Peepin' Toms v012

Hello explorers! Welcome back to another chunky update for your favorite photography furry game Sapphire Safari! We have a massive update for you this time, and a little heads up. We ran outta time building it - curse you leap year! So we naturally have some issues here that will be fixed in v013.

Okay enough bunnyfluffin’ around, let’s go!

The Sandbox Experience

Our focus this month revolved around two key elements, the first is what the player does in the world aka the sandbox, and how the player moves around the world. Starting with the sandbox, the goal of Sapphire Safari is to engage the player into doing “peeping tom” type actions. This includes sneaking up on Monster Girls as they go about their activities, so we can “document” those things.

We have the systems in place for photography and for documentation, now we just need the tagging and things to peep on. So we took the “follower and commands” system and simply put them in the world, tied into the needs of Monster Girls. Now they will walk around, find a sex spot, do the nasty with themselves or others, and when the need is met they move on.

It is really awesome to finally have it in place now! And it works very nicely. On top of this, you can place your own sex spots for the AI to wander over to and use. Just use the “follower commands” options from the Watch Menu.

However, in the process of moving all the systems over to the new tagging system, we broke submissions and scoring of photographs. Whoops! You can still save the photos you take via the gallery system however you will have a hard time finding anything to add to the Monpedia in this build. We will get it fixed though, just wanted to get a patch out over spending more time cooking.

One other note, we have implemented the first pass on the “stealth” of our game. So if you want to get close to Monster Girls you will need to hide in bushes or around rocks/trees. All Monster Girls will flee the moment they spot you. Tweaks will be made in the next patch.

New Animations

In an effort to get us one step closer to the final vibe and feel of the game, we have implemented a bunch of new animations to help fill everything out in the game world. Here is the breakdown, it is worth pointing out that these are the first pass, and we will likely touch them all up again next patch.

Monster Girls:

  • Temp Female x Female Missionary Animation


  • New Sprint, Walk, and Crouch Animations to fix excessive Head Movements
  • New Arm animations for holding the Camera
  • New Arm animations for interacting with the Watch Menu

There is a lot of missing polish with these animations, we don’t have an ADS animation yet nor does the movement match the SFX. These will be fixed going forward.

These are the major features, but as always be sure to check out the changelog below for all the sticky details!

Changelog v012


  • Added dialogues to the retirement flow.
  • Added notification on the taken photo if the photo is suitable for monpedia submission.
  • Prepared a new dialogue system. - AI should respond to familiarity. So if familiarity is full they will not flee. - Moving our AI to the state tree took a little bit to get used to the new setup. Rewrites have been done to roaming and fleeing behavior. - Added doll hotspots to the world. 
  • Implemented new locomotion animations to remove first-person head movement.
  • Move photos save system, gallery, and monpedia to gameplay tags. - AI now have a chance to pick a new location directly after moving so they don't just move, stop, and repeat. 
  • Fleeing AI no longer takes the shortest path to flee but may panic and choose a sub-optimal path.
  • AI should stop and idle for a random time after moving instead of a preset time. 
  • Reworked doll system to be Smart Object compatible. Characters can now enter and exit doll hotspots at will. 
  • The doll system is no longer follower based. Players can now throw lure locations into the world that attract creatures to get frisky.
  • Moved the doll system to the gameplayTag setup.
  • Changed watch menu animations and menu location. 
  • Changed monster spawn method. Characters should spawn faster, and not spawn right beside or behind the player. Also should eliminate the setup step on map load causing an initial hitch.
  • Characters have some allowance to spawn in front of players now so they are not always hidden at the side of the path. Characters fill fade in when spawned instead of popping.


  • Changed the water shader to fix the floating water bug on Moana Tropic.
  • Adjusted tree collisions for Nippy Wallow to stop floating characters.
  • Fixed player hiding in bushes. Made more bushes act as stealth spots.
  • AI should no longer get stuck looping surprised or tripping. 

Again, sorry for introducing a break to the main gameplay loop. If only we didn’t commit to the monthly patch schedule! Aw well, enjoy the new changes!

Cheers, Kinky

Files 1.9 GB
Mar 04, 2023 1.7 GB
Mar 04, 2023

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Is there ever going to be a free version? Or at least a demo?

Not yet. Eventually once we have everything in there that we want we will build a demo.


game stops when i take a photo and no longer responds

Can you send me information about your hardware configuration?

It is an intel 10400f processor, mother board B460M aorus pro gtx1660 video card, 16gb RAM and a 700watt 80plus bronze power supply

Are you using a HDD, SSD, M.2?


Can you tell me what type your main operating system is installed on?


Nice update (⁠⊃⁠。⁠•́⁠‿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)⁠⊃

Glad you likey!


Is the notion that every mon will run away if they spot you?  Or could some, like the tiger, be more aggressive and territorial until they get used to you?


That is the ultimate goal yeah, each monster species having its own behavior and reactions.

Sweet!  That sounds fun. :D