can we post issues found for wet nightmares? I found an issue already. 


We have a discord. Feel free to join that.


i actually remember i was in it right after i posted it. no worries. i already made a comment or two. thanks. 

how do I join the discord and do you accept money as well?

There is a big old button on the main page here on itch. Just click that to join the discord.

Deleted 295 days ago

Yeah we have a Patreon.

Hola buenas.
Me gusta mucho su trabajo y recién lo descubrí me metí en el discord leí que este mes tendrían una actualización. 

Esa actualización cuando va estar? 

porque quiero seguir viendo como continua.


There is no estimated release date for the patch. It is when it will be ready and not before.

Con el debido respeto, no es una forma de responder por 2 motivos principales. 

1. Hay una respuesta en el discord de que este mes saldría una actualización en octubre.

2. No ha habido contenido nuevo en 207 ( mini-update ) y realmente han pasado 356 desde una actualización significativa por cambio de motor.

Tenéis a mucha gente esperando un contenido que no hace mas que retrasarse una y otra vez, es algo difícil seguir confiando en un proyecto, no solo eso en las dev update solo dice que termina el capitulo 1 y el 2... ¿Cómo es posible? la única cosa que se me pasa por la cabeza es que el proyecto se abandono y por presiones de los usuarios se ha vuelto a poner en marcha, es difícil de saber porque no se publica nada de información relevante. 

Personalmente siento que ustedes los desarrolladores no tiene ganas de continuar este proyecto y simplemente han dirigido a otros. Es triste tener esto en mente pero es lo que me dais a pensar tras una larga consideración.

Tras escribir esto ahora se me pasa por la cabeza que se me va a llamar toxico, desconsiderado o llegar incluso a banearme del propio discord pero asumiré las consecuencias de lo escrito ya que es lo que realmente pienso. Antes de nada deseo como el que mas que este proyecto avance ya que me encanta y si por cualquier cosas del destino hay algún atasco creativo me presento para poder ayudar porque en este punto solo quiero que se acabe el desarrollo para poder disfrutarlo.


just read the news posts that I make for the game. It is currently in development and it will take as long as it needs to take. There has been no official (official being me) news of any date for the next patch. Erk may want to have it done in October but it is not up to him if the game is bug free or at the quality level it needs to be.


The last downloadables is 1 year ago. Can we at least get some sneak peek art?


I mean... check the news posts?

This game is mostly text? Someone should try to make a game quality of last evil style again


I mean... it's a visual novel. What are you expecting?

Is this game going to be decent in length? As I've gotten older I've started to accept delays, and that long production times can mean a potentially better, unrushed product. I would however be disappointed if a years wait lead to a 5-10 minute game (without skipping text). I'm not trying to complain, I'm just curious.


We are hoping we get to like 5 to 8 hours. It depends on reading speed though.

I got the early access do I have buy the game again 🤔 

Nope. Just check your library. If you own it on itch you own it.


May not be much content as of now, but i'll be waiting

(1 edit) (-1)

I bought this game about 90 days ago, and honestly it has been a bad purchase so far. I can understand that development is slow because there are other projects underway, but it does not excuse the total and absolute lack of content. If I bought it, will I have any "advantage" over people who didn't? because I have paid for a product that I am being told is going to have new content coming out but I don't see what is being worked on. In my opinion, the development log should be updated more frequently with small advances that make me as a buyer have the feeling that what I have paid is progressing.


Al rededor de 90 días que compre este juego, y sinceramente a sido un comprar por el momento mala. Puedo entender que que el desarrollo es lento debido a que hay otros proyectos en marcha, pero no excusa la falta total y absoluta de contenido.

Yo que lo he comprado voy a tener alguna "ventaja" sobre la gente que no? porque yo he pagado por un producto que se me esta diciendo que va a salir nuevo contenido pero no veo en que se esta trabajado. En mi opinión se debería actualizar mas frecuentemente el log de desarrollo con pequeños avances que hagan el yo como comprador tenga la sensación de que lo que he pagado esta avanzando. 


I mean that's fair. We will update the log soon. Just without going into detail it is a visual novel and outside of showing people the art in the game going over the text here again would constitute as spoilers. So we are in a little bit of a bind. But I will do a news post.


Game has been dead for at least a year and "getting an update soon" the entire time. When the original developer made this game several years ago it had more content than this. 

Would recommend avoiding this title until it actually gets an update.  As of right now it barely qualifies as  a demo, much less a 10 dollar game.


All of this is indeed true, couple of things to note though.

1. the game is in active development, however, due to the fact that it is a visual novel, we cannot do content drops or patches as quickly as say a game with combat or mechanics since the mechanics are narrative and art. Both take time. At least if you want to do it right.
2. Wet Nightmares only has a part-time development cycle, meaning it is slower in development than something with a bigger team and an active schedule.

Vote with your wallet on things, and only make the purchase if you're confident about the game. We will still be building, and the game will come out with new content soon. 

I bought it with the 8 hour experience in mind and it only got to about an hour or so, once the main character goes back to bed, the game ends and I'm left empty handed.

What I've played so far has been great (except for the unfinished frames, but I understand it's being developed), but I'd really love to know when the game will be updated and expanded since right now it's nowhere near the 8 hours mark.

Soon. We are working on it

8 hours of gameplay on the current release but only one sexual scene a blowjob, seems like a scam of a game that's supposed to have more

The game is in development. I'm sure you understand what that means, our full game experience will have all the bells and whistles. Right now we are finalizing chapter 2 and polishing chapter 1. Please be patient.

When will the next update for this great game be available? 

Greetings and keep up the excellent work.

zero update.......

Things are being worked on.

(1 edit)

Hey, great game so far :)

I wonder why 2 of the screenshots here are missing in the game :/

Is there a PayPal payment?


Nope, Itch does not support Adult Developers so we cannot use the payment service for PayPal.

Others do it all the time tho... i've used paypal plenty of times on "adult" games. maybe its a breach but i dont see itch doing anything about it...

Yeah they choose who gets the tool and who does not based on the game content. They chose to not let us use it.

What is the difference between the demo version and the version purchased with money?

There is more to play in the full version. And you'll get all patches and new content as it releases.

Deleted 1 year ago

No? You can download the apk here on the website.

(english) This game is great, but it have bugs in my version... I was by the part with sex stuff and then appears a bug, and I must restart it, and now I'm on the beginning!

What's go wrong? I'm supposed to buy it for 10$? That's are ~10€! That's a little bit too much for this, (deutsch) es sei denn, es lohnt sich!

(english) I use the Androidversion... Would it happen on a Windows device, or on mac or linux?

The next version will be a big change, so it's likely it won't affect you in future builds. As for the android version, it's hard to know how it works on all types of phones as android has so many variations. But we do have a largeish testing pool we use. We build first for Windows, then all systems after that. So the best experience is on PC.


I don't have an actual working PC...

I have only an android device with android11 version...

(1 edit)

I bought it and I love it! What a great game! I'll keep an eye out for recent updates. Keep the great graphic style and keep the essence of the game ❤️. I will be supporting you with future updates and new game installments!

PS: I like more that Samara shows her hairy pubis, it makes her look more sexy and mysterious.

Glad you like it!

I love the game so far cant wait for the next update

Awesome I am happy you like it! Lots will change in the next build.

Hi, will I receive a steam version once it is released if I buy it here? I've been waiting for this to be released for few years now :/

Nope. The stores are different shops. You wouldn't expect an itch key for purchasing on steam right? If you want it on steam I would simply wait until we have it released there.

Okay, thanks for the info. :) I will think of it. Because I learned about that site yesterday but know and use steam for many years and try to get all my games there.

If you want, you can use the "Add non-steam game" to use steam to launch the game.

thanks, but no, I literally want to have my games in steam. If a developer decide to stop making games, or to remove the game, just because it is in my steam, I will still have my copy. Steam is the most trustworthy market for me.


You know developers can pull their games from steam very easily. Right? It's the same difficulty to do it from itch or from gog. But you buy whatever feels best. When we are ready we will launch on steam.

(2 edits)

do you have any idea on when the update will be released?

also will the pubic hair be optional?

I won't commit a date for the updates as polish takes a long time. And the pubes will not be optional.


Really looking forward to this game. It's unfortunate the pubes won't be optional. I don't mind them but I feel Samara looks better without as she was depicted previously, I also just feel like it suits her more to be without. Whatever the case keep up the good work!


We have guidelines to follow for Steam approval. Hence the pubes for aging her up a smidge. Not that pubes change her age, it just changes her enough to not appear too young.

Thanks for the response. Typical steam, gotta ruin everything. I understand that these days getting something on steam is important if you actually want to profit though.

Any chance of doing what some porn games do and have a steam version then a patch or version without on here so people have the choice? 

I'm not sure how much more work that would actually be though, unless it's as easy as slapping the pubes on as a layer that can be removed or something.

We have no plans at the moment for external patching of the game. We will see how feedback is post-launch on Steam.

If I brought it earlier at an year ago do I have to rebuy it again?

Nope, it will be in your library.

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