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(1 edit) (+1)(-4)

Can I get a refund the game does not have graphics settings, + there is nothing to do ingame apart watch a monkey spank itself! "capture the Monster Girls as they socialize, hunt, sleep, and mate, and hopefully come out in one piece." " Explore many unique locations and capture/catalog the wildlife on display." and "Bond with the Monster Girls in their unique environments, and experience new sensations!", do not exist at all within the game! I understand this is a pre order for alpha, but come on? Advertising Lewd scenes and different gameplay? your robbing people!


I mean you do understand it yourself, what you're paying for is a preorder to the game, with access to our development builds. As for settings menu that is coming on September 1st, since we are patching monthly, along with the first iteration of our lewd system.

If you want a refund, please use the official itch services to refund your purchase.


Maybe you should actually advertise the fact this game is barely functional. Rather than use the fully animated trailer that doesn't represent your game in any way.

We are hard at work building the game, think of your purchase as a preorder with access to the alpha as we build it.


if i buy it on here would i get a key for steam or is it seperat


Your purchase on Itch you would get the Itch game files and all future updates. If you purchase on Steam once it is released you own the steam version of the game.

They do not mix, they are separate storefronts.

(1 edit) (+2)(-7)

They do mix ,generally speaking.

I've had games from here that the dev gives you a steam key.

Why should one pay for the same game files twice.


Sorry no. They are seperate points of purchase and that is how we will treat them. If you're looking to get the game on Steam then simply wait for the game to be made available there.

any lewd scene here?


Not until the next patch v005 will we have sexual content outside of nudity.

around what date will said patch be released

We ran outta time for the partner stuff in v005, so v007 is looking like we might get to it. Which is October 1st.

sure thing, cant wait to see it


If i buy this will i have acces to the full game when it comes out


Yes. Is there any reason to believe otherwise?


im just wondering thank you for the quick answer


FSR support in future?.

Not sure what that is. Can you elaborate?

AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution.

Is that a graphics card or something?

Looks like it does not support UE5, which is what we use. You should be able to play without issue though.

(1 edit) (-1)

I got this game a month or so ago but had to request for a refund because the performance was... well... terrible. The game looks amazing, but if you can't play it because of optimization issues with no real way of changing the game settings, it becomes pretty much useless. I was getting max 20-30 FPS making it basically unplayable.

 However, it looks like we can NOW change the settings to possibly help performance and some other things changed since I've last played, so I'll buy it again and give it another go. I'll update the post later to explain how it went.


Ok... things aren't looking good. Game crashes with a LowLevelFatalError many times I tried playing, and I have to close it via task manager. Not sure why. I don't see any actual menus and I can't change my settings. Somehow, FPS is even worse than before I'd say at 5 or less. 

I've played games far more demanding, so I don't get it. I guess I'll have to wait for many future optimizations to EVEN PLAY THE GAME. If devs see this, how do I access settings??? I want to see if changing the games video settings will help at all, but I don't know how to get to that. 


The current build va004 has no options for configuration. The next build to be released around September 1st v005 will include settings and tools to better control the quality levels of the game. It's also worth pointing out we have done zero work for optimization in the game that will likely need to be addressed earlier than we anticipated if most people are having issues with stock unreal engine 5.

Tldr: next patch coming September 1st will be the first steps to addressing  optimizations.

Ok cool. Will be looking forward to it. I really do want to play, but it just won't work at all rn ;(

I guess I'll wait for the next few builds before deciding if I need it refunded. I hope all goes smoothly.

Yeah there is a lot of configurations you can make in the next build v005. Hold out for that one.

Check the new patch, we did a lot of changes for performance

Deciding on if I should buy it on itch or wait to buy it on steam. Will there be a difference in update release dates, if so when would come out first? Is a Steam release coming out in the near future?

All stores get updates at the same time. I have no plans for a Steam release yet, if we do participate in Steam's Early Access program it will be once the game is basically complete, or at least very very very polished. Otherwise, it will be when the game is finished.

is there any way other way to buy the game, or could you enable paypal as a payment option here? the game is sadly not available on steam in my region. I know another game that also had this issue got past that by selling their steam keys on humble.

(1 edit)

PayPal banned our account because we make adult games. So it's not an option for us. We will look into more stores but so far most platforms only take full games.


it wont let me buy it

As stated before we do nit have PayPal as a payment option due to the nature and subjects of our games (porn) please use a credit card to make the transaction.


i was using a card and it still said no

Okay, there isn't much I can do for you there. If your card was declined on Stripe (which is the payment gateway Itch uses) there isn't much else we can offer.

15 bucks for the PRE ORDER of the ALPHA VERSION? Mmmmmm idk...


All good, vote with your wallet. But let's be real, the preorder is for the full version of the game, the alpha version is icing on the cake.

I'm unable to purchase the game 

Sorry to hear this, I wish we can get PayPal working but they banned us from using it.


any plans for other payment methods or getting paypal as payment method back (InHeat has paypal as payment method maybe because they have a sfw version) because I rly wanna buy and play the game :0

We are actually banned on Paypal. So we cannot use it.

i just got the game what do i do?

The first build which is the one you have right now has the core photography mechanics and some basic ai with simple exploration tech as well. There isn't any real objective just a first build.


game looks incredible! was just wondering, is there any plans or future plans to add any futa or other things like that to the game?

Futa is already in the game now. So yes.


Really want to play the game, but sadly can't. It just keeps crashing at the controls screen.


The next patch will help. Please wait until then, it will have options for configuration and settings so you can tweak them.

No worries. I've been following the game well over a year now. I ain't about to abandon things now ;D

Heck yea!

why no paypale?

Adult games and or content are against Paypal's terms of service so they probably got suspended or just didn't apply


Yep, we got suspended.

Any plans for a linux build? And if not, has anyone tried running this with wine/proton?


I have not made any attempts for making any other SKUs for the game yet. But if the process is good we can. It won't get much internal testing though 

We now are building Linux versions however our testing on Linux is limited so we will be relying on customer feedback. 

(2 edits)

When the game comes out on steam will this still be getting updates on itch?


Yes? I have no idea why people would expect otherwise.

Hey, my computer can't run this game but can run Under contract. Can I trade this game for that, instead of getting the refund?


Wouldn't even know how to do that lol. The next patch will include a settings menu to scale things on your PC.

Before i buy this, question, how much is the minimum required Ram?

We do not have specifics yet but the ram required should be little. I would say 4gb on the safe side.

how do i leave the first screen im stuck on the first screen that shows all the controls


The answer itself is written on the overlay that you're stuck on. Pressing F1 will close the prompt and open it up again.

it dosent close it for me


If you're on some laptop or something you have to make sure you enable the function key as it's tied to F1 and not whatever the key it shares on your particular setup.

I see you're taking care to reply to all the comments you recieve.

That's very commendable.

Just don't let it take too much of your time or focus. Would hate for this project to be dropped because of too many (negative/positive) comments

It's all gooda. We have a team of people working on this, not just me!

Ah, of course!

All good then.

No Demo?  *megamind*


It will come when we have enough of the game made.


Is there a (safe for work) button on? also a (nsfw) button?


Nope. Toddies for days.


Even tho this genre of game is not my type i must give it to the creator that they are making a good job with the management of their resources. I do hope they can continue with the project sense there are many who end up dropping their project because of money or time issues. And sense i do know it aint a easy task to animate , program and schedule at the same time i give my best wishes to the developers. If they make a full game they will actually do something that non other have done ,finish a full game. I wish best of lucks to the developers and keep a good job. 


Hey thank you! We will finish the game no doubt about it. 

Superb!!!  :))) 

Can I get a refund? This game is way too laggy to play and there isn't even settings to change.

Refunds will have to happen via official sources at itch. As for the setting menu we will have it in the next build 100%. Can I ask a favor? We are looking to make the build work on low end systems and all hardware configurations. Can you give some specifics on the hardware you're using? It would greatly help with optimization targets.

Sorry I'm a bit new to itch. I have 16 gb of ram, NVIDIA GeForce 1050, Intel Core i7 8700. My pc usually runs other games just fine but I'm assuming this game is way early access. Looked like a pretty good pokemon snap x breeders of the nephylem type game, can be too.

Weird, you're slightly under my setup in terms of hardware I have a worse CPU but a 1080ti it should be running fine. Perhaps it's a foliage density issue hmm. We will know with the next patch for sure once the settings are in place.

Sorry if i come off as a bit crass but a 1080ti spits out roughly two to five times as many frames as a 1050 depending on the game, the 1050 has less than one fifth of the VRAM too, they are simply in completely different leagues.

I know it's better, I'm simply trying to gauge were we are needing to optimize.

Does this game work with touchpad?


There are certain multibutton presses you need to make along with assumed access to a mouse wheel. So while you can play, taking photos is kinda impossible currently with just a trackpad.



when is the demo being released


When we make one I guess.

fair enough

how many sex scene released now? how many interracts release for now?

Atm there are zero sex scenes. The next patch will have a big focus on that.

Just wondering, when do you think the next patch will be? I'm planning on buying it when I can do more than just take pictures.

Next patch is planned for the 1st of September. In it we will be showcasing our Doll sex system, the monpedia/pokidex system, menu and system configurations, and simple goals. Along with a bunch of other stuff, the doll system is very complicated to setup which is why we basically need a whole patch for it. Imagine a truly customisable sex system that allows for multiple partners and position alterations. We will only have missionary without orgy content first but after that expect lots of positions and such to be added.

What's with the blowjob scene on the game's page then? That's kind of false advertisement.

It's from our trailer that is being made.

Will this game have gamepad/controller sopport?

Next patch we should have something implemented perhaps not fully optimized but it should work.

When the game releases do people who purchase this game get a steam code just asking for a friend I swear


Hey there, think of it like this Itch is its own store and Steam is its own store. You wouldn't expect Steam owners to request an Itch key right? If you want a Steam version you'll need to wait for the game to be released there. Itch is a much nicer place to release earlier builds so we won't be on Steam for a while.

is the camerperson going to be a human?

Yes! We just didn't have any suitable for the first release. This will change with patch 2.

Deleted 31 days ago

That's an odd question. I doubt it. It will likely go on sale. Not be free.

Deleted 31 days ago

We are not really building for phone spec. Maybe a different version of this, but not this game. We are targeting reasonable PC hardware.

Where are graphics Settings?.

Right now there are none. We simply focused on the core release. The next patch will include UX for players and likely something for rebinding keys.

what are Hardware Requirements ?.

We do not have anything optimized at the moment. But anything 1070 and above should be more than fine. Dunno about lower powered systems. It is unreal 5 after all.

(1 edit) (+1)


No demo yet. Soon though.

Deleted 2 years ago

If you read carefully friend! If you press the f1 key you will de-toggle the menu and thus be able to play the game. i hope this helped if not then the issue is above me

Yep F1 to pull down the help menu. We will fix this issue in build 2.

Is it just me, or is this game crashing a lot? I can barely get the game to run, and it locks you into a menu, and I can't seem to change any of my moment keys anymore. WASD movement may be fine for some, but not everyone. The stability issues I have, and the feeling of being restricted to very little again is becoming an issue. 

Previously one of my biggest issues was it felt like the game didn't have any content in it. Regardless of what I did in it, it felt unfulfilling. I don't know if this is because I was just not using the right buttons, but I can't even see any keybinding, or aside from Ctrl & F doing the main buttons. I dunno. Maybe this game isn't becoming what I was expecting it to be. I love almost every game by Kinky Fridays, I'm just not sure what the concept here is.


It is the first build on the new Unreal Engine 5, the UX and menus and rebinds are next on the list to achieve along with building the core gameplay loop. This is simply step one my dood.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not upset, or anything. I am just have a difficult time running it. Also the game crashes if I click a few buttons. I don't blame Kinky Fridays, I know it's still in development. I just wish I was one of those people who could say 10/10 like I can with basically every other Kinky Fridays game I've played. I will wait for the next update. <3

We will do our best to get it working for you!

(1 edit)

It would be interesting if add the option to replace all of the chars (even MC) whis futas / females / males make some sort of "customisation" under players preferences (me as , uh, futafag , wanna see futa/female MC >~>)

We are considering all of that at the moment. There is some futa content in the game right now but no males as of yet. We are talking about it internally though.

Alright then, thabks for the answer:3

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