Three of a Kind v022a

Hello explorers welcome to a micro patch for Sapphire Safari! As mentioned in our last Documents Issue 016 we are breaking down the MASSIVE v022 sex patch into five smaller patches that can be enjoyed faster. Today we have the first patch, focused entirely on patching in the final three island natives.

Air, Water, and Mist

Three new beauties can now be found on Sapphire Island, each one has unique locomotion, features, and mechanics compared to the others, hence why it took us so long to bring them to the Island.

Caiadaly - Crocodile

This new small classification predator can be found around the waterways of Sapphire Island. Adding her was quite difficult due to her main locomotion being swimming, we needed to build that from scratch to make it all work. It is a little janky still but we will refine it as we go along.

Sweedee - Bumble Bee

A tiny classification of prey can be found anywhere there are plants or flowers. We had to create a brand new flight locomotion for her, how she flees, how she moves, and how she interacts with existing smart objects. We will likely add more unique animations for her as we go, and we are still considering what to do with her wings when they are not in use.

Malous - Ghostly Wolf

The first special spawn of Sapphire Safari! This unique presence on the Island can only be found by completing an environment puzzle that will take you all over the plains biome! After unlocking her, she will still be quite difficult to spot so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for her! 

Island Changes

To better house our new island natives Sapphire Island has dramatically changed. The primary focus was to create waterways that feel more alive. The tiny rivers are now grand and deep streams, the tiny swamp is now a giant biome of its own, and the island now houses unique puzzle elements you will need to discover for yourselves!

Main Menu and Intro

Finally, we have removed our old Main Menu level in favor of something more dynamic, instead of the (now underused) Boat intro we have a focus on the Plains campsite. The time of day reflects the last save, and the weather is randomized every load in. This sweeping change also pushed us to fix the temporary introduction cinematic as well. It is still a placeholder but it is nicer than it was before.

Changelog v022a

  • Added Caiadaly, Sweedee, Malous species
  • Added new Monpedia UX entries
  • Added Malous environment puzzle elements
  • Modified Plains biome to increase water areas
  • Added water noise during rain
  • Added 100+ smart objects in the Plains biome
  • Modified Map icon discoverability
  • Removed Beacon spawn options
  • Removed Beacon activation compass icons 
  • Added compass proximity feature to reduce clutter
  • Fixed map unveil rain bug
  • Fixed submission focus bugs
  • Added new main menu level
  • Added new introduction cutscene level

That's it for now! We hope you enjoy the new patch! Be sure to check out the Sapphire Documents Issue 016 for more information on what we are building next!


Sapphire Safari v022a - Installer (RECOMMENDED) 3.3 GB
May 02, 2024
Sapphire Safari v022a - Win Manual Zip (ADVANCED USERS ONLY) 3.3 GB
May 02, 2024
Sapphire Safari v022a - Linux Manual Zip (ADVANCED USERS ONLY) 2.8 GB
May 02, 2024

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how sex4


Quick question before I buy can I turn off the penis for the women?


Yes you can. Keep in mind we have some FxF stuff but a lot of our animations and tech are based on penetration and ejaculation. But yes you can turn it off.


Excellent, more adorable mons to frolic with while taking pictures of scenery.

Will their ever be a petting mechanic, like you don't want sex with the mon right now but they're looking all cute and adorable so just want to give them head pats, snuggles, ear scratches and snuggle with them, maybe give them treats?

I just woke up so I'm groggy and out of it a little so feel free to ignore my ramblings.


I really hope so, we will need to get some sort of UX for it.


i only know so much about the game, but can we choose our own preferences for what appears  or something in the game? I saw this option with another game I have on steam already and it's not bad. Maybe just aditional versions for the same character here, since I don't know how random the monsters are which is probably a reason why the other game had this feature.

Uhhmm yep just remember a few futa or male once now, for me it would be the female option I assume, might do something else after a while.

Sooo I was nearly ready to pay, but nope that one person that could have helped me with the pay method has their own idiotic ideas on what I'm planning and sooo i can only hope to get some sort of Early Acces version on steam or the game maybe even as a gift.

I would normally not ask and I honestly don't believe to be so lucky, I don't see myself being able to buy it currently and i might be a bit bored waiting on the next good thing.

Another game I wanted had some bad  problems suddenly.


Woah okay, a lot to unpack here.

1. can we choose our own preferences for what appears  or something in the game?
a: I need more details on what you're actually talking about, but you can turn off futa.

2. Uhhmm yep just remember a few futa or male once now, for me it would be the female option I assume, might do something else after a while.
a: yeah more context here too, I assume you're talking about the player option? You choose either to play as Oscar (male) or Jamie (female). Later we will give Jamie an option for a dong attachment, but she will remain female in the narrative.

3. sooo i can only hope to get some sort of Early Acces version on steam or the game maybe even as a gift.
a: we have stripe payments for credit/debit cards. Gift cards do not work afaik. We currently also sell on and they have a lot of payment options there, or just wait for steam to come out.

4. I would normally not ask and I honestly don't believe to be so lucky, I don't see myself being able to buy it currently and i might be a bit bored waiting on the next good thing. Another game I wanted had some bad  problems suddenly.
a: sorry to hear you cannot do much, perhaps wait for a sale or something if you cannot purchase right now.

(1 edit)

1. Hhhmm sorry I just meant well doy ou plan on adding sliders or something, so we can maybe let more female or males spawn depending on preferences? Is that better?  Now that I see the picutre, I guess what I'm asking is, can I make that crocodile a male/ female / futa depending on what I want?

2.  I thought i didn't rush it so much as I did, well that's good to know too, but since I believe you told me the main char could enter sex scenes with the monsters, I just felt like asking if these characters are fixed on a gender.  I try it one last time if it's still confusing, english is not my main language and I might be adding to much extra bits.

3. GOG, well that's also an option I guess. It would be the same with zip data andeverything i suppose? It's also just as safe as 

4. that actually still belonged to point 3, I didn't knew about GOG anymore.  My game in april had a bad reveal so I couldn't touch that one.

Hhhmm I might have asked this already, but you had no rough release date planned on steam yet correct?

1. You can choose Low, Medium, High, or Zero chance the Futa will spawn on any mon. Nothing specific.
2. Yes their gender is fixed.
3. Yes it's the same game, and it will work the same as the itch version.
4. Not sure what this means.
5. The steam launch will happen once the roadmap is complete. You can view the roadmap on the itch store page.

Okay I think I know everything for now. The only thing left would be, if I need an account for Gog , otherwise  I would love to not have three store accounts but with problems like the paypal thing here you don't have much of a choice I guess.

I don't know if you plan to have dlc, because if you put them out without a price, I won't be able to get them on steam because of the region lock for adult games or something despite the age. You only get bad stuff still,... I think.

Sooo okay if there are enough females left, then I don't mind the occasional boy or futa character in there.

From what I remember you told me the main char would be able to joing in on the action at some point. 

Despite what I'm asking for here, i do hope you manage to make an overall nice experience there, story and everything.

Even in such games a badly written character can ruin stuff a lot I guess.

(1 edit)

Okay so...I have no way of proving this to you, but I can only ask for the game at this point.

From what my google search and search on GOG without an Account did for now, was giving me a blank.

Steam doesn't allows german players of age to buy this there as far as I know and in chase gifts would not be allowed there, I noticed that I can't get free dlc for games that I already own.

I can't buy that here because I just don't have the pay method

GOG is not showing me any result and a google search sounded as if there was a geoblock since 2023.

I let you decite, sorry I don't like to ask but I was also warned about trying to change my card or whatever option I had that as far as I remember might not even help later.  I don't know or remember enough. I just think at this point I have to mention for a second. 

When you answer I will delete me mentioning it so please don't mention ----------- yourself, I don't trust these stores about that at the moment.

I forgot what I wanted to add, I just thought after asking you a few times, I can tell you how it ended.

I had someone who could have helped me with the paymend method for a second but for reasons I don't understand that's also a NO.


After we launch on Steam we will be working with a retailer inside of Germany to sell Steam keys on their store just for German activation purposes. But you will need to be patient and wait for the release on Steam first. Sorry you have geo problems, I cannot help how they legislate adult content in your region.