I'm mildly disappointed I paid for this in such early development....that being said I can see the potential and love being put into this and I look forward to seeing it develop and get better.... just really wanted to fuck some of these characters lmao, I've paid more for games that were much worse, and this at least has the benefit of being actively worked on and so I'll stick around and consider my investment a long term one lol
Had to read the comments to figure out how to get into Follower/Doll Mode. Hoping a tutorial might be added later. Also seems like only Missionary is available? Did not see a way to use any other option. All in all though its pretty solid so far and I look forward to this being polished
Yeah it's not super clear how to do it but it changes so much adding a tutorial would be pointless right now. Having said that each "pose" is like 60 or so vbx files working together with the animations to make it dynamic as it is. So adding say doggy before we get our pipeline in place would be a lot of work if we had to backtrack for whatever reason. Playing it safe and doing it right saves a lot of headache later.
I mean my comment and my review in the most positive light possible. I know its a lot of work to get the game where its at now and I am really looking forward to the game improving more and more. Its easy to tell you guys are really working hard at it to make it the best it can be.
1 Find a monster you like and hit "F" on them to have them follow you. You'll need at least one penis equipped character to have sex.
2. Hit tab and bring up the follower commands section and select missionary (the only one we have so far). And place the hologram on the ground where you like.
3. Hit e to cycle between the characters for the base position. Hit enter to confirm.
4. Hit e once more to cycle between the characters for the penetrator position. Hit enter to confirm.
5. Use the mouse click and drag limbs of the base character to position then how you like.
6. While hovering over the penetrator character use your mouse wheel to increase or decrease the speed of the animation.
it needs a lot of work before I would consider it polished but the basics are there.
Misleading asf screenshots, there is absolutely 0 gameplay in this 'game' as of now. Don't even make people pay for it at this point, this content isn't even demo worthy.
It's in deep development right now with monthly builds that add content at a super fast pace. I always say people should wait if they are unsure of if it's for them. I consider all purchases to be preorders with access to development builds. So chill out, join the community we have, make suggestions for the dev team you'd like to see and come along for the ride.
Thank you for the kind words. As for the steam key question. No you will not get a key. We consider itch and steam to be different platforms, so if you want it on steam you'd need to purchase on steam. If it is not available in your country there isn't much I can do. We are considering setting up a resale sites for key purchases but that would not be on itch.
That choice is yours. Purchasing on itch will get you in development builds. We will eventually get onto steam but not until it is super polished. Which might take a other 4 to 7 months. But if you want to wait then more power to you, purchase when you like.
hello ive been trying to play the game but it is confusing to get the characters to do what i want should we be able to make them have sex or just place the dolls?
is it supposed to be played with a controller or do i need to just rebind the keys somehow, and also the sun is extremely bright and nothing seems to be blocking it so im somewhat blind but im sure theres a fix for it so
i remember asking if player customization was gonna be a thing, specifically because i knew that the player models were going to look like cucks. and yes, i'm very disappointed with the results.
hey I purchased this game and cannot access it due to a D3D device loss error and suspect it is my hardware. I have a possible suggestion to add a minimum requirements in the description to run the game so others don't make the same mistake.
In the folder where the game is there are two .bat files. One for directx 12 the other for Vulcan. Just double click it and it will do the rest. I would suggest starting with dx12.
Audio cutting out, very laggy, parts of the game is black, so the corners of the screen keeps glitching. I get that its an early access but having to spend 20+ dollars is a bit overkill
Less an opportunity and more they banned and stole money from us under the guise that we were making pornographic games. So if it has not happened to others it eventually will.
Thats a problem for me i am in Germany and i don't own a credit card and its not like i can get the game on steam but i still want to buy it and now my question is how?
Is Stripe a separate option or is it still just the pay by Card option? cause that's the only thing that i see and a lot of germans dont own credit or debit cards i just have a normal girocard
Stripe is the payment provider so it's what facilitates the transaction. Not sure what a giro card is but if it's not supported by stripe there is very little I can do about it.
Not sure what the issue is but we are using Stripe as a payment gateway. If you're card is not working perhaps you could talk with Stripe customer support to find the issue.
i wish i could buy the game on steam looks pretty cool and i got it on my wishlist to. and some of my friends on steam saw it on my wishlist to and let's just say i got more space on my friendslist now lol
Right now we have a male or female character selection. It is not reflected in game atm since we are early development. The eventual goal is to let players give the female a penis option, but we have not decided fully on that yet.
Eh? That is strange. Can you contact itch support? We are using stripe for the payment service so unless your card is not able to use that service you should be fine
I dunno about features as they are all present here outside of a few animations. As for girls, we had to remaster them all after the previous modeller wanted to move off the project. We also could not use those models without significant reworking with unreal 5 rigs. So we chose to start fresh. That's about the extent of it.
I'm not sure why but after v005 i cant zoom or focus in the camera. I noticed that the controls were changed and I rebound them but it still didn't work. Is there something I can do on my side?
Game doesn't even start anymore. All I get is a main menu screen with a boat in it (although, there are no menu items, just a still background image). It immediately says not responding and then has a LowLevelFatalError. Before it at least ran for about 30sec before crashing. Not playable in its current condition. ;/
There is a readme in the game documents. Please take a look. It will instruct you how to find the game dependency files. Install that along with making sure your GPU drivers are up to date.
Thanks for the linux sku! Bought it as soon as I saw it was available. It has a few bugs for me (can't move the limbs in the doll system) but otherwise it works. Running the game through wine also works well.
So far it looks good and the models are really nice.
One request: please add the option to remove camera bobbing, I got a little motion sick after a while.
Currently we have an issue where if you made any key rebinding the doll system kinda breaks. I will look into the head bobbing stuff, see what we can do.
There is a gender selection between a male and female. Naturally we are not at the point in development for that to truly matter. As for fxf yes it will be represented in the game. It's all female monsters with futa, and you can currently turn off the futa content.
It's nice to see progress, thanks for the hard work. There's still nothing notably striking about the game besides the base concept, but I still have high hopes. I do have complaints.
Volume slider for music doesn't do anything. May be my circumstance, not sure if others have the same issue.
The gallery needs a system by which you can select and delete photos en masse, clicking one at a time and selecting delete is tedious. Keeping the gallery open in explorer.exe on monitor 2 is a workaround, but not an elegant implementation.
Don't want to be a debbie downer, it's still an awesome concept, and as long as you make steady progress I can see this evolving into a very fun game. I'm sure you're aware of and are working on what I have mentioned, I just wanted to speak up.
The base concept is a great way to contextualize what seems will eventually be sex simulator with extra steps and actual goals. Once you roll out posing and interactions with the mons I would say it is worth its current cost.
What I hope to see in the final product is quests, a basic story, a way to give the photos value (like trading for currency which you can by props, toys, interactables), and perhaps a system of upgrades for your equipment, it would also be nice to have a camera stand and remote triggering for the camera.
Good luck, I wish you the best and look forward to progress
Had to retract some of my complaints, turns out I apparently don't pay attention XD
I modified the default keybinds, and this seems to break some of the systems. I cannot find the settings file. Tried a reinstall but it preserved my keybinds. Where are the setting stored? Never mind, found the "restore default" button, it only shows up when you highlight a keybind to change.
Sweet this is quality feedback. First let's start with the save file location, if you rebound your keys you won't be able to access the doll system right now. We are working on a hotfix but the location of the save game is here
Just delete that guy and you'll be able to use the default settings without issue.
"Volume slider for music doesn't do anything. May be my circumstance, not sure if others have the same issue." We will fix this one.
"The gallery needs a system by which you can select and delete photos en masse" This is coming in a future patch for sure. We will have it tied to progression and deal with "saving photos" in a different manner, aka the temp photos are deleted after each session unless you save them.
"What I hope to see in the final product is quests, a basic story, a way to give the photos value (like trading for currency which you can by props, toys, interactables), and perhaps a system of upgrades for your equipment, it would also be nice to have a camera stand and remote triggering for the camera." The game will have a main narrative to follow, along with side objectives and a pokedex to fill out. Camera will have hidden upgrades in the map, including lenses, fire modes, storage, filters, etc. There is also player tools, throwable bait, etc. Dunno about the camera stand, but we might do something with that idea, maybe.
← Return to game
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I'm mildly disappointed I paid for this in such early development....that being said I can see the potential and love being put into this and I look forward to seeing it develop and get better.... just really wanted to fuck some of these characters lmao, I've paid more for games that were much worse, and this at least has the benefit of being actively worked on and so I'll stick around and consider my investment a long term one lol
Thank you for the vote of confidence! We won't disappoint.
Had to read the comments to figure out how to get into Follower/Doll Mode. Hoping a tutorial might be added later. Also seems like only Missionary is available? Did not see a way to use any other option. All in all though its pretty solid so far and I look forward to this being polished
Yeah it's not super clear how to do it but it changes so much adding a tutorial would be pointless right now. Having said that each "pose" is like 60 or so vbx files working together with the animations to make it dynamic as it is. So adding say doggy before we get our pipeline in place would be a lot of work if we had to backtrack for whatever reason. Playing it safe and doing it right saves a lot of headache later.
Hopefully you understand why it's so limited atm.
I mean my comment and my review in the most positive light possible. I know its a lot of work to get the game where its at now and I am really looking forward to the game improving more and more. Its easy to tell you guys are really working hard at it to make it the best it can be.
how do u change characters?
Press E while in the doll mode. If you mean player character then start a new game from the main menu.
i was gonna buy this here but id rather have it on steam, i guess ill wait for that, super excited for this!!!!
Nice thank you for the excitement! We will be on steam once we have a super polished game. So don't expect it any time soon.
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong with the doll system how do you use this??
1 Find a monster you like and hit "F" on them to have them follow you. You'll need at least one penis equipped character to have sex.
2. Hit tab and bring up the follower commands section and select missionary (the only one we have so far). And place the hologram on the ground where you like.
3. Hit e to cycle between the characters for the base position. Hit enter to confirm.
4. Hit e once more to cycle between the characters for the penetrator position. Hit enter to confirm.
5. Use the mouse click and drag limbs of the base character to position then how you like.
6. While hovering over the penetrator character use your mouse wheel to increase or decrease the speed of the animation.
it needs a lot of work before I would consider it polished but the basics are there.
Misleading asf screenshots, there is absolutely 0 gameplay in this 'game' as of now. Don't even make people pay for it at this point, this content isn't even demo worthy.
It's in deep development right now with monthly builds that add content at a super fast pace. I always say people should wait if they are unsure of if it's for them. I consider all purchases to be preorders with access to development builds. So chill out, join the community we have, make suggestions for the dev team you'd like to see and come along for the ride.
Thank you for the kind words. As for the steam key question. No you will not get a key. We consider itch and steam to be different platforms, so if you want it on steam you'd need to purchase on steam. If it is not available in your country there isn't much I can do. We are considering setting up a resale sites for key purchases but that would not be on itch.
Kinky Fridays I was curious would it be better to just buy this game here or wishlist it on steam when it's done? I just wanted an opinion.
That choice is yours. Purchasing on itch will get you in development builds. We will eventually get onto steam but not until it is super polished. Which might take a other 4 to 7 months. But if you want to wait then more power to you, purchase when you like.
hello ive been trying to play the game but it is confusing to get the characters to do what i want should we be able to make them have sex or just place the dolls?
The current build is just placing them. The next build will have partner interactions.
is it supposed to be played with a controller or do i need to just rebind the keys somehow, and also the sun is extremely bright and nothing seems to be blocking it so im somewhat blind but im sure theres a fix for it so
The next build is moving to static lighting. So it won't be dynamic. There is controller support at the moment. I wouldn't call it refined though.
My game started up with controls bound as if for a controller, is there a preset of some sort or should i just rebind them all?
There are controls for both controller and keyboard so just try using the other one and it should work.
i remember asking if player customization was gonna be a thing, specifically because i knew that the player models were going to look like cucks. and yes, i'm very disappointed with the results.
It really pains me to not have your specific approval.
hey is it possible to maybe pay with paypal at a later date ? i got no credit card XD
Sorry but no. We are banned on Paypal for making porn.
That is currently how it works, we should have a photo mode in the next patch along with a lot more upgrades to the doll system.
hey I purchased this game and cannot access it due to a D3D device loss error and suspect it is my hardware. I have a possible suggestion to add a minimum requirements in the description to run the game so others don't make the same mistake.
There is a Vulcan launch option bat shortcut. Give that a go, let me know how it performs.
How do you do that because I have no clue, thanks.
In the folder where the game is there are two .bat files. One for directx 12 the other for Vulcan. Just double click it and it will do the rest. I would suggest starting with dx12.
This seems like a good match for VR. :)
It could be. We have not got any plans for it though.
Well I hope you guys much success, this seems like an awesome idea.
Thank you! We will make the best game we possibly can!
How do i get a refund of this game as it doesn't work, thank you :)
You'll have to do it via the itch services. Can you detail what the issue is? It is likely we can fix it.
Audio cutting out, very laggy, parts of the game is black, so the corners of the screen keeps glitching. I get that its an early access but having to spend 20+ dollars is a bit overkill
What are you attempting to play this on?
I understand. I need to know what hardware your PC has inside it. Do you have a GPU or are you running integrated graphics?
will paying with PayPal be an option?
It will not be an option. PayPal has made it clear they do not wish to work with us due to the type of games we are making.
Seems like a missed opportunity, they are supporting other games with the same kind of content on this website.
Less an opportunity and more they banned and stole money from us under the guise that we were making pornographic games. So if it has not happened to others it eventually will.
Thats a problem for me i am in Germany and i don't own a credit card and its not like i can get the game on steam but i still want to buy it and now my question is how?
Why wouldn't you be able to purchase via stripe? Itch still functions with German customers.
Is Stripe a separate option or is it still just the pay by Card option? cause that's the only thing that i see and a lot of germans dont own credit or debit cards i just have a normal girocard
Stripe is the payment provider so it's what facilitates the transaction. Not sure what a giro card is but if it's not supported by stripe there is very little I can do about it.
I can't even purchase the game both my normal card and a pre paid one wont work
Not sure what the issue is but we are using Stripe as a payment gateway. If you're card is not working perhaps you could talk with Stripe customer support to find the issue.
Will I be given a steam key after I purchased the game here?
No? Why would you think you would? Steam and Itch are two different stores.
I cannot seem to run the game. Whenever I open the application it crashes
I assume you have integrated graphics on your computer?
Please try the latest build we did a lot of performance tweaks. If it wont run try the DX12 launch option we have added.
ho un prblema con l'acquisto tramie il sito
Stripe is a universal credit card company. If you cannot use it correctly you'll have to take it up with stripe themselves. Good luck!
i wish i could buy the game on steam looks pretty cool and i got it on my wishlist to. and some of my friends on steam saw it on my wishlist to and let's just say i got more space on my friendslist now lol
Haha, well playing a cool photography game shouldn't kill ya friends list, you stay a man of culture okay?
do you play as a male or can you pick a intersex female like what the tags implied? i rather not buy a game again with misdirection again
Right now we have a male or female character selection. It is not reflected in game atm since we are early development. The eventual goal is to let players give the female a penis option, but we have not decided fully on that yet.
I really do hope that becomes a option down the line <3 going to pick this game up later then to play the female option then
Any plans for a VR Version? Id pay double for that. Otherwise that's a missed opportunity here.
We do have vr experience but it will need to be an afterthought to this game if we go about it.
Unable to pay for this. I would support you on Subscribestar or Patreon if i could
We have both a SubscribeStar and a Patreon. Just look for kinky fridays on both.
will there be a demo soon? i really would love to try it but im kinda skint right now and wont get paid until the end of the month
No demo until we can get the main game loop and all that required polish
any updates on sexy scenes and stuff? like what version they would prob be included in?
possibly next version. Goal number 1 though is making sure people can play it on older systems.
It won't let me buy it, it's giving me an error code. this is the only game that is doing this
This is happening to me as well.
I wanted to get it before the price changed but just strait up wouldn't let me get it.
Eh? That is strange. Can you contact itch support? We are using stripe for the payment service so unless your card is not able to use that service you should be fine
Im looking back at the previous versions and see there is a lot of features and girls in it not in the V006. What happened?
I dunno about features as they are all present here outside of a few animations. As for girls, we had to remaster them all after the previous modeller wanted to move off the project. We also could not use those models without significant reworking with unreal 5 rigs. So we chose to start fresh. That's about the extent of it.
Is there gonna be a demo to this game.
Not for a long while. We are still building it.
i wish i was able to support the project, but only thing lasts to russian gamers is pirate flag and bottle of rom
wish we could pay with paypal
You and me both. PayPal banned us because we were making these games. The irony is not lost on me.
I'm not sure why but after v005 i cant zoom or focus in the camera. I noticed that the controls were changed and I rebound them but it still didn't work. Is there something I can do on my side?
That is very strange. Did you have a controller plugged in?
very late reply but it may have been possible. Ill check soon
Somehow game is worse than before after the last update. Do you guys have support in your discord?
We do, there is a lot more in this build but I am not sure what you could mean by worse. Can you elaborate?
Game doesn't even start anymore. All I get is a main menu screen with a boat in it (although, there are no menu items, just a still background image). It immediately says not responding and then has a LowLevelFatalError. Before it at least ran for about 30sec before crashing. Not playable in its current condition. ;/
There is a readme in the game documents. Please take a look. It will instruct you how to find the game dependency files. Install that along with making sure your GPU drivers are up to date.
My laptop is to shitty I can't run the game.... aaahh!
Is there a way for the game to start on lower settings? Because I can't even see the main menu before the games freezes.
help please!
Join our discord and post there. We will get you sorted.
Yo, where that Sexxy Hen at??
Don't you start with me *shakes fist*
Can I buy this game with paypal?
Not right now, PayPal has banned us because we make porn. Go figure.
Thanks for the linux sku! Bought it as soon as I saw it was available. It has a few bugs for me (can't move the limbs in the doll system) but otherwise it works. Running the game through wine also works well.
So far it looks good and the models are really nice.
One request: please add the option to remove camera bobbing, I got a little motion sick after a while.
Currently we have an issue where if you made any key rebinding the doll system kinda breaks. I will look into the head bobbing stuff, see what we can do.
Only really interested in girl/girl stuff. I'm assuming since there's no gender select mentioned in desc that it's a male PC exclusively.
But in the name of making sure I don't pass up a cool game, I figure I'll ask anyway: Can you play as a female or even futa in this game?
There is a gender selection between a male and female. Naturally we are not at the point in development for that to truly matter. As for fxf yes it will be represented in the game. It's all female monsters with futa, and you can currently turn off the futa content.
Hope that helps!
I see that you guys have a steam page for the game.
When do you guys think the release would be for it?
Perhaps when we get closer to early access standards, no promises that it will come anytime soon.
It's nice to see progress, thanks for the hard work. There's still nothing notably striking about the game besides the base concept, but I still have high hopes. I do have complaints.
Volume slider for music doesn't do anything. May be my circumstance, not sure if others have the same issue.
The gallery needs a system by which you can select and delete photos en masse, clicking one at a time and selecting delete is tedious. Keeping the gallery open in explorer.exe on monitor 2 is a workaround, but not an elegant implementation.
Don't want to be a debbie downer, it's still an awesome concept, and as long as you make steady progress I can see this evolving into a very fun game. I'm sure you're aware of and are working on what I have mentioned, I just wanted to speak up.
The base concept is a great way to contextualize what seems will eventually be sex simulator with extra steps and actual goals. Once you roll out posing and interactions with the mons I would say it is worth its current cost.
What I hope to see in the final product is quests, a basic story, a way to give the photos value (like trading for currency which you can by props, toys, interactables), and perhaps a system of upgrades for your equipment, it would also be nice to have a camera stand and remote triggering for the camera.
Good luck, I wish you the best and look forward to progress
Had to retract some of my complaints, turns out I apparently don't pay attention XD
I modified the default keybinds, and this seems to break some of the systems. I cannot find the settings file. Tried a reinstall but it preserved my keybinds. Where are the setting stored? Never mind, found the "restore default" button, it only shows up when you highlight a keybind to change.
Sweet this is quality feedback. First let's start with the save file location, if you rebound your keys you won't be able to access the doll system right now. We are working on a hotfix but the location of the save game is here
Just delete that guy and you'll be able to use the default settings without issue.
"Volume slider for music doesn't do anything. May be my circumstance, not sure if others have the same issue."
We will fix this one.
"The gallery needs a system by which you can select and delete photos en masse"
This is coming in a future patch for sure. We will have it tied to progression and deal with "saving photos" in a different manner, aka the temp photos are deleted after each session unless you save them.
"What I hope to see in the final product is quests, a basic story, a way to give the photos value (like trading for currency which you can by props, toys, interactables), and perhaps a system of upgrades for your equipment, it would also be nice to have a camera stand and remote triggering for the camera."
The game will have a main narrative to follow, along with side objectives and a pokedex to fill out. Camera will have hidden upgrades in the map, including lenses, fire modes, storage, filters, etc. There is also player tools, throwable bait, etc. Dunno about the camera stand, but we might do something with that idea, maybe.