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hey i was wondering if i buy it now will i get updates or do i have to pay every time?


You buy and you own the game. You'll get all updates.

Will there be fetishes added?


What do you want.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

watersports & more puffy things ?


like stomach bulge?


i second watersports


So piss play? That might be possible, but I don't wanna open the door for skat stuff. 

Bulges will be possible when the Large and Enormous creatures start appearing in the game since they will have special animations to compensate for their larger members.

thank you for no skat


indeed, just them peeing in the wild would be nice

Hello, you may remember my issue with constantly crashing on startup no matter what I tried. With this most recent update, the issue remained so I tried figuring out what was wrong on my own end. To make a stupid story short, my issue was completely with the fact my pc was unable to install Windows 11 due to one tiny option in my BIOS being disabled. I'm now fully on  Windows 11,  tried launching and finally I'm able to play. Apologies for my brain damage, never would've thought that'd be a problem. Can't wait to finally play SS.

Wow really? What option was it? Everything helps.

I enabled TPM 2.0. There's a bunch of different things it can be called depending on the pc in specific apparently, but looking into enabling TPM 2.0 is the one thing that I needed to enable Windows 11 which let me run SS. Anyone having issues with crashing on launch: if you're on Windows 10, that is probably why

Thanks for the information. I really hate that a BIOS level switch can possibly ruin the experience of the game for people. Trying to do customer service for that will be a nightmare.

(1 edit)

The main QOL thing I wish this game had was a movable camera during the sex scenes. Sometimes the camera doesn't follow the models well and I'm looking at shaking heads rather than the actual deed, or I want to get a better angle but can't. Otherwise Love the game


Yep, we have that on the list to fix. It will come soon.


Would be great if I can buy it with PayPal, I don't have A credit card


We are banned on PayPal for making porn.

I used my debit card info on it and it worked fine

is this mostly a voyeurism game? or is there lots of character interactions as well?


Yes you can interact with any creature who is at the friendly level of familiarity.

thanks for the reply

I keep getting this strange Fatal Error pop up and the game crashes whenever I try to start it.

I have all the recommended RAM, an i5-11400H and an RTX2050. Is it my specs or another issue? Any advice is greatly appreciated. 

Try running the dx11.bat file in the main directory.

Thank you so much, that worked like a charm.

No problem. Some hardware have a hard time running dx12 by default, which is why you need to swap to dx11. The bat file simply adds a launch argument to the exe to tell it which one to run.


Dumb thoughts, but curious about a few things:
I know there's two main characters, but will there be any level of customization for them? (Different hairstyles, clothing, eye/hair/skin color?)
Second, after taking a rest; is there a chance for a monster girl with a friendly disposition to give the character a "Good Morning" scene?

Characters will have different clothing options later. It is a reward tied to upcoming side activities.

What is a good morning scene?

It refers to lifting the sheets and getting their dick sucked or pussy eaten, or that's how I understand it.

I mean, we don't really have much sleeping content atm. 

i found a glitch with the monolith thing so when i got all the rune like things and submitted them to the monolith my game crashed

Yes it will be fixed in the next patch coming in a few days. As for now you can simply set your view distance to "epic" and it will solve the issue.

oh thanks

hey can we get a futa charater or be able to make the female charater be a futa through upgrades and have an option to turn it on or off?


Jamie is a female character. She will have a cosmetic attachment she can find in game.

will it look like a strap on or will it look like an actually one? 

No reason it couldn't be both. It's the same thing in the end.

Before I pay for the demo, is the MC GoC or just male?


Not sure what goc is. But you choose to be Jamie (female) or Oscar (male). The one you don't pick becomes the rival in the game.

Sorry gender of choice.

There is only a male and female default character but I think they mentioned adding a futa option for the female in the future.

She won't be futa, she'll just be able to do male animations.


Please add PayPal or Giropay 

PayPal banned us for making porn. Not sure what Giropay is but all we have left to work with is Stripe.

Hmm okay I can't get it because I don't have a credit card I only have a Girocard (Germany) it's a Card Ou get from your bank to pay stuff online or in supermarkets

Jast should be open to other markets like Germany. You could try there. I will look into girocard as maybe stripe has some tool to enable it.


Kinky Fridays will you make an option later on to have males and females with no futas?

You can choose the play as the male photographer and turn off futa. As for adding male creatures, this would only be done if we finished everything else. It is not in the original scope of the game.

Do you plan to release the game in Germany too?

That depends on the platform if the support the sale of pornography in Germany.

Is there any way to pay with paypal or other websites to buy from?

Yes! You can purchase on gog, jast, and steam on march 7th.

Alr waiting already a Year for this game imma buy it instantly

Hii, when is the next patch coming?


It's being worked on. So not much longer.

is there any way to be able to still see mal0 after initiating a scene with her? rather than her being invis during it

It will be a option you can toggle in a future patch.

iIt doesn't seem to work with my laptop it keeps asking for Microsft visual C++ and even when I install the file it then says I don't have the right driver despite me upgrading on intel to the latest one it then shuts down to being out of memory then I have to install (uninstall then reinstall) Microsoft visual because it asks again and won't let me ignore it 

Do I just need a better PC?

Do you meet the minimum requirements to run the game? We have them listed on the main page of the game here on itch. Purchasing knowing that you do not meet hardware requirements is a little odd.

Shame can't buy it with PayPal


That's the society we live in. Banned because we make porn.

Where is the last stone? i can't find it.

All stores are on the edge of the plains map.

So much work to increase even one of the creatures levels up enough to where they don't run. Not to mention even when I read the tutorial on taking pictures and I get them in frame like it says, I'll still get an F rating. Way too difficult since you can't be spotted at all, otherwise the rating will go down and you won't get any xp towards the creatures relationship so you can actually do stuff with them without losing anything.


Being spotted (outside of the creature changing animation) has no effect on the score.

Scoring has changed considerably for the next patch. It will be a lot easier to get higher and more consistent scores with photos. This includes the framing.

You need only a few A rated photos to get familiarity high enough to interact with. It isn't what I would consider grindy at all. In fact we intentionally made it easy to get the girls friendly.

can you make it buy-able in germany? if not, when i buy it here i get the same, right?

So that is decided by the platform. Itch version is 100% identical to all other stores though.

ah, great! i buy it here then, thanks for the reply :)


i hope there will be male on male content at some point, maybe a toggle for it

Oscar is a male playable character and the girls can bang him if they have a penis.

I would really like to play your game, so I'm waiting for the launch of sales in steam. But I live in Russia, will there be any plans to localize it into Russian?

We do have plans in the future to localize but for the time being it's likely not going to be in before we launch. Still got a bit to build before that point.

Okey, and thanks for the reply.

I pressed buy and he couldn't buy it.


Dunno what to tell you there. We only take credit cards.


Can't wait for the EA for steam since I can't buy it from here.  You know, because Pay Pal hates you over other porn games.

Do you have a date yet for steam.  It's been so long and it feels like you all have enough content (far more then a lot of EA games) to put it on steam.

I tried to use a prepaid mastercard but stripes won't allow that and I have been burned by them before.

Well here is to hoping for a steam release soon or paypal giving you the ok to take my money.


Yeah we announced March 7th as the launch date. And PayPal will never let us work with them again. 

when will you be adding access to the tool

How ominous "the tool". Not sure what you're talking about. Can you elaborate?

like the bait and what not says its still a work in progress

First we need to get all the "required" content into the game before march. If we have time before then we will add something like that.

ok thank you

Hello!I want to ask you, where can I find a character with a black background and white eyes, I saw him in monpedia?This character is located after the fox.Can you tell me where and when to look for him?

There is a summoning side quest you need to complete. There is only environmental hints for it. Good luck!

Thanks a lot


I am so confused on how to do the Malo riddle

Runes activate at night. Photograph them and submit them at the tablet.

im guessing demo will release on initial release on march 7th

It will actually launch earlier then that. Sometime in February.

Hey! Just running into a problem and looking for some help!

After unlocking the new creature through the runes, my game immediately crashed. Now everytime I come across the new creature my game crashes with the "fatal error" pop up and makes my game almost unplayable. I have uninstalled/reinstalled multiple times and have run the game using the dx11.bat file to the same results. 

I know its not hardware issues as my PC is not underpowered by any means and the game runs fine normally. Is there a known fix for this issue? Thanks.

Hey there. We know the issue causing this. We will fix it in another patch. For now if you set your view distance in the options menu to "epic" it won't crash anymore.

Thank you!

Hello developers!I want to ask you to make the sex scenes neat, and I want not only snakes and crocodiles to be on the rampage (with pink eyes)!And have you already made animations for a bee when you can stroke it on the head by clicking on the letter "E"?And if it's not a secret, can you tell me which new character you're going to add next?Thank you in advance and Merry Christmas!

Everyone will rampage if they are spored.

Head pats for bee is coming soon.

The next two girls will come when we open the forest region which will be a tiger and monkey.


And you can fix the bug, please!Sometimes when I went to take photos, something white and very bright appeared, it blinded me and I lost more than once because of it.Please correct this white something!And yes, you didn't answer, when will you correct the animations of the sex scenes?

Ik corrections will come later. As the models need to be reworked for that.

The bright light is a fluids issue, we will fix it.

Thank you very much for your reply!

(1 edit)

this game doesn't accept paypal?


We are banned on Paypal for making porn. So we cannot use it on itch. Please use another store like jast or gog or the upcoming steam launch if you need PayPal.

I can wait for the steam launch👍

I want to buy the steam early access key. How do I do it?

You wait for it to launch on march 7th.

i did  purchase the game last year but it didnt updated or so what shall i do?

You should download the updates and play it. If won't automatically download for you.


Do we get steam keys if we buy it from here or do we need to buy it again

Sorry no. You get the full game here like all other stores but you wont get a second copy of the game with the purchase.

Can't wait to see what you got planned for monster girls, stages and more! will there be other outfits to pick from once you get to teh base for the cahracters. Like for teh female a safari outfit, casual clothers, etc. Also, can't wait for the fututre updates for more poses especially the double penetration and gangbang!

Costumes are coming. They will be something you get doing side activities. We have two sets made up atm including the safari outfit. There is a lot more animations coming in the near future as well, they are all made just needs to get time to be added into the game.


why is this game removed off steam? i've been waiting on it to go there before i buy it. im not spending money on vaporware, i've done that enough over rhe years. is this game dead?

it's not removed from steam, it has a launch date of march 7th 2025 into steams early access. That can be easily seen if you view the profile on steam itself.

I downloaded this game and it crashes when it starts


Are you running it from the zip file? Do you meet the minimum requirements for the game to run? Do you have your drivers up to date? Have you tried running the dx11.bat? 

If you've done all that and still have issues you'll need to tell me the hardware your attempting to play the game on.

That stuff sounds really complicated. I'm running it from a laptop. Is that bad? 


If you could answer them it would help me find the issue.

Anytime I launch the game period it crashes and my specs are all above recommended as far as I'm aware. Any potential fix i might be missing?

Gonna need more details on what the crash does. But update your drivers and if your hardware isn't dx12 compatible be sure to run the game using the dx11.bat file in the main directory of the game.

I've run the game every way possible and all my drivers are up to date and all it says is Fatal Error every time I launch. Sorry if this isn't anything cohesive.

Can you tell me your PC hardware please and take a screenshot of your crash as well.

How did you install the game?

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