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So this game was published 10 months ago and as of the new update is has somehow managed to move from nearly no content to actually no content. Its been 10 months of nothing since launch. Can I get my money back?


If you want to do a refund please go through itch services to do so. I'd urge you to wait a little longer as we are back in full development of the game now that our issues have bee resolved.


Wait a little longer? Look, I get that hame development is tough but this is easily the slowest moving early access title I have ever seen. This should not have been put up for sale in the first place at the point it was at.

Deleted 359 days ago

got stuck behind the waterfall, thought there was a secret. i like where this game is going, please add more content

Will do! What aspects of the game did you like so far? Anything in particular you'd like to see?

i liked the graphic and the art style, it looks quite good! the controls are easy to understand and use. i might just havnt looked enough, and i am sure that it will come in another update but, i would like to have an "inventory" or a menu to see the previous picture i took.  in the far future, mayeb you could implement a way to upgrade the camera, like, you start with a bad camera and through getting good pictures and maybe selling them, you're able to get or buy new cameras or new parts for the camera, like a new thing to have more zoom or focus or just better quality overall, yk? anyway, love the game, I'll be sure to check every update!

Thanks for the feedback, all of those things we currently have plans for! 

will there be any biological male characters and an option to disable futa? 

We are considering it. The model artist wants males as well, so we might look at it in the future. The toggle is not something I wanted to add as we do need to have some sort of penis in the game to enable a lot of sex animations in the wild. But if males get added then it shouldn't be an issue. 

Short answer, not right now, maybe in the future.

Will it be on the steam

Obviously yes, we have a widget on the main page leading to the Steam profile for the game. You can wishlist it now, and maybe once we get further into the development of the game we will do early access but we do not have a plan to release there until it is done.

Is futa still a plan for the new version? Couldn't help but notice its not in any of the new trailer or images.


Oh yes very much so. We just didn't have any time to build dong tech just yet. We basically remade the whole game in 2 months, along with all new art assets. It will come.

Cool glad to hear it, I remember talking to Henley on Steam and they mentioned it was a big part of the game so I didn't think you would just remove it. I hope development continues to go well and thanks for the reply.


You're talking to the same dude now lol.

Lol I assumed, Henley I said it before but I want to say it again you are bro. Really nice to have you communicating and telling everyone what has been happening.


Cheers, I do what I can. We will be dropping the new build in a few hours. Expect some new fun very soon!

Will the new remake of game run on lower end pc's?

This we are unsure of, right now we are just getting the game out first and seeing how everyone handles it. UE5 is quite optimized and we are starting from fresh code, so it should be really snappy. Having said that it is a very modern engine. All unknown atm.

When will the new version be available for download.  I currently see its version.003 last updated Nov 23 2021

This week, we are putting the final touches on the first UE5 version.


so this is literally that one super nin10doh joke but as an actual game lmao


We gonna sell it like diamonds and pearls!

Is there a mobile version

Nope. We are not aiming for something like that, but if we do builds and the APK version works without issues we can consider it.

Nah. Even most powerful phone cant handle this game, tho 

I'm mega confused. All the girls just walk around like npc's not doing anything, and taking pictures does nothing. The island is bare with nothing on it except for girls I can't interact with at all. If anyone has any video footage of the game so I can get a better grasp on it, I'd greatly appreciate it. I desperately need a tutorial.

Hey there, it is still in alpha, expect another update this month. For the next build we moved over to Unreal 5 so there is a little backtracking in terms of assets and code, however, we also will be nailing down the major gameplay loop along with the interactions you can do with the girls.

is the game only just to take lewd pictures. i'm a bit disappointed rn

Take lewd pictures, discover the story of the game, hunt for unlockables and items, pet the girls, bang the girls, and take selfies while banging the girls. What exactly are you looking for that isn't that?


the trailer showed more content than it seemed and there's little directional guidance to the players, the NPCs bug out and despawn also trying to go into the water that the trailer shows, is non-existent. I was misled by the trailer.

That trailer is so very old at this point, we will be making a new one and a new patch this month. Stay tuned for that!

will do

What will happen to those that purchase the game from will we be given a steam key for the game when launch happens?


I have no idea why people think they would be given a Steam key for the game. It is a separate storefront. You will get the full version of the game DRM free. If you would like a Steam version you will need to purchase it from Steam.

you seem to have asked that people can only buy with credit card?
And it's taken an awful lot of time to be released on steam...

wouldn't be gainfull move also include your creditcardless people to be able to share theyre money with you?


Well, we are not allowed to use PayPal since they banned us for making porn. So yeah. If you want to purchase using Paypal there is a bundle above that we have collaborated with another dev to enable that payment option.

Also, we are still making the game, so it won't be released on Steam until it's done.

Cool thnx, :) got it

(1 edit)

v0.0.3 is more of a tech demo than an Alpha, not to say that's an inherently bad thing. Positives are that resolution options work well and it can easily work with a dual monitor setup. Because it's so early in development I won't list the games problems, because I've sure the devs are aware. The biggest improvement I'd like to see in future updates is performance. While I'm sure there are countless features being tossed around if the game can't run at a consistent frame-rate on middle-end hardware it's going to sour the experience. An open world and more interactivity options aren't, in my opinion, worth compromising optimization.


The game is being overhauled at the moment, be sure to read some of the blogs we publish to get caught up on the goings on.


Developer can you please say in this game gonna be impregnation and pregnancy?So we can see som elovely little furry kids


No plans for either of those, but once we have the game we want, we can look at extras.

(1 edit)

You seem to have tied the camera to the main character's head, and that is a very very bad idea, especially in a third person game.  The character should react to camera movement, not the other way around.  The problem is if the character can't move its head quickly enough or the movement animation forces the head to move, the player's control over the camera feels either sluggish or not in their hands at all.

Also, the camera item's focus adjustment doesn't go far enough to allow you to take properly zoomed in pictures, not that it's possible to do that with the creatures that run away anyway, since you can't zoom in far enough at the closest distance you can get...  Maybe this is the starting camera item, and later you get an improved one with more zoom/focus?

Why are there invisible walls blocking you from getting to the ice and volcano areas?  Those are in the screenshots.

This alpha is quite far behind what we are doing now.

- first person game
- new island area maps
- new monsters and such
- unreal engine 5

Lots of changes, this should address your concerns. I will be updating the keyart/screenshots shorty.

Is there already or are there plans to make some form of a questing system? Or is this mainly just going to be a freeroam "walk around and have fun taking pictures" type of game? I am extremely interested in trying it but i sadly loose interest fast if game don't have objectives. Even some form of like unlockables. Like how visual novel games have unlockable pictures and stuff. More worlds with more monsters maybe? Potentially a story?

I don't know if what i am asking makes any sense. But yeah. Doesn't hurt to ask  xD. 

- Quest system and goals? Check
- Unlockables and Hidden Collectables? Check
- Narrative and Story? Check
- Free Roam and Take Pictures? Check

We hate that shit too, so we are building this game to be fun! The closest thing it comes to right now is the old Tony Halk Skater games where each level is like its own course with hidden and obvious objectives, however, there is a lot of free roam elements in there as well. Hope that helps.

Thank you very much for the fast and detailed response. That helped a ton ^^

Will the game be purchasable with PayPal? 

Unfortunately, we are banned from PayPal for making porn games. However, if you purchase the bundle that should be available we have teamed up with another developer to offer the PayPal purchase solution. It will be the same price.


So is it fair to assume we can expect a update in June at the earliest? Not wanting to rush just can't wait to see how the game has changed 


Maybe June but the latest will be July.


Thank you for replying and being honest. I have liked that from you guys/gals !


Happy to be transparent. We have had our artist change, so we have to replace their models before we can do another patch. Wont be much of a wait though!

will there be an option to not see futa?

Have not put this in yet, but we might be able to do it.


Will futa monsters be a very common sight in this game? I'm hoping so because there's just something extremely alluring about futa characters. Like perhaps there could be a few species of monsters that are exclusively futa or something like that.

We have not fully decided yet, but my first thought was that they would be like alphas, not too many in number as they are at the top of the species mating chain.


Will people who bought the alpha get upgraded to the full release when its ready?

Yes, you will get the full release here on Itch and every patch going forward.

I feel like there is currently literally nothing to do in this game in the current build. I am very confused what exactly the point of taking pictures are, they don't appear on the computer, and the monster girls standing there basically do nothing. This game is very confusing to me in this current state.


Yes, we are working on the project still. There isn't much to go with, as its alpha, the next patch will be in a month or so which will expand a lot of what the game is about.

I get that, and I have had that game on my Steam Wish List since the game was placed there. I own all of Kinky Friday's content on Steam as well. I want to see this project work.

Oh, thank you for the patronage! We are working hard to build exciting games, even if that means going back to the drawing board when things don't work out so great. Don't worry though, Sapphire is going to be great!

hey I would like to report that after I press play I get a black loading screen and then the game crashes idk if this is a bug but this is a new computer please help!

Hello, we are going to be working on an overhaul for the game soon, please be patient while we fix all this!

ight no rush yall

Will we be able to be a futa as well? I would love that option and maybe some graphical optimizations too

We will have a gender selection in the game, at a minimum at least. Not sure what you mean by graphical optimizations.

I think they may be talking about how most games have high med and low graphical settings

Yes, we are currently overhauling a lot of the game so this stuff comes after we are done with that. Thank you for your patience!

wait so are you only watching what's going on or can you join in too?

you can join in.


will there be a free demo?


Sure, we can build one once we get some gameplay loops in place.

k thanks cant wait

Any updates on an update?


Yes actually, we will be beginning development again on Sapphire in April now that we have a fantastic locomotion base and sex interaction system. The next build will very likely include our reformed exploration system and at least the very first iteration on how our core gameplay loop will work.

So yeah UPDATES!

Thank you for the response, I am looking forward to it!

I know this question is bothersome, but, do you have plans on making this game VR compatible?


Thought about it, might consider it if it goes really well in sales. We are putting the bones in there, it's just on the sales/marketing side of things it is limited on what stores we can sell. Might not be the best use of our time in the end. But the bones are there!

thats awesome!, and i totally understand how time consuming that can be, thanks for the reply!

Deleted 1 year ago

No, the stores are different stores. If you want a steam version, please wait for the steam version to drop.

Will this one be updated alongside the steam release? Or will the steam release take priority?


they will be updated at the same time.

Will there be a difference between the steam and versions?  


None at all. Outside of maybe like, steamworks integration for achievements of steam cards.

Deleted 275 days ago

You are able to download the game again if there has been an update. You don't need to buy the game again.

You purchase at any time, you get all future updates and content.

only take a picture now?


You can bang the girls on the beach as well, we are building a new system atm, will report back here once its ready to show off!

are you planning on Updating the game? Its still v.0.0.3 here

Yes, we are building a better interaction system at the moment. It will take a little longer as after that we need to update the model skeletons and rigs.


Will there be guy on guy too?


If you mean male x futa then yes. We don't have male monsters in the game or plan to have them.


will there be foot fetish? vore or watersports stuff


Feet stuff yeah, pee stuff naw. Unless you mean banging underwater then very likely yes.


impreg stuff?


Probs not. Cos. Yeah I dunno.

pokemon furry?


What's a pokemon? -_-

hi will there be frottage scenes?

I dunno maybe, we are building the reworked sex content at the moment, we can add it to the list and see how it feels.

My inputs are messed up W and D aren't working. Is there a way to change add these somewhere?

Are you saying that your keys for W and D are not functioning? The build is quite early right now so we have not prioritized the options and configurations yet since they were causing issues in the previous build.

when is the game coming on Steam

Arr, when she be done boyo!

Alright Thx

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