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Hey maybe I am just a complete dunce... but when I go to click on buy game, the screen just a has a see through grayness and nothing happens? do I have to go to a patreon or home page to buy?

No it should work. Perhaps try another browser.


the art style is awesome but i wish there was an option for male/male content this game has potetial and it's sad 


Best I can do for you right now is Futa x Male. We don't plan to have male mons. The one chance we have for it though will be as we get closer to the final full game we can consider spending some time to add male counterparts of the species.


Awwwww Man, Can't play it on my GT 1030 and my AMD FX 8300

the 10 series GPUs should be able to eek by. I can play it perfectly fine on low with just integrated graphics.

So it should work then but with a bit of FPS Hiccups

Not sure what you mean with fps hiccups. It should be at least 30 fps. It depends on what settings you use.


Hey this isn't Palworld


More like pound world! Ha! Get it? Cos of the sex? You know pounding? 😹 


what is sex😀


baby don't hurt me

don't hurt me

no more

the interact features dont work, cant submit photos, cant climb the rope

I can't see how that would be possible. Unless you modified your control settings. You'll need to give more details on how you came to be in that position.

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't modify anything, I just can't use the interact buttons. I pressed "x" and it ain't workin'

EDIT: I'm an idiot, i misread it all and was supposed to press  F.

(1 edit) (+1)

Interact is the "F" button. Submitting photos can only be done inside the unlocked radius of a beacon. It will show a red wifi icon over the submission icon if you're outside of the range.

My PC is compatible with the minimum requirements but the game has a black screen, there is no way for me to play.

Make sure your driver's are up to date please. If that is not enough please send more details on your hardware and operating system.

I was curious. There is currently no option for a first person POV in the game, nor does it seem like you want it as an option for normal gameplay, but will the option be available for sex scenes? I was curious because a few promotional animations and behind the scenes stuff seemed to be in first person, but I might be misinterpreting. (I'll also say that the possibilty of POV partly led to my interest in this game. :P)

A POV camera will be available during familiarity rewards. Otherwise it will be a orbiting camera. Full first person was something we used to have but it was not the best for our game with how our stealth works.

And by familiarity rewards you mean scenes specifically unlocked through increasing your familiarity with a mon, or is that any sex interaction?

There will be three unlocked scenes per species that is tied to familiarity. During those scenes you'll be able to control camera positions. Anything else is considered inside the gameplay so you'll only have the standard camera control.

Alright, thank you for your time. The game seems to be coming along great. :D

what will be the prize when finished

Do you mean price? The full expected price of the full game will be 19.99 USD.

I would like to buy the game, but it's no option to pay with paypall (my only option) :/ Why?

Two reasons. 1. PayPal banned our account for making adult games. 2. Itch does not want to support us for some undeclared reason by allowing us to use their payment service (likely related to PayPal). So we just cannot use anything other than credit card processing. You should be able to purchase on GOG though. You can also wait for the release on steam when we are ready for the storefront.

seem to have a bug where the arrows are saying worse letter grade pictures are better when submitting also is there going to be first person ever


Yeah we will fix the arrow stuff. And no first person. We had it before and we didn't like it.

dont know if its just bad timing (on throwing the lust balls) but whenever the animal(?) goes into their position they are never touching the right spot. They are either air palming their breast or fingering their bellybutton instead of their vagina... the only time it is sometimes correct is when it is a cunnilingus scene. Futa never goes inside its always offset in the wrong way and I cant take pictures of futa, its like they dont physically exist, cant even focus on them.

Yeah that's IK we will be fixing all that in the intimacy update which is being worked on atm.

Any way to turn futanari off or is it apart of the game?

Yes to both questions. You can turn it off. You will remove content by doing so.

Hello, are the sex scenes as shown in the pictures or not yet

The only one not currently accessible is the first Gif, the rest are in the game.

are there  plans on implementing this kind of photoshoot style

We are looking at ways to make it happen. Likely via the familiarity system.

(1 edit)

just bought it, didn't read the minimal requirements...

pc can't run the game lol 

hopefully in the future you can release an update for potato pc like mine

I'm still keeping the game... 

Put everything to low and you should get some decent speeds. I can run it on my integrated GPU laptop at 40fps.  But I guess it really depends on how old your hardware is.

thx, I,ll try that

will there be a future vr version of this?

No real plans for it. So, maybe.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well i haven't asked for a long time since you normally shouldn't do that.

I want it on steam and I know i might have to wait a longer if anyone feels pretty generous, i would take the current version here too.

Also I can currently simply not pay it with the current pay methods, which is why I consider asking in the first place.

For the unlikely chase thank you in advance.


Could ya make a mobile version 

Not for the moment. As we get closer to a full release then maybe.


When will it be released on steam?


When we get through the currently listed roadmap. But ideally when we have the first 1/5 of the game polished up.

Hello! I have been keeping watch over this game and I read the reviews and I appreciate and I am pretty sure everyone appreciates the quick responses but I have seen a huge amount of replies of " it will be in the next patch" or something similar, Can we get a ball park date of when that might be? 


The scoring and weather patch will release next week. The following patch is the intimacy update and we might release that in smaller patches like v022a, v022b, etc. otherwise the time might be a month or two.


We have Pokemon, Capture them and Battle others to be the Very Best.

We have Palworld, Survive the World, gather food and arm your Pals.


We have Sapphire Safari, Take pictures of Sexy Monster girls and try and have sex with them.

I love Gaming.


To even be considered standing next to those massive games on a concept alone is a great honor. I hope we can live up to your expectations!

The Linux build is broken (black screen with title screen flicker after applying automatic settings, not familiar with unreal engine so idk how to reset the settings), but the windows build runs perfectly via wine/proton. Looking forward to future builds!

So with the black screen issues just make sure your vulkan drivers are up to date. We found that fixes the issue for Linux users. But I am glad the game works on wine for you.




Because we are building a game with mechanics around photography so we are building that first. Please take a look at our roadmap for more details.


what does that even mean idont know what roadmap is can u just tell me why i CANT HAVE fucking sex with them  it even show u they can give bj and more and its not even in THIS FUCKING NEW BUILD I PAID FCKING 22 BUCKS FOR THIS and still i want to have sex with them


We've never sold it for 22 dollars. And the game is in development, if you can be a little more patient your purchase will pay off since as the roadmap states following the patch we are working on now we will be focused on sex content.

Don't mind the impatient dip shits, you guys are doing great.



Will futa version of the Player cpme too?

Eventually yes. You'll need to find her cosmetic though to make that change.

Man thank you for Havin  the game on GOG too. Since VPNs work with GOG. I was also able to buy it. As i prefer it over Itch.

Lookin forward to it

When will the combat system be put in? (joke)


Well we will kinda have a predator system with the intamacy patch. So it kinda fits.


So let me get this straight, the whole reason people buy this type of game is no longer even in the game? Glad I waisted $22 to get blue-balled.  


Not sure what your referring to but we put things in and remove them until we found what works in the game. What we have now is the permanent direction going forward. The content will come following the patch we are working on now which is the scoring system for the photography. This includes the sex scenes and animations.


Who is ruby, I'm stuck on the first quest.

We don't have quests in the game just yet. Not sure what you're talking about.

The bounties, it mentions names.

Oh right those are for the most part kinda randomized. Ruby is the old name for the deer girl.

(1 edit)

Is the game available anywhere else? My card keeps getting declined. despite having plenty of cash


Since we have to bring our own payment providers to itch and we are based in Poland a lot of American banks decline the payment to us. I would check with your bank and approve the transaction.

As for other stores the game is available also on GOG and soon Steam.

i need Paypal button :( i dont can play it :(

We cannot get PayPal support due to being banned from using the site and itch removing out support. GOG has PayPal though or you could wait for steam launch.

My Land dont understand this and i dont can buy IT in my Land im vers sad about IT... :(

Sorry to hear about it. We cannot put PayPal here.

unfortunately paypal is run by anti-porn losers

we're lucky they let itch get away with just banning nsfw from using paypal instead of the complete ban most sites that support paypal transactions get pressured into

um i think theres  a bug that wont save the familiarity that you got from taking the photos cuz everytime i took a photo of them it restarted back to 0 familiarity

Hello! Familiarity is not fully turned on yet, that will happen in the intimacy update which is coming soon. Please read the roadmap for more details.

(1 edit)

hey I recently bought the game (on gog) i like it and all but i feel like its not the same I looked at some comments from like 1 or 2 years ago i cannot have sex with the creatures nor can interact with them to make them follow me I don't know if its problem when i press tab there is no follow or follower option no lens and things like this 
should i refund on gog and get the game on itch?

thanks (and the game looks really promising) 

edit: i played for 1h38m so i don't know if its me or something else


also having this issue, no interaction at all. the progression with the mon is incredibly slow also, they're always 'fearful' and the xp needed to go from player 3 > 4 is insane. MONdex is impossible to complete and idk what the requirement for POV/Interaction is but it seems either unavailable/out-of-reach/not explained as adverstised...

So couple of things. The comments that mention interactions or following are from older builds, those features are no longer on the game. Familiarity it a system not fully implemented yet that will come with the intimacy update (check the roadmap for more details). As for gog and itch. Both stores are on the same version, some features we did not like so we depreciated them to build in another direction. Hope that answers your questions.

Thank you!
mainly the only thing I wanted to know was if they were the same build so i got every answer i needed 

the very first gif of the game at the top of the page is a user interacting with a mon and its no longer in the game? are there plans to add it back in? :S

Yes! They will be familiarity scenes rewards. So as you fill in the monpedia of a species like the bunny you will unlock threshold rewards which is sex scenes with the species in question. Each species will have roughly 3 scenes with some slight variations depending on the players chosen gender.

We will have other scenes added in later as well so it won't just be limited to familiarity. But they won't be ready for the intimacy update.

are the scenes out yet?

Great game, lookin forward to more!! 

Glad you like it! More to come soon.

Will you provide steam keys for people who purchased the game here?

No we won't be doing that. If you want a steam copy you will need to wait for it to release there before making the purchase.

I'd love to, but the game is region-locked in germany :/


We will be working with a release partner for German Steam Keys. More details on that after we launch on Steam.


That is good to know. I'll be looking forward to it

Deleted 167 days ago

Scenes with the species will be added in the future.

when will scenes of the player and the girls be added?


in the intimacy update. Coming soon

ok thank you they look really cute cant wait to do inimacy with the malo one

Ah she isn't spawning right now as her unlock puzzle isn't ready. But soon!

i see thank you for the info


How long till the game is on steam, whether that be early access or full release?


It will be on Steam as an Early Access product once we have 1/5 of the game done. This is the first biome fully completed and polished along with the narrative for that region, side activities, monpedia works and a few global events.

(1 edit)

I'm interested in supporting you by either buying here or patreon if you have it, but I need to know, Is lovense support in the future?


We have not looked into any 3rd party hardware support just yet. Our focus so far is on game development.

Okay, thank you for the reply! After looking closer at the screenshots, looks like I can play as a girl so I’m happy to support you guys!


Yes girl or guy! Let me know if you have any other questions?


I think I'm really going to love this. Any idea when it will release on steam


Once we have the first biome fully complete. Maybe middle of the year but I have nothing set in stone right now. Development can change things.

can you fuck the animals


In an upcoming patch you will be able to 


You can add payment with PayPal ^-

We are banned for making adult games which is against their tos. So we cannot. Sorry. Please use GOG or wait for our Steam release.

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