Cheeky Butts

Another week and we are back doing another Dev Blog! 

First, the final polish on our second girl the Monkey has been completed. Some of you might recognize her inspiration, and if you do it might result in you needing a cold shower…

The next Monster Girl on the list for creation is the Apex of the region, a Tiger Girl.

In other news, we are hard at work refining the first jungle map. Space-wise it is quite large, allowing the player to explore and roam about the area. 


We have separated the space into four areas. 

  1. Jungle Floor: This is the first area the player will have access to, it includes the rainforest floor along with a river, beach access, and a lake.
  2. Swamp Outskirts: Nothing is needed to access this area, it will be home to more aggressive Monster Girls and a more muddy environment.
  3. Canopy: The tree tops are the home to Monster Girls who can climb and fly!
  4. Plateau: Not exactly a mountain top, but high off the jungle floor is a more rocky environment.

Some areas the player will need to return to with new equipment to access, so expect new areas and quests to open up the more you explore areas.

Lastly, we are almost done with the new spawn system, once we have that in place we can start internal testing to see how the girls feel in the new environment. If there are issues with how alive it all feels, we have a secondary plan to make it all work. Testing comes first though!

 Thanks for reading! 


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bonzi buddy came back to haunt us


Oh geez... 


do you have any estimate for when the update will be ready? it seems like you guys have already made a ton of great progress


At the latest the end of July. It will not be any later than that.


It reminds me of Shantae's mokey form, which is also purple.
