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why isnt it possible to pay with paypal? 

Is the photo grading system a bit weird or am I experiencing a massive skill issue? I take a full-body photo of an act with the subject centered and filling as much of the frame as possible, front-facing and with the PP timing and the game politely informs me it's worth a solid B-. I don't know what it expects from me and the most bizarre off-center photos are often worth an A.

It is mostly about the visibility of the creature's key points. So if you have everything else done, you then need to pay attention to your focus. Playing at a higher setting makes the focus vastly more visible, so just wait a moment or two for the autofocus to right itself and the score will be much much higher.

I play on high settings but the focus isn't super visible. Even if I hold the shot for several seconds to make sure the target is in focus, stationary and posing at me I still get slapped with a big ol' C. Do the feet count as a 'key point'? Should I be cropping standing subjects from the knees up or trying to fill the frame head to toe?

Head to knees or toes is best.

Where can i find the last one?

Around the edges of the map. There is also a guide on steam for it

How does the rune monster appear? is it holliday like halloween or just roams around ?

Ya gotta summon her.

If there's one piece of feedback I've been holding onto for a few months now (I play on and off), it'd have to be the photo submission menu. Especially with this new stacking system, I think it's become even harder to navigate the menu to get the "Ready to Submit and Delete?" prompt. 

I do like the idea of a photo stacking system, but I wish the submission menu would keep easier track of selections, have an icon guide on the page, and a manual completion button so that players know for sure they are submitting what they want and do not have to reselect photos to get the prompt.

Got a doozy of a bug too.

If you get caught by a plant while a predator chases you and THEN the Predator interrupts the plant, then the player is stuck. I tried Fast Travelling too, but that didn't work for some reason.

Also got my FIRST S Rank photo (before getting got)!

Aye yeah we have had a few reports of this one. It's not something I've personally found. But we will look into it!

There is the close button on the bottom left of the submission page... Is that what you mean? Maybe you can help me understand a little better what you're after.

Found a glitch where if you jump into a floral then skip the scene, youll be in a constant state of jumping

Yep that one we know about. Thanks for the report!

(2 edits)

I have a question. I purchased the game through only. Will the game continue getting updates posted on even after steam release?

Thanks in advance

Yes of course! All stores get the updates everyone else does.

This looks like a good game in the making. Good job! 



I seem to be having trouble getting my Steam code? It doesn't show up on my download page.

The steam key is a separate purchase. If you own the game on itch you already own a full copy.

Why are they separate?

Because steam and Itch are different stores. Owning one does not means you get them all. By that logic I should also give you a gog code too


I saw on the roadmap you plan to add males to the game. When you do i would suggest adding a switch so we can turn males off and on. Just a personal preference but I bet I'm not the only one who would enjoy that. Or have it to where males are replaced by futa. That might be easier to code. Game has been a blast to play though.

Yes, that is the intention. It will be a slider so you can choose how often - if at all - they spawn. It will also warn you about locking out content based on flavor preferences.


is the demo out for itch too?


Getting it uploaded atm, but it looks like itch is having a weird issue atm where buttons are missing. So I will hold off until it is fixed.


ah good to know Thank you

I noticed textures on the faces of the creatures get blurry whenever it rains. Anyone know a fix?

Really? Are you running at max settings?

i was unable to replicate the issue. 

(1 edit) (+1)

i am getting a fatal error when loading the game is it a me issue

Use the dx11.bat file in the main directory. It should load then.

Can confirm that this works

I'm playing the full version on Steam. I have two questions. First, is it correct that the tiger and monkey girls have not yet been implemented? Second, is it correct that the white mist that appears when approaching forests, deserts, snow, and volcanoes is an area that has not yet been implemented and is impossible to enter?

Monkey and Tiger will come with phase 2 and the forest biome. And you are correct about the mist, it is there to show an upcoming area.

Thank you for your reply! Is that Phase 2 a progressable content in the current Steam version? Or is that not implemented yet?

We haven't finished phase 1. Please see the roadmap for more details.

Understood. Thank you for your response.

Will there ever be an option to purchase via paypal or do i have to wait for the steam release for that?

We are banned on Paypal. So we cannot add it here on itch. Steam does not have that problem though.

ok well i am hoping to be able to buy the early access on steam soon then


Wondering question: Will people who bought the version get an steam key or will it be an seperate purchase


It is a separate purchase. Itch owners already have access to the full game.

That'd be a good backup plan if one platform's isn't updated or didn't work for whatever reason.

When is v25 coming out on itch?


Right now.

Is there any other way to purchase the game besides a credit card or Steam? I don't have a credit card, and you can't buy games like this on Steam in Germany.

Yes! We just launched a Steam Key page for our German friends, you can purchase a key here

Thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately it doesn't solve my Credit/Debitcard Problem that i didn't have one at the moment. I orderd one now, but it took some time till it arrived.

Is there a Chance to buy it with Paypal? 

Is the game primarily futa? Seems like it from the screenshots. If so, will that be an option that can be disabled when the male variants are introduced? Just never been my cup of tea, otherwise this looks like a very interesting game.

Yes, you'll be able to customize your experience to whatever you like. Male only, Female only, Male and Female, Male and Futa, Futa and Female. Etc etc. It is a ways off atm, but right now you can decide on the frequency that you see futa, and even turn it off completely.

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are there steam only updates or will itch always be updated as well?

All stores get all updates at the same time. Maybe an few hours apart as I am only human. But yes. Exactly the same release window.

thx for the anwser

Excuse me, can I mute male voice in full game? I can not fap the scene with male voice LOL (Google translate)

Just use the audio sliders.


Where do I find the free demo? I REALLY want to play it. The game looks SO good.


Currently, it is only on Steam. But come this Friday we will be uploading a demo build here as well.


Good to hear. It's about time!

(1 edit)

The game looks so good but i see some inssues with the Rigging in some parts of the models in the animations, unless it's something from the demo. Leaving that aside, the game looks incredible graphically.

and the way you level up the mons is simple and easy to understand, but at the same time it is somewhat difficult to take photos above the A-

Hey there glad you like the game! We are working on a bunch of fixes atm to help fit the animations together better so they will mesh well. Hopefully we will have it done before the next patch but I imagine it to be something we tweak in an ongoing capacity.

Will there be any pregnancy/breeding content?

(1 edit) (+1)

No. It is a photography game.

Do you have any intentions to be compatible with other platforms?


What do you mean exactly?

mobile for example. 

Not right now, but there is always a possibility.


Is the demo version not on itch? Steam blocks adult content in some regions. I don't have access to the demo, if it's only available on steam.

We will be uploading it here in a few days when the patch is ready.

Great! Thanks for your quick reply

anyone know why i keep getting flung in the air randomly?

A bug mostly. Something that has alluded us as no one can repo it. But we have put in some changes into the next patch which could fix it but we can never know until it is in the hands of the public 

I played this game on the DEMO version of Steam. When the full version is released on Steam, will I be able to carry over the data from this DEMO version? 

I'm Japanese, so I'm not good at English. I'm sorry if my sentences are hard to understand.

Yes, it is the same file so unless we did something wrong on our end it should transfer fine.

Thank you for your reply! If the data can be transferred, I'm relieved! This game is great, so I'm looking forward to future updates!

Glad you like it! We are working as fast as we can to get the next patch ready! It will have a lot of nice stuff in it!

How do I buy full version of this game?

Use the payment system on itch. There is a decently sized button just for that purpose.

I understood, I thought that, here was also a demo version and after the release "would be delivered the final versions", if we can say so .... then thanks for the answer !! :)

How do i become friends with the monsters? I mean is there item that i need to give to them or is it something else?

Follow the tutorials. They explain it all. But just submit photos to the monpedia.

oh okay thanks!

(2 edits)

Ok I'm having a huge problem with submitting photos.  I hold X to submit, and go through the scoring screen and submit everything, and then it's just not added to the monpedia.  I've got only two photos that correctly submitted, everything else just doesn't show up!

I'm using mouse and keyboard.  I noticed something strange about the submission screen.  At the end, No is on top, Yes on the bottom, and when I mouse over Yes it highlights it as red.  Clicking No still does what I'd expect it to, though.

I checked my savegame directory and there's a bunch of photos in the Gallery directory, so it's saving them to the hard drive, it just doesn't seem to associate them properly with the monpedia.

Oh my god, the problem is you have to click on the category below the picture, or else it doesn't go into the monpedia, it's just stored as a screenshot!

The submission screen should probably detect when you don't have a category filled in and auto-select it for you...

Lol. The whole game is about you choosing what photos you want to add to the Monpedia. Auto filling makes zero sense in that regard.

Be sure you are clicking the categories buttons and not the "add to gallery". The gallery is your personal saved photos.

The audio for dialogue is too loud and the sound settings barely do anything!  Most notably, the audio for the boat lady was recorded with the volume so high it's clipping.

The recording audio is fine we put it under an effect to make it seem harsher for the radio. I do agree it is peaking though. We are working on it.

Audio has been normalized for the next patch.

  So, I found the audio file on the scientist running into the snakes in the grass. he mentioned how they were scared by a sound of a girl coming from the volcano. so that got me thinking and now I want to ask a question. 

How much of a size variance will the natives have? 

what I mean is when we look at the girls now most are around human height (the bats are just small) with the hornets being the exception. so later on down the road should we expect to find 7-foot-tall native species that will see us like we see the hornets or is there something bigger that has to do with the story?

(please don't say that we'll have to wait and see. XD)

That should answer all your questions.

any plans of any bigger or smaller  girls then this down the track

Bigger than 3 meters tall? No. Dunno what you're expecting here lol.

i was thinking some thing like Godzilla size 


good afternoon, could you help, I still haven't figured out how to activate the sex scene

The game has tutorials, I would suggest starting there.

is skully in this most recent update im assuming the logs refer to her but idk how to use the mysterious stone which im assuming summon her as thats where the exploration log was

Explore the map, you'll be able to get it.

I know they are animalistic to a degree, and I know that the coming update will bring breast sizes as a factor but I wanted to ask if the models will have other differing traits?

the rabbits will have shorter ears or one bent ear and hair options.

vipers can have longer tails and varying hood sizes. 

The sheep are fine due to the noticeable differences.

the hornets have larger thoraxes and antenna shapes.

and this is just my opinion but I think full female deer should not have antlers and the futas are 50/50. but the antlers can very in points from two short spikes to full 12 points.

just some ideas I wanted to throw around. regardless of what you, yall have done great thus far.

It is achievable to a degree but our goals are more about more species than variety within existing ones. Plus now that we have committed to adding male varients the 50 minimum mons now became 100.

Just some perspective. We wanna add this because our design right now makes that achievable for our team. Going deeper means stalling and that would be a focus most customers would not even need.

oh wow, i didn't know that you were making males ok that makes sense now. i completely understand. i wish yall the best. and thanks for the quick response.

how are the updates working here? I've bought the game, when version 0.25 comes out it will be free to download ?  


If you own the game you'll be able to get the new versions as they come out, regardless of the store you purchase it on.


Is the download here also a demo like on steam or the full game?


It's the full version.


Any chance you could sell keys so people in Germany can get it on Steam?


We are considering a way to do this.

(1 edit)

nice demo cant wait it on steam full relese spent 30h on it but its only fun when ur new cuzz wiss it has somthing specal like u have to fight to keep u on edge not ass casual still liked it keep up the good work.

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