Sapphire Documents Issue 018

Welcome explorers! Lots to talk about today, needless to say, we have been very very busy. Our focus has been entirely on the new Predator system, and I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that this feature will be one of your favorites.

Time to Hunt!

Predators will now spawn thirsty for a sweet treat, entering hunt mode which a pink mist around their eyes can indicate (don’t worry this does not show up in photos). They will stalk their prey and wait for an opportune time to strike, leaping into the air and taking what they need.

If the player disturbs a Predator during a hunt they will now become the focus of their sexual aggression. You can attempt to run, you can throw rocks at the Predators, you can even try to hide from them and break line of sight. But eventually, you’ll slip up and become a twinky for these aggressive Monster Girls. We are still building this feature right now so that the thread of Predators extends to those, not in hunting mode, our goal is to make every single Predator the player runs into a threat.

If you are grabbed you will now lose all temporary photos being carried and the time of day will change as the player passes out from being used as a sex toy, all creatures on the island will also reset as well.

Both Oscar and Jamie have had visual upgrades to their character models, both now have tans from being outside, with Jamie having tan lines from her bathing suit. Both characters now have “ruined” alts for their base clothing which happens to their clothing after being caught by aggressive Fauna and Flora. You can revert your clothing using the wardrobe in the campsite.

Better Behaviours

Prey now has a vastly improved reaction to seeing the player, previously they would kinda run back and forth, kinda being unsure of where to go. It has led to some very interesting scenarios where the total number of alerted creatures would include just about all spawns. Now, when girls spot you only the creature who finds the player will react, the other creatures will just flee, and when they flee they leave the area as quickly as possible.

The result is that being spotted, means that the possibility of taking photos drastically goes down. There has also been a lot of tweaks implemented for the speed of creatures discovering the player and it is all starting to feel correctly tuned. We are still working on how the noise makers alert the surrounding areas, as it tends to put all creatures into the same animation pose and feedback loop, which is not intended.

Mating Monpedia

Our team has been hard at work building the new animation and tagging for the Mating Tab in the Monpedia. Each species now has access to 9 more photo categories related just to the new sex acts in the game.

Pretty Sexy Flowers

We have also created a new AI around the Aggressive Flora on the island. The Perv Plant as we are calling it internally will reach out and grab anyone passing by, including players! Depending on the genitals of the grabee the animations will change. I have even had a Perv Plant grab a leaping Predator out of the air saving my behind from being grabbed!

There are a bunch of other smaller changes we have made to the game which I will go over in greater detail once the patch drops. I also wanted to let everyone know that if you’re looking to support our development and want to access our internal development builds (filled with an assortment of bugs and incomplete features) you can do so by becoming a VIP in our supporter programs on Patreon or SubscribeStar. This is only for the most diehard supporters and no one is missing out on content by not applying for this. We just wanted to give more back to our community, and to those who really want to help this game succeed! 

We will be dropping this soon, just we need to make sure all the bugs are squashed and all the content is working as intended!

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Well on the bright side the fact you guys are getting haters in the comments more means you have enough popularity that haters are finding the game more.

If I lose the photos in the camera when a predator 'eats' than I can't have one of those jump scare photos where the whole screen is just the face and teeth of the creature that 'ate' me, well I can live with that but will they at least let me pet them a bit before they leave or is it solely a one night stand and skip town deal for them?

On a serious note good job so far, games looking great.


The cum knocks you asleep and you wake up several hours later gooed. We plan to have more of the petting options tied into familiarity. So you can do all the hand holding you want.

Just had a thought, random chance that when you come to that you have 1 photo and it's of one of the girls in the area inspecting the camera, like when you have a phone or laptop that takes pictures when opened and it's a pets face.

It could be an accidental selfie that's zoomed in and blurry, random scenery, your character face down ass up with cum dripping out of them, a selfie of the predator that ravaged you holding up their hand in a V for victory gesture with the character in the back ground.

Later down the line the level of familiarity could come into play and the more familiar a species is with you the higher the chance they mess with your camera while your sleeping off the best sex you've had in the last hour: a pic of some girls napping next to your character, putting a blanket on you, putting a sign next to your characters ass that reads "open to public".

I'm mostly having fun with the ideas and hold no expectations, just hope I can make someone laugh.


It's not impossible to do. Malous already puts selfies in the temp storage of the camera.

(2 edits) (+1)(-10)

Straight Guys these last few updates

seriously can we get more stuff that isn't just futa or bottom stuff stuff

the whole reason why I bought this game is because the earlier version were good and I wanted to take pictures of the girls doing lesbian stuff and then doing naughty things with them but now you removed the first person and now its not as immersive and keep giving stuff for the futa and I also saw on the discord that your adding the fucking greater dog from undertale, slaping a dick on him and making him fuck the girls. I don't wanna watch another guy bang the girls I wanna do that but there are like no option for that stuff

(1 edit) (+11)(-1)

Okay. Let's break this down as it's a lot of just like... Yeah.

Any animation you see a futa doing Oscar can do too. So adding futa animations is in fact adding straight animations. You turn off futa and then all of a sudden the only one who can do those animations is Oscar. Hurray.

Even in the earlier versions there was no pov camera during sex.

I don't even know what greater dog is. Let me Google it. Oh haha. It's not the same game, nor the same company. That is just something I though was cool that we are tangently helping with. So rest assured you won't get cucked by a fictional dog.

Read the roadmap. Familiarity will be added in the patch following the one we are building now, familiarity is how the player will interact with the girls.

Straight guys be eating good in this game. Just let us build the bloody thing first before you start throwing around gifs.

(2 edits) (-2)

okay cool sorry for being ass just don't have a lot going on right now and Im bored and broke as hell so i decided to take my frustrations out on an unsuspecting game dev 


I might have asked this already and while I'm not the biggest futa fan I don't mind it I suppose.

I just want m x f options too and that the player can be actively engage in sex scenes if wanted. 

The photo thing might tickle my collection uhh sense I suppose I like completing stuff sometimes.

Still being able to engage myself with the main char is probably part of what I would possibly consider a hhmm how do you actually exolain it.

I always liked games where you can do little things or feel more like you are part of the world, romance features, talking to people.  I'm not sure what else the game will offer but if it would stop and only being able to make photos it might feel limited to me I guess.

I hope I could somewhat explain it, if so then I will stop that, I might have done it to often already.


Try not to make a wildlife photography game into something it's not.

You can turn off futa.

We will have human npcs you can talk to and get narrative from. They total 5 total characters it won't be a lot.

There are environment puzzles.

Photography is the main objective in this game. It's what the player will be doing 80% of the time. 

If that isn't enough for you perhaps this game isn't for you.


Not sure what you think I was trying there, of course it will be about photography I got that much.

I still have a vague idea about the game only and will have to see if I just want pokemon snap if that is what your telling me.

I simply explained what I liked about other games so far, but I might understand a bit more now. 

I might be able to take a better look if something finally changes, there were rumors I will call them, that said steam might allow us to finally prove our age and stuff soon.


Are these features in game yet?


For the internal build yes. This is explained in the post itself.


I don't know if this was mentioned before, but will there be futa (dom) on male (sub)?


If you play as Oscar you can get topped by Futa's.


YES, unironically y'all are the bomb haha


Happy to help.