Update va004

Hello explorers! Welcome to the long-awaited overhaul of Sapphire Safari! It has been a long time since we last updated, and a variety of issues were mostly holding us back, specifically, we were not happy with the interactions within the game and the core loop. Naturally, we took the long road, it required us to build two new systems called VLife and Doll. Both systems allowed for greater interactions and responses for the players to enjoy. Following the pattern, these systems also required updates to models and such, and with our main art team moving onto other projects we found a new art crew, and then more overhauls and more and more… you get the picture.

Long story short, we just decided a total overhaul and system clean was the way to go. Along with a new move to the hot and fresh Unreal Engine 5, our team dedicated the last two months to a laser focus we now have our best early game representation, Alpha version 004!

What can I expect in this version?

Camera Systems

The camera within Sapphire Safari right now is quite engaging to use, as a photographer your job is to capture the Monster Girls doing cute Monster Girl things! Your tools include a variable zoom (which is controlled with the Mouse Wheel), and a manual focus (controllable by pressing ALT and using the Mouse Wheel). You access this by aiming through the viewfinder by holding down Right Click on the Mouse.

Taking a photo actually processes a lot of information, specifically about what is within the photo (which will be used in future patches to apply scores and complete objectives and quests), it also directly saves the image to the computer directly so you can show off your photos! Eventually, there will be systems within the game for managing the photos and saving favorites, along with quality settings to make photo processing faster or higher quality.

You can access all the photos you take by using the shortcut in the install directory of Sapphire Safari.

Monster Girl AI

Right now the Monster Girls found within Sapphire Safari act in a simple manner, they will wander around, react to sounds, react to visualizing the player, run away from the player, fall, trip on the environment, hide from the player, and seek out water. Eventually, this will evolve into a very robust needs system, along with a diverse point of interest system (like bathing, relaxing, entertainment, etc).

Monster Girl Models

We have three really detailed Monster Girls to be found within the first build. 


Our mascot for the game, and defacto Bunny Monster Girl.


A new addition to Sapphire Safari, this cheeky little bugger will taunt the player as they explore the new build.


Here is our first example of the Alpha Predator within the game, she has no real unique AI right now, but in the future patches she will hunt the player down to ease her lust.

Environment Interactions

While limited currently this build showcases several interaction points for the player. These included:

  • Stealth Points: Hide in bushes to stay hidden and nail that perfect shot! Just press CTRL to crouch and hide better.
  • Sound Makers: These are sticks on the ground that alert surrounding Monster Girls to your presence. If triggered the Girls will look around to find the source of the sound.
  • Climbable Terrain: Climb to higher points with our mounting locomotion system, eventually this will be expanded with tools like climbing boots or swimming gear.

Stealth and Peeping

This is a crucial feature for Sapphire Safari, eventually, stealth will be needed to take the photos required for quests and objectives as disturbing the wildlife will result in missing opportunities. This means that Monster Girls will be able to spot the player and react to their actions. This is currently working in a004 however, future patches will build upon this greatly. For now, enjoy the roleplay aspect of the system.

I won't be adding a Changelog to this update patch since this is 100% brand new stuff. However, we would love to hear your feedback! Joining our Discord community and sharing your photos and feedback. This game means the world to us, we hope you can feel it as well! 

Enjoy the release! 



sapphiresafari_a004.zip 475 MB
Jul 30, 2022

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My familiarity is stuck on fearful with a full bar

Are we able to fuck the girls in this current build? And is there any footjob etc content planned?

Excited to see what you've got in store for the future! only question I have is will there be any "taker pov" stuff for futa characters? 

Taker pov? You mean you want the point of view for the bottom? The sex stuff we have atm is all third person, at least for now.

player customization?

Not so much a planned feature, we will have a character selection though.


This is pretty cool maybe i suggest all the females during night ties you up and has fun with you at random :] 

Beside that the game is coming along very well and I'm very excited keep up the great work kinky!

(1 edit)

Hey cheers! We will have the alpha predator do all the pouncing and rough fun times on the player. So expect to be hunted once we get her ai in place.

sounds exciting can't wait! 


Lookin good as heck, keep up the great work!

Thanks dood! Glad you enjoy the work!


Love the new patch as a proof of concept and core gameplay loop, very much improved. (also seen futa which yay lol) if I could throw a suggestion myself in maybe a camera upgrade system with filters, better zooms, maybe night vision if you ever plan a day/night cycle?


Yep it's all going in. The gear you will be hunting for is stuff like camera upgrades (lenses, zoom tech, filters, fire modes, photo storage, etc) along with tools for accessing new areas (climbing boots, hook shots, scuba gear, etc).

Sweet, well I am glad you guys think on the same wave length as me it seems. I can't wait to see it through!


heck yea


This looks so good! Can't wait for the futa update ^^

If you get lucky you'll find a dong or two in this build!

Oooh!, Gonna check it out then :3


ok now this is a big step, i really apreciate the quality of this project. Keep going!!


Glad you like it! Anything you'd wanna see in the future?

i think it would be great to add a shop where you can buy baits (or directly look for the necessary ingredients on the map to make them) as some kind of aphrodisiac to attract monster girls in certain areas and get good shots or other kind of reward ;)


That stuff has already been considered for the gameplay loop we are looking to make. Throwing items and such with different effects.


will u be able to tweak graphic settings soon? my computer seems to have the worst frames on this game

Yes we will be focusing on a main menu and UX in the next patch along with some new features.

So no sex in this update?

We were close, but couldn't get it in before the deadline. Next patch for sure!


a lot better then what it used to be. I wanted to go to the boat but it was a trap.

Haha, yeah the boat will be accessible very soon, it's the main player hub between levels where you'll be able to manage a lot of things like photographs and other things!