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I want to you will upload the newest demo version to steam, which is available on or one of the past ones?

v024 will be the next patch and the demo is v024

I want to ask you something else.Have you and your team fixed a bug where when you take a picture of an animal, it still gets angry and runs away?

it's not a bug. grow its familiarity and it won't do that.

when will it be released on spicy gaming or some other site, can´t buy it else

It is on gog, jast, itch, and in a few days steam. 

regionblocked on steam and gog + can´t pay with card on itch, only paypal

Unfortunately PayPal has banned us. We will look into alternatives soon.

Hello author!I want to ask about the name of the updates, and more specifically, about the numbers.I understand that you go from top to bottom (for example 0.21 and the next update 0.20) is that how it turns out?

What? Why would you think that? The next build will be v024 and the one following that is v025.

It's just that the last update was called first (let's take the last 3 updates, one doesn't count, this is the "FIX v023.hf1"):1.Sapphire Documents Issue 020 2.Contextualized v023 3.Sapphire Documents Issue 021.And you noticed that the number 020 comes first, followed by 023 and 021.Or as I understand it now, those updates that are ascending are story updates to which you have added some game mechanics or plot, but for example this update (HOTFIX v022d.hf2) you called it that because it is not included in the DEVELOPMENT of the PLOT, so it turns out?It's just my guess, and if I'm wrong, you can please download why, for example, is there an update from the number "20" (Sapphire Documents Issue 020), after that there is an update from the number "23"(Contextualized v023), and the last one from "21"(Sapphire Documents Issue 021)?Why is that?It made me curious.(and I'm sorry if I didn't explain it clearly, it's just hard for me...)

Sapphire Documents are dev diaries
[word vXXX] is a game update
It shouldn't be super confusing.

I finally understood everything, thank you for explaining it to me!


is there a yaoi version?


Nope, unless you like your boys with tiddies.

I have Pieces of my Heart and Under Contract on steam so my dumbass search Sapphire Safari in steam for 1 hour until i realized i bought it on here. Fk me bro i forgot i bought it here not on steam for some reason

Don't worry! The game will still be fully released here. You own it afterall.

(1 edit)

Well ig that was obvious now that i think about well bought it on GOG via VPN anyways lmao... in hindsight i should have but it on itch

It sounds very tempting.And I want to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind.: 1. The game will cost the same as on or will the other one be valuable? 2. If there is a real PAID release after the FREE demo of the game, will I need to buy the game in my library if I downloaded the FREE demo or not?

1. Same cost for the game on all platforms. 12.99 USD and the price will increase as more regions and content is added.

2. The early access launched March 7th on Steam. The full game is the full game and paid access is required. The demo is a different product but the saves work on both.

I get it, thanks for responding!

will you make different races for the different areas you could also make variants of the races now for the different areas like the desert and another question will the volcano in the discants be eventually accessible?    


Each biome will have at least 9 unique species. Other regional mons will wonder over to other areas sometimes. There will be unique varients of existing mons in different biomes too. Like a fat bunny in the snow region.

Yes you will eventually be able to access the volcano and inside of it.


hehe chubby bunny


any plans on making it free in the future?

(1 edit) (+5)

Hahahahaha! Good one. Demo is coming this month. You'll be able to try that.

Runs fine on Steamdeck. Just use ULWGL-Proton and Set graphics settings to Windowed. Otherwise you get a black Screen after the Mainmenu.

It runs fine with our local testing too.

I activated it, but I didn't have time to read it, what does it give?

Something fluffy.

I really don't understand what it gave me. I would also like to ask if there is any progress after that, or is this the end at the moment? Thank you for your work.


There was a Log nearby. He Said:" I saw mist with eyes" i wont spoil more sry 🤗


got the game on GoG and im really enjoying it so far. 

my question is will there be photo challenges in the gallery? 
for example to photo a lecho and deer in prison guard or a threesome with different spices? 

thanks and keep up the good work!!!


Bounties will kinda be like that. Also rival photography challenges as well. They are coming in a future patch. But I am glad you like the game so far. Maybe leave us a review on gog?

Hey, is there a way to buy this game without credit card? I can't buy it on steam because it's restricted in my country, so I only can buy it on this site for some reason?

Sorry we are banned on Paypal for making porn. We have no other options available.

You can use prepaid credit cards

Try the Smartphone App "VIMpay" its a free prepayed Creditcard and can be used all around the world. Using it since years without any problems.

Hey this may be a dumb question... so i bought the game on JAST and my questions is if it will be updated there the same time as here?

Yes it will. I don't control it but they will get the files at the same time.

I'm gonna be direct on this before buying it, would I be able to bang any female cats without going through story mode or playing crazy puzzles, I just want to go straight and wrangle her


You'll need to play the game to interact with any species. Also tigers are coming in a future patch.

I bought the game on gog and I got one question.

Please just tell me if finding all the rocks for photos is at all possible in this version. I've been looking for the last one for like 20 minutes and I can't find it.

It is possible.

I don't understand what stones are for,Even if the monster is knocked unconscious, it cannot actively interact

They are for interesting with object far away. Just nothing in game as of yet.

Does the version on Jast get updated 1:1 the same as itchio?

Yes, but I only have the option to give the people who run the site the files. I have no idea what they do with them or how long it takes.

Hey, I really like the game so far! I wondered if I will be able to change my character mid game. Also, are there pov scenes like the top image of the page ? I havent found one yet

You won't be able to swap character.

POV toggle is coming soon.

I'm glad you like the game! Is there anything else you want to see?

can you       pls
realese a  demo version? 

Yes, it is comiNg Feb 24th on steam first.

ok :)


Perhaps a way to have a more "pemanent companion"? It may seem pointless since every creatures can be found in the wild, but idk, like some unique interactions based on affection? (Not necessarily sexual, like feeding, sleeping with, playing...) 

It would add another layer of gameplay for those who have completed most of the album, and perhaps add possibilities for more pictures

Also, for creatures ideas, I think a bird like lady or an aquatic one (shark, fish, squid...) would fit well.

Thank you for your work and your dedication to your community :D

Capture and or taming won't be coming to the game. It isn't in the scope of what the game is about (wildlife photography). You can always pet them and eventually you'll be able to play with them but they will never be a companion or something similar.

The next region in phase two of development will be forest and forest based creatures. We have a tiger and a monkey already made but others will come as well. Like some bugs or a toucan.

When it launches on steam, will it be steam deck compatible

Yes. The only issue we have at the moment is cloud saves doing some weird stuff with photos moved around. We will solve it before the launch though.

I am playing the Windows Version on Steamdeck right now. There shouldnt be a Problem.

Meta igral c drygom v krovatui



It is a fun game and pretty well done for a beta but I do have a question? does purchacing the game here mean we are able to get it for free on steam when it comes up there? or are we going to have to buy it again? (it is still a pretty good game even though I have pretty much only gotten through the tutorial)


No you won't get a steam key with your purchase here. What you will get is the game you purchased here.

You can Play this Version on Steamdeck allready.

Deleted 30 days ago

They have control over when the files get updated. I've been told it was done the day we had the patch ready.

Deleted 30 days ago


Hey there, we are banned on Paypal for making pornography. You can however get the game on other stores like GOG, JAST, and coming March 7th you can get it on Steam. All those stores have integrated sales platforms so you'll have more options.


We have already been verified for sale. So no.


So this is a quick question will there be a feature to switch the monsters girls penis to like animal ones like foxes and wolves will have knotted penis and etc?

We will eventually have species-dependent dong skins. Right now it isn't a priority.

(2 edits)

zoom in and out in tutorial doesnt work for me, checked keybinds they are correct but chaning them to something else did make them work

Do you have a weird mouse or something? Perhaps you swapped those wheel actions in some sort of mouse button editor.

i got a death adder v3 pro, the settings are as delivered from stock no changes have been done to the inputs

Very strange. I dunno the mouse personally so I cannot attest to any driver or whatever complications it might have. 

its one of the newer razer models and it was working fine a few days ago on previous patch


Tolles spiel. empfehl ich nur weiter

LG manfred

Many thumbs, pointed upward!


are you sure about that?


surprised to have npcs that are men considering all the monsters are female or futa, i guess it's fine if they're all skippable

Why would men being in the game be a surprise? Turn's out penises tend to be okay inside anything.

mostly because there's futanari monsters, but no monsters with masculine build

There is. Just female muscular.

sounds like we're using these words differently, never mind

I don't know if it's already been asked or mentioned in the specifics of the roadmap, but has the idea for taking point of view pictures during sex animations been thought of?

Yes, it will likely come before we launch on Steam. It will be coupled with a general options UI inside of player-initiated sex scenes. We might extend it to the capture animations as well, but the point of those is the lack of control. 

So POV, camera controls, clothing options, Malous invisibility options, etc.

why not have the creature in control take the photos instead during those then? make it seem like a few of them know what a camera is.


hey i was wondering if i buy it now will i get updates or do i have to pay every time?


You buy and you own the game. You'll get all updates.

Will there be fetishes added?


What do you want.

(1 edit) (+3)(-2)

watersports & more puffy things ?


like stomach bulge?


i second watersports


So piss play? That might be possible, but I don't wanna open the door for skat stuff. 

Bulges will be possible when the Large and Enormous creatures start appearing in the game since they will have special animations to compensate for their larger members.

thank you for no skat


indeed, just them peeing in the wild would be nice

Hello, you may remember my issue with constantly crashing on startup no matter what I tried. With this most recent update, the issue remained so I tried figuring out what was wrong on my own end. To make a stupid story short, my issue was completely with the fact my pc was unable to install Windows 11 due to one tiny option in my BIOS being disabled. I'm now fully on  Windows 11,  tried launching and finally I'm able to play. Apologies for my brain damage, never would've thought that'd be a problem. Can't wait to finally play SS.

Wow really? What option was it? Everything helps.

I enabled TPM 2.0. There's a bunch of different things it can be called depending on the pc in specific apparently, but looking into enabling TPM 2.0 is the one thing that I needed to enable Windows 11 which let me run SS. Anyone having issues with crashing on launch: if you're on Windows 10, that is probably why

Thanks for the information. I really hate that a BIOS level switch can possibly ruin the experience of the game for people. Trying to do customer service for that will be a nightmare.

(1 edit)

The main QOL thing I wish this game had was a movable camera during the sex scenes. Sometimes the camera doesn't follow the models well and I'm looking at shaking heads rather than the actual deed, or I want to get a better angle but can't. Otherwise Love the game


Yep, we have that on the list to fix. It will come soon.


Would be great if I can buy it with PayPal, I don't have A credit card


We are banned on PayPal for making porn.

I used my debit card info on it and it worked fine

is this mostly a voyeurism game? or is there lots of character interactions as well?


Yes you can interact with any creature who is at the friendly level of familiarity.

thanks for the reply

I keep getting this strange Fatal Error pop up and the game crashes whenever I try to start it.

I have all the recommended RAM, an i5-11400H and an RTX2050. Is it my specs or another issue? Any advice is greatly appreciated. 

Try running the dx11.bat file in the main directory.

Thank you so much, that worked like a charm.

No problem. Some hardware have a hard time running dx12 by default, which is why you need to swap to dx11. The bat file simply adds a launch argument to the exe to tell it which one to run.


Dumb thoughts, but curious about a few things:
I know there's two main characters, but will there be any level of customization for them? (Different hairstyles, clothing, eye/hair/skin color?)
Second, after taking a rest; is there a chance for a monster girl with a friendly disposition to give the character a "Good Morning" scene?

Characters will have different clothing options later. It is a reward tied to upcoming side activities.

What is a good morning scene?

It refers to lifting the sheets and getting their dick sucked or pussy eaten, or that's how I understand it.

I mean, we don't really have much sleeping content atm. 

i found a glitch with the monolith thing so when i got all the rune like things and submitted them to the monolith my game crashed

Yes it will be fixed in the next patch coming in a few days. As for now you can simply set your view distance to "epic" and it will solve the issue.

oh thanks

hey can we get a futa charater or be able to make the female charater be a futa through upgrades and have an option to turn it on or off?


Jamie is a female character. She will have a cosmetic attachment she can find in game.

will it look like a strap on or will it look like an actually one? 

No reason it couldn't be both. It's the same thing in the end.

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