Dev Pages #05

Hello everyone! Thank you very much for your patience in waiting for news about Wet Nightmares and our development. There is always a big question floating around as to when the next patch will come so let me quickly put everyone’s hearts to rest.

Wet Nightmares Chapter 01 is now in a Gold state, meaning that the first chapter has been fully completed, and all the polish and shine needed to make the chapter amazing has been added. The release for this will be coming in the next couple of weeks or so.

So why not release it right now? Good question! We are polishing up the other things around the game right now, these include overhauls to the Main Menu, Save/Load Screens, CG Gallery, Backlogs, Navigation UI, Options Menu, adding QOL Features to save prompts and exit notifications, Optimizing the game file structure, and generally improving player expectations on the product as a whole. The reason for this is that following the menu overhaul we will be updating our Demo for the final time (since it is based on Chapter 01) and this will be released alongside the new content patch for Chapter 01.

Okay, that is great, what about why you never post news anymore? The simple reason is that the only content worth sharing is entirely spoiler-related, meaning anything we share you won't be experiencing in the game for the first time. A very annoying catch-22, but here we are.

What about Chapter 02? When is that coming? Well, we are about 75% done, meaning the basics are in place it just needs a spitshine on the content. To give you an idea of what that means, basically, I sit down with the team and play the game line by line, then break down what I need to be changed to keep things consistent. This means making sure things like “Two scenes ago this light was off, and now it is on, so we need the background to change” or “Samara already took her panties off, so she should be naked here, do we need to change when she takes her panties off?”. It also means finding little issues with when audio cues play, or how the scenes animate. Then the changes get implemented, and we do the playthrough again, and again, and again, and again. Until all the edges and issues are removed, leading to a very polished experience. That's what's left to do in Chapter 02.

Lastly, in the next coming days, expect to see the store page for Wet Nightmares get a nice overhaul as well, we are going to be replacing all the screenshots, marketing materials, and key art around the game with new stuff. Content that better emphasizes the focus of the narrative and presents the game in a more focused light.

Stay tuned for a new drop!

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The anticipation is killing me at this point.

It will come, its all done we are just waiting for Steam store approval on the new demo before putting it out globally.


All good, I said it more out of excitement than frustration.

Still appreciate the quick update.

....for real....god, it hurts.


Awesome!! Hoping the best for this project!


Bloody finally, i can actually download this without my paranoia telling me the dev was dead XD


Awesome. Knew silently waiting was gonna be worth. Can't wait, best of luck!

looking forward to more progress!


can't wait to see how this plays out. keep up the good work. 


This makes me happy. I have been a big fan of this game since I came across it here. I will be looking forward to what you guys have lined up next. 


I hope you'll e enjoy the update when she drops!


damn almost in time for my birthday, Woulda laughed if it was, but take your time keep up the great work, Looking forward to it


We were aiming for your birthday but just couldn't get it done in time. Sorry!