A new Roadmap

Hello explorers! Just a heads up, we have updated our Roadmap for Sapphire Safari, it can be seen on the main page or directly below.

This is not the end of the full content roadmap, as following Phase Three are two additional biome regions planned, a Snow Biome and a Tundra/Volcano Biome. Each region is intended to be just as big as the Plains area. This includes new Species, Events, Nests, Side Quests, etc.

We hope you all intend to stay with us on our journey as we near the Early Access launch on Steam, we are trying to add as much functionality as humanly possible to the game before launch.

As always, direct your questions below. 

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ill buy the game when that tiger comes out

I've been watching this game for awhile, and while it's not at a place I'd want to play it from what I can tell. Not that I have the hardware to run it currently anyway 😅 (granted my phone *almost* meets the minimum reqs ~conceptually ).

In reading a lot of comments and reply's there definitely seems to be some anger from followers (and even some who've maybe purchased) regarding a few certain mechanics or development focus. 

Many of your replies state that there has been discussion & confirmation on whatever topic the person it irritated about. This implies  browsing  through each "Documents issue" log to look for said topic in the post or comments. Or being consistently up to date on reading them.

Imo either of those things can be a heavy expectation for a potential buyer who isn't convinced in the product yet.

I didn't notice a link here or on the main page, (so I may have just missed it) but if you are wanting to give people a real sense of your roadmap, a Trello board might be useful. I've seen many indie game devs and commission artists use them to keep track of progress both for themselves and for those invested in the development.

It might serve as a central way to show what you have planned (or even just considering + what you need to make it happen), that could show much more than what you'd have in a graphical image.

Hopefully this is a useful idea for you, and I haven't offended you with anything I've said.

For reference, personally I love the look & premise of this game, but I get the impression that there isn't PoV camera sexual content (at least not currently). I'm completely unsure if that is the case though as I haven't had the opportunity to play it do to hardware limitations. 

Hello, most people want player and monster interactions which is coming in the next patch and the one following it.

As for Trello I understand the idea behind it but man I really just don't like using it. It's also anoter service or system that would need to be maintained for customers who only want direct communication for their concerns or issues. Granted someone like you would use it, the large majority would not.

This is why I respond to everyone here, try to push them to read our development blogs as this will answer a lot of their questions and future questions as well. We also have discord and I am also constantly answering the same questions from new users as well. It's just something that comes with the territory.

Thanks for the consideration though.

I may Join the Discord then. 

Following/reading through blog development posts on the multiple games from dozens of Developers to find answers sounds like a time dump I simply do not have. Hopefully I've got an open Slot. I'm still sorting out my New sfw account to move a bunch of servers I'm on to that one. 😮‍💨

Yeah PoV Monster Girl interaction with the player is what I would want/somewhat expect from the looks and premise of the game.

Knowing it's planned is good enough for me right now.

I'd love to hear the idea of working on an Android version in the future. But I understand that may not be possible.

We don't have any plans for pov stuff, but I can kinda feel how id add it to the game. But no plans on paper at least.

Interaction yes.

Android not really. The game is not optimized for mobile devices, also we won't be able to translate the controls to touch screens.

The "character upgrades" that you mentioned. Would that happen to include possible costumes for the main characters?

I'm excited to try the new build. 

Yes each region should have a couple of costumes for the player to wear.


Hey KF, thanks for putting in all this work, it shows you care about the product and have a definitive plan for the future. My worry though is that, at the moment, it looks like a huge amount of work, which in turn makes me anxious (KSP2 scars). Do you have a rough outline/expectation on when we can expect certain parts of the roadmap?


Well ideally we will be done with the launching of early access around November or early December. However there are a few oddities we need to overcome. Stuff like steamworks integration and cloud saves (as right now our saving method is to create a bunch of jpgs for photos on the HDD).

If that date slips it won't be any later than late Feb 2025. For the rest of Phase 01 a majority of it is putting in game the already recorded dialogue and building the missing systems. Nests will take a bit of time though. So maybe a couple more months after the launch, ball parking maybe 6 to 8 months.

Then each following phase it's the following: building the environment, building minimum 9 new monster species, making their nests, making the narrative content for the region, making side quests and puzzles, building new hazards, etc. so I would give each region like... 10 months each. We plan to do 5 total regions so after phase one it would be like maybe 2 to 3 more years of work to build the full base game.

Having said that, if we hit good goals on early access in terms of sales we can expand the team from 5 dudes with a dream to say 8 or 9 human monkeys making Shakespeare. It would significantly improve the dev speed.

But none of these days are set in stone. So take it with a grain of salt.

hi if i purchased this from itch.io would a steam key also be provided when it releases on steam?

(3 edits) (-1)

Usually the answer is no on this because Steam makes a developer pay for each key they produce to avoid mass fraud. Meaning giving a Steam key for a Itch purchase is in a way giving 2 copies of the game for the price of 1 at a loss

See dev response below, I was wrong 

Sorry but this isn't true. Developers are not paying to make steam keys. But to answer the original question we won't be transferring ownership from one store to another. If you buy on any store you will have the exact same game any other store has. If you want it on steam then I'd suggest waiting for the steam launch there.

Really? Hmm apologies then. There was a big stink recently about a game selling for cheaper off site and Valve enforced the developer to pay per key produced after. I had heard they made that a site wide thing but seems I was mistaken, woops

Wow, thats a long journey and I can't wait to see it through! Thanks to the team for all the great work, and I wish y'all the best (and thanks for always responding too


It is a long time for sure. But we are in it to make the best game we possibly can!