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hey, i can't pay with card for the game it's somehow not working... is it possible that paypal will be a way to pay for the game? cause i'd love to play that game


Hello for the card transaction just verify it with your bank that it is okay. Our company is based out of Poland so some American banks have issue with that for whatever reason.

As for PayPal that is a no go. We are banned on Paypal for making adult games, the same can be said for why itch does not let us use their payment services. So we can only use credit cards.

Dang really, I bought a few games with pp and they were adult games, In heat lustful nights is my biggest example 

Maybe it's some diffrent laws in Poland

It all depends if PayPal notices you're making porn or not. We got spotted due to some... tasteful comments left by customers. It does not always happen, just that it happened to us.

rip, kinda stupid that they don't let you use them for something like that 

it's against tos for making porn.

stupid question but yall think i would run it at like 20 fps at least with a intel hd 620?

That is a hard question to answer, a more modern integrated graphics solution would handle it better. The game does need some sort of vram for photo storage.

Makes sense, thanks you!

Very nice game <3


this game has sex scenes


oh my gooood!!!!!!!!!!! i didn't knew!!!!!!! 

How do you not realize that?

i meant if it had sex scenes xd

(1 edit) (+9)

A lot of things have changed since the initial upload of this game here.
What started with simple models, a small map, and some monster girls running around turned into... well, at first a more defined map, some more models, as well as some interactable, joinable sex scenes and the possibility to take pictures.
... and from there nothing really changed for a long time.
Mhh, that's not true. The whole system of taking pictures got worse, with images/sex scenes being an absolutely blurry mess and monster girls not getting recognized in the pictures.
After that, the ability to join the sex scenes vanished.
Updates were made, big speeches about how they want to change their whole system and goals and stuff, but improvements... not noteworthy, really.
This was going on for quite a while until the newest update from just a day ago! Because now... we have a bigger map. Oh, and the pictures are not blurry anymore.
Anything else worth mentioning?
Nah, not really.
Sex scenes still can't be joined. Animations are still rather basic. Models look a little better, though (probably the shaders, yay!).
And while monster girls and activities get finally recognized again in the pictures... that's janky as hell. It's not uncommon to stand directly next to a monster girl, getting a nice, clear front shot with the little yellow rectangle indicating that the girl in the picture got recognized... nope, nothing, bad picture, nothing gets recognized at all. Not that it would matter because the game still has nothing in it that makes it worth playing.
And I understand that when you decide in the middle of a project to basically change everything about the system and redo it all, that takes time... but looking at the main game page here I see a lot of window dressing.

Let's take a look:

- Explore five fully realized environments, teeming with Monster Girls.
(if those are fully realized, that is very sad and empty-looking with not many girls wandering around and a barebone variety of what, five, six, maybe seven different species?)
- A full complement of voice acting by industry professionals.
(aside from some noises the girls make, there is nothing; not even the introduction when "Professor Frida" is talking to the player character has any voice lines)
- Explore many unique locations and capture/catalog the wildlife on display.
(unique and rather empty, yes; and cataloging the wildlife might be a tad difficult with the currently inadequate recognition system of the camera)
- Bond with the Monster Girls in their unique environments, and experience new sensations!
(the sensation of being bored? that's not new)
- Unlock special photography sessions with all the Monster Girls, and capture perfect pinups!

(uh, when is that supposed to happen? Haven't seen anything that would even imply this is part of the game)

If these are your future goals, give the people visiting this site an adequate idea of what's actually really in the game and declare those things as goals. If I would buy this game here for its original price of $ 20 and see the sorry state it's in, I'd be pretty p***ed.  (EDIT: I didn't realize the on-sale status of this game is a permanent thing so far)

I'm not saying you are not working on it. And I'm not saying that I can't see or don't believe that the finished game will be potentially awesome as hell.
But right now?
This simply feels like bad planning or, rather, bad handling of a project, as well as bad communication with the people who bought it or would potentially buy it. At this point in time, $20 is a rip-off, and people who only see what's advertised here on the front page walk into it blindly. 


We have never sold the game for 20 dollars, it's always on sale as it is still in early development. That is what's great about the game as it stands, we want to make sure we can capture everything we want. If that means pulling something because it is not fitting, even after working on it for months, we will. We will refine and update it until it is perfect.

Everything you've talked about, how we have changed things remade things, or swapped out entire systems and flows. Yes. That is what we are doing. We will do it until we get the perfect ideal game we want to make.

If someone says it is not worth purchasing, I would tend to agree with them. We are making this game completely transparently. Customers should vote with their wallets, and until you believe it is worth the cost, you should never purchase.


Ok, I didn't keep track of the constant on-sale status of the game. That's a mistake on my part. But the transparency... I don't know about that, chief. I doubt new people dig through the past development logs to figure out what the current status of the game is. So, the most prevalent source of information is the game's main page. And that gives off the vibe of a more complete game with intricate systems and a lot more variety than there actually is at this point in time.
I know it's probably dumb of me - who has bought this game over a year ago and is looking forward to it's completion in the future - to make such a fuss about it, but trying to look at it from the perspective of someone who just stumbles across it, it feels... insincere (I know it's not meant to be).
And yes, it's just a lack of adequate adaption of the main page.
And yes, new people could try to dig deeper into the actual, current state of the game.
But not everyone does this, especially when they believe that the main page is giving them a summary of the current state of the game.

(3 edits) (+2)

I feel that this is 100% valid criticism in the games current state. 

Cutscenes that don't seem to be implemented in the game used into marketing material, promises of things you can experience, but not currently implemented in the game. Even if you are straightforward in backchannels, you shouldn't be representing it as the state of the game on the page where customers are actually purchasing it. If you are being transparent, add the details described to the games description ^ up there.

I also think that this game can be quality and successful, but I think in the current state it's in, you are presenting a bait and switch.


Yeah this is all fair. I'll update the main page with a roadmap to people can see what's coming and what's already built. That should clear up any confusion.


Awesome to hear it. I appreciate you being understanding and polite about this too. I know how easy it can be to feel like people are attacking you with criticism when it's anonymous users. Keep up the good work.


Maybe I'm the odd one, but I always check the past logs and comments before I pay for something in places like this, and I figured others did too? Is it really that rare? 

I guess I just know that these things are works in progress, so while I may grab a free game on a whim without looking into it, I want to make sure the developers are active in there games so we don't end up with another Monster Girl Island type situation.

I haven't bought this game yet because it seems like it's still in it's early stages, but I've saved it to a folder of stuff I want to keep an eye on, because Kinky Fridays does seem to post updates fairly often, relative to what I've seen from a lot of others on here, and the quality of what they're making shows promise. I'm just waiting for it to get further along before I spend the money is all. It seems a bit harsh to fault the dev for people not looking into what they're spending their money on.

Well I appreciate the insight. We can always make things a lot clearer and we will do so when the work week starts. So all feedback is good. We will improve.

(1 edit)

There are different ways to look at it. It's fair to say that people could invest the time and go through devlogs and comments to see the current state of a game. But a good number of people also look at the front page to see if it's a work in progress, a demo, a small but basically finished indie game, and so on and so forth. So, the front page should give at least a somewhat concise summary of the game's current state. The blame doesn't lie solely with the devs, but it's equally not right to blame people for not wanting to spend time digging through logs and comments when the front page is - at first glance at least - well-managed and informative. Something simple like "This is an early (or relatively early) alpha build for our game that's still WIP. Here, have a roadmap or a short summary of already implemented systems. Otherwise, look at our latest development logs" would already help increase transparency and give people a 'fair warning' and a gentle nudge to look more into it if they are unsure.
The things currently on the front page don't do that and give off the vibe of a much more complete game. By which, I don't mean to imply it is done purposefully to lure people in or anything along those lines. It was probably done to share this game's goals and ideas. The problem is it can be very easily misinterpreted as intent and drive people away. Which I would like to prevent because I think this game could be great. Putting just a little more information and transparency on the front page can reduce that risk and show that the developers care about clear communication with this game's (potential) buyers and the people who follow their progress. Yes, it's a little extra work to put in, but it gives off a better feeling and can help increase trust in this project and the devs.


idk about it always being on sale, i purchased the game for 19.99 and i have the receipt to prove it, as well as bank statements saying it pulled 19.99 from account, only AFTER i purchased the game it switched to being on sale.

If a sale ends I try to move it quickly back to being on sale, that shouldn't happen very often though.

You have full control over the price, right? I mean, you can change the price of the game whenever you want? Just make it a $7.99 game, and when you reach the state that it's fully done, or at least far enough on its way to deserve a $19.99 price tag, change it back to that price. This way, there is no in-between when a sale ends.

After the black Friday sale I will be lowering the price to 12.99. that price is likely what we will launch on steam with for early access.

wanted to buy the game while its on sale right now but debit card doesnt work to buy it. will paypal be added at some point?

No we are banned on Paypal. So we cannot add it

can the futa content be disabled?


It's seems the download might be broken. Whenever I download the latest build it shows a 2.8GB download but only downloads 2.4GB. It also gives me a NSIS Error.

Itch has been having issues with their CDN for some users. This is likely the issue you're having.

Gotcha, should I just wait a day before trying to redownload

Maybe try another browser.

everytime i download the game and try to run it it says that its invalid and not a complete download


Same happend to me, I had to reinsta th instaler and it dowlanded normaly, how ever the game keeps crashing aftrer some time.

What part is crashing exactly and what is your computer hardware?

Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6300U CPU @ 2.40GHz   2.50 GHz


So no GPU? Does it crash when you take photos?

is there another download

On the Net. it says this device should have  Intel HD Graphics 520.

No, it starts normlay but after some time it just crashes. I only managed to pick character. 

Just make sure the download completely finished before trying to extract or run.

(1 edit)

Need help, I can't buy this with card, my debit card doesn't have cvc code, I only have PayPal linked with my card, but the game not support PayPal to pay

Yes, we are banned on Paypal for making adult games. Itch also will not let us use their payment gateways. For now the only place you'll be able to use PayPal is over on or you can wait for the steam release.

That's a sad thing, but thank for your reply and help, hope your work and life goes well


Question is there a eggs laying sence or birthing scene for better judgement?

Nothing like that in the game.

dam that would have been nice to see I mean see either a Naga or harpies species laying egg would be dam sexy nfuck but I am only expressing my ideas that is all 

There is a lot of requests like this, we will sort them out as a possibility once we have built the rest of our game first.

ok thanks

I've tried to purchase the game but It keeps declining my card

Hey there, we are based in Poland as a developer. You'll just need to approve the transaction with your bank as they will block it.

okay will do

how do I interact with anyone?


It will come in future patches.


Ok, I've looked all over and don't know if maybe something went wrong with my install or I'm dumb, but for the life of me I can't get any better than an F on every picture. Sometimes the yellow square appears around their faces and I take a picture, sometimes spam it, but only once have I gotten a D+, it was also the only time the game even registered that there was a girl in the frame. I simply have no idea what to do


Gone through the settings, setting keybinds for focus seemingly does nothing, I don't know what the doll system I'm seeing mentioned is either, if it's something I get after completing those bounties with good photos or if my buttons just aren't working or whatever. I think the game looks really good and I'm super excited to keep up with it's progress!


Hey so scoring needs to be calibrated again for the open world game. It is currently based on distance to the target with the yellow box focus. Focus is also automatic and will have a manual upgrade in a shop to purchase in game later.

Currently we are building the monpedia library and ai system for roaming girls. Along with a system for making sure tagging works correct and that we can easily test these things.

Ok, sounds good, I look forward to future updates!

Okay- im noticing a big issue. A majority of the animations dont seem to work. Some of the animals with dicks will do a jerking off animation with the Lust Bomb. however, their hands dont even meet with their penises! Their hands just kind of twitch behind it.

Yep it's just IK placement. Something we will be fixing not in this patch but the one following.

if i pay the 9.99 here will the game be available to me on steam on release day 

Not sure why you would expect to get a second copy of the game. If you want a steam version please wait for the steam release.


为什么不支持 PayPal 付款?

Read the other comments.

I'm having a problem with payment, what can I do?

Due to itch not supporting adult game developers we cannot use their payment services. So we are limited to credit cards via stripe. If your card is being declined, it's because your bank does not trust payments outside your country. our bank is located in Poland. Just give your approval to your bank and it should be fine.

(1 edit)

If you answered this already I forgot about it, shouldn't paypal work here?

I haven't bought something yet, but I feel like I saw that as a possibility when looking once.

i could only get it here and actually decited to get paypal finally.

Yes, Itch once allowed us to use their payment services, but that only lasted a few months before they removed the possibility. So unfortunately PayPal will never be on our itch games.

I heard I might be able to buy it soon since we get a new card system or something like that, but  it won't be during the sale anymore.

If there is nothing you can do, i would really like a demo or at least a good description on what the game entails. I kinda hope it's not only a pokemon snap similar game "for whatever reason I keep thinking that".

I also started to try and compare it to a game i faintly remember having tried out on steam when it was still allowed.

It is an open-world photography adventure game. It is not on rails like snap is.

Are there plans to add Lovense support? That would be absolutely amazing! 

No plans for it at the moment, wouldn't know how to start with that tbh. If enough people want it we can add it if its not too hard.

How does one get the silhouette to pop up or does my research level need to be higher I saw it somewhere that said to throw the lust bomb but I'm not having any luck

That was in an older build. So around v015. In the current build, we do not have that functionally anymore as the system changed again. Future patches will have monster x player interactions.

okie dokie thank you for the response

When will the game be released on Steam?

When the plains biome is 100% done. We estimate a few months but we will see what complications we will have.



Maybe you already got this comment (but i cant find it), and maybe I'm just oversuspicious but i don't believe the previous version made my Windows Firewall act up and warn me about installation? Did something happen?

We have user data sent to use for analytical purposes to make the game more optimized. Other then that it shouldn't ping any firewalls.


Is there anyway to interact with the monsters as of rn.


Not yet. Please wait for a future patch.

Is the GOG version up to date? Given all the updates on the site here, it feels like the GOG version is a much older version 


Yes gog is the same version. It will also get the updates at the same time.

Okay I know this is pretty....not...good for you, but after reading another comment and checking again, yep I'm one of the few not being able to buy it because of the only option left and steam making trouble.

I would ask for a key there and feel bad about the fact that it would have to be free, but honestly I'm mostly curious to see if that would even work. 

if you sell it on steam too, I would like to ask if you could risk it to give a key away and let me see if that's allowed.  

I even made an account here to be able to buy these games, because steam only those trash games left in my country and even hides them rather well.


If you're German we will be selling in an authorized German adult vendor. So you'll just need to wait for it but it should be good.

Okay but I can't pay with card and to be honest I hope I still get to buy it at a sale.

I was kinda doing everything I can do get it ready.  It sounds more difficult than it probably should have been but it's pretty stressful for me otherwise, you know everything else.

I was a little bit dissapointed to suddenly see I can't buy it with paypal.

Uhhmm...I guess if you could have told me where you sell it, you would have done so already. 

Okay I will wait.


There will be an announcement when it's ready on that store.

Does linux version have it's own installer in future?.

No sorry! Linux will only be manually install.


could you pls add paypal as a payment method?
i would like to buy it,, but i can't otherwise :/

Sorry itch removed all the standard payment options leaving us to bring our own which is just stripe and credit card. You can make a purchase on GOG if you need more options. Steam is also coming in the next couple of months.

Goddammit, just wanted to buy the game but cant because I dont have a Credit card, any chance to get other payment methods? Thanks to stupid restrictions in my country I will not be able to buy it directly on steam or GOG either :(


Sorry unless itch changes it's stance on adult games not really. If you're in Germany once we release on steam we will be selling keys in a German based site for adult games. You should be able to access it there.

I understand that it is not your fault, it just sucks that it as it is. Is it really Itch that has problems with adult content or might it be directly paypal?
Out of curiosity, how difficult is it to add a new payment method? (Apparently in Stripe there are also options to activate things like "Giropay" or "Sofort").
Also thank you for the quick answer :)

Itch has removed our support for a payment provider solution. So we can only use their affiliated systems. This is Paypal and Stripe. We are also banned on Paypal as they also do not like working with adult video game creators. So that only leaves stripe.

thank god that is really cool and nice (a fellow guy from germany)

Just to be on the save site I don't mention that other game, but I'm really confused, because another game out of my list allows paypal. Maybe something already changed? I'm still kinda new here


Maybe I'm missing something, but this game feels too incomplete for its price tag.  Most of the camp stuff I can't use, there aren't any objectives to keep things interesting, and I can't even have my character interact with the creatures.  I don't really see a reason to keep playing tbh

The game is in development, updates come quickly and often. It is how game development works. I would suggest looking into our development blogs if you want an understanding of what weve been building here.

i keep trying to buy this game but my card keeps getting declined for unknown reasons, i put all the info in correctly. but it still wont go through, and i've paid on this site before...whats going on?


We are using stripe to handle transactions so your credit card is transacting in Poland. Your bank is likely declining it so you just need to give your approval in the bank and it should go through.


you should do size stuff to 


-_- yes. We already do.

Will there be Male or Futa versions of the monster girls

Perhaps, the male monsters will only be a priority for us once we have a majority of the game done though.

As for futa, there is already futa in the game. Any monster girl can have the tackle for futa.


when does the game become available on steam my computer can't handle Unreal Engine and i would love to play it but i can only play it on my steamdeck

It will come out when we have the first area polished and complete.


are there going to be macro/micro scenarios?
apologies if someone already asked this


Not sure what a macro/micro scenario is. If you're asking about size play, then yes. Some monster girls are larger, others are smaller.

That game looks great, sad I won't be able to play it. 
It is not availeble in my Region of Steam -.-


We will have a Germany store just for a steam key post steam early access release.

Thank you!

Been here since day one, the pc isnt a bunny anymore lets goooo


(1 edit)

How to interact with them?

Right now, players cannot interact with the Monster Girls, that will change soon!


I know this way my fault for not paying attention, I got myself stuck behind a rock and a hillside. Took me a while to get out, being stubborn instead of just resetting. For a future update, possible to add a "stuck" feature that gets you unstuck from what ever happens instead of having to reset, or reload?

You can fast travel to the camp by double-clicking it on the map screen. Can you take a screenshot for me of the location?

Oh, thanks for letting me know that. Also I got it wrong. I didn't make the comment as soon as it happened. For some reason I thought it was rocks i got stuck on, but it wasnt. I got stuck behind the barrels. 

Thanks! We will fix this up.


keep getting this error, anyone know a solution?

It depends on your computer hardware, what do you have inside your PC?

put the game folder on drive C window folder it should work

Only if they are attempting to run it from the ZIP file, which would be very silly.


Can other language like Chinese be added in this game?I really like this game and looking forward to playing it on Steam. 

We will add more languages once we have more of the narrative in place.

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