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hello, can i have a tutorial for this game 

Hi there, the tutorial will be in the game once we have everything in place. For now.

Mouse wheel to zoom

Alt+mouse wheel for focus

Tab for the in game menu

F for creature interaction 

Figured I'd throw a few bucks at this since I like the concept. Not too much to see so far but I like what's there. Can't wait to see how this game turns out!

Thank you for the support!

I bought and downloaded it and now it is giving me the message "The procedure point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll." and i've downloaded the app in extra's like the note says and updated my gpu driver what do you suggest i do now?

Never seen that error before... Are you on Linux?

no im on windows

Can you post your hardware configuration? 

Then update your gpu drivers. And try running either one of the .bat files in the main directory.

Let me know how it goes.

i try to open them then they open for a split second then close and im going to guess that is not supposed to happen

What about your driver's?

The game won't allow me to pay for it by card (I've checked and have enough money to buy the game, and my card has worked on other purchases on Itch) do you plan to add a paypal option, or can you help me with my issue?

its because it is located in Poland and you just have to call your debit card company and say you tried to make a purchase then you can buy it. it happened to me

Is that really the issue?

idk but thats what happened to m

Deleted 1 year ago

The familiarity is not fully turned on atm tech wise. So that update will come soon. We will add more stealth options in the game to better support the peeping Tom gameplay. But the girls are using their eyes and ears to find you. Maybe a little too well.


Can Futa be optionally disabled?


Yes. Its in the options menu.

I want to be able to buy this game. And I have the Money but Stripe keeps telling me my card is declined. 

How can I fix this? Since Paypal isn't an option I have no other way to buy this game since the Steam Version isn't purchasable.

The reason it's not on steam yet is because we are still in development of the game. It will be there once it is done.

As for the stripe thing I am not sure. Perhaps there is an issue with the country your card was issued or that it is a gift card. Not sure. Perhaps this is an issue you should take up with Itch support or Stripe support.

please do a demo

We intend too, when we feel the game is ready to have one. Too early in development to have to update a demo and a full game.

so if i buy now will i get a code for steam when it comes out over there?


no code for steam on purchase. Steam and Itch are two different stores, if you want to own it on steam I would suggest waiting for the release there.

Will there be a difference betwean steam version and itch io version in terms of future content?

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Nope, both are going to be updated at the same time. Same with any other future stores the game will feature on.

I guess one difference will be the steamworks api integration for sharing content and whatnot. But other versions will have something similar as well.

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Haha, thank you for taking the time to read a little more. It's our number one question for sure.

If i buy this now on vn 009 do i get access to other updated versions or do i buy every time

yes, obviously. You purchase once you get the full game plus any post full release updates. 

Is there any demo to test the game and see if its good enough to buy

Eventually yes, we are still in early development right now. Purchase when you feel it's the right time.

any reason the doll system isnt working in the latest update

It is, just press tab when you're in the mode.

Bought the game during the 25% sale, currently not worth it rn, but I'm optimistic that in the near future we'll get a more playable version! Cheers!
(I would love to test it out but the game sucks my GPU dry even at lowest graphic settings.)

We are still in the early days of the game that is for sure! We update once a month and have a full team of dedicated developers on staff. The development will progress swiftly, so hopefully, you'll find it worthly soon.

Any android port plan?

We would need to change a lot about the game if we were to do it. So it will come much further down the road.

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why no PayPal?

I want to play your games but I can'

Banned on Paypal for making porn games. So no PayPal. I wouldn't trust them either.

Ah ok I understand

why the hell would they do that? Are they seriously considering alienating that market?

Not sure. Likely because they can.

Yes because there's pretty much only 3 payment processing companies that have any pull in the world and none of them want to be associated with this kind of product. So when they say don't handle payments for this or were out, companies listen, because they would kill their business if they don't.

Also, what do you use if paypal isn't ok?

You mean personally? Credit cards.


not gonna lie, best looking game i've seen in the +18 section, looking from images, i can see this have the potential to be in VR too thanks to the UI/UX system you have in it.
Clearly an awesome job and a must look to buy in a future! (0.15~0.20 maybe)


Yep, purchase when you're ready and when you think our content offerings are at the level you'd like. Not before. Do know we patch every month and try our best to hit holiday events.

hate to ask but you can you make this take paypal? I was trying to buy it to support y'all but I found how that card doesn't always work on here

Sorry we cannot. We were banned on Paypal for making porn. They are also a terrible company who won't support AO games.


oh, well that sucks! I hope then can fix their issue then


is it already playable or is still in laggy-nothingness phase?


All the information you need is in the release posts. I'll tell you to purchase whenever you feel comfortable with the progress and not before. The game is in heavy early development and we patch monthly.


I’m a little confused as to how to do anything with the islanders apart from taking pictures and telling them to follow me. That’s all I’ve figured out how to accomplish so far.

There are also follower commands that allow you to put the girls in missionary and have a go at the early stages of the sex system. Outside of that more content and gameplay are coming. We update once a month on the first.


The potential is amazing don't get me wrong but at the same time if you're planning on buying the game don't get fooled by the trailers because they have nothing to do with the actual game yet. Real game is much more janky and you can't lock the characters in place in a certain position which makes it very hard to take a good picture since every time you try to get a better angle they automatically move out of your shot.


Thank you for the feedback, we are building the game very quickly, lots left to build mind you but like you said, massive potential. As for the "modeling" gameplay loop, that is coming along with the familiarity gameplay loop as becoming friendlier with a particular species will unlock new ways to interact. The first type is playing games and petting, the second is modeling, the third is lewd things like finger banging and massages, and the last is sex and the current doll system.

The plans are there, and so is the baseline. Just need more time to build it all together!

Is there any I can lower my graphics quality before starting the game. Freezes everytime I try running

Inside the main directory there are two .bat files one for dx12 another for vulkan. These are different graphical options outside of the default. Try the dx12.bat file first. As for the options the game auto applies the level of graphical options needed once it is run.

Pleace do a demo

Eventually, once we are ready.

Hi, I would like to buy the game but I can not use paypal :/

Is that not possible for you? It works with "In Heat" for example.
So it's not because of itself...


We are banned on Paypal. They also steal money and have no respect for nsfw developers. The reason you cannot use them as a payment option is because we cannot use them as one.


All right, I get it...


Support them via Patreon there you can get the game too

paypal really have right  steal your money?

It's in their TOS

then what do you use? I plan on making sex dolls of fantasy creatures in the future but was unaware of this issue regarding paypal. Would you please tell me which payment method you utilize?

Whatever the point of purchase offers.

That's not too helpful, I was hoping you had an alternative to PayPal you'd recommend.

We use stripe as it is the k my other payment service itch uses but there are a lot of payment providers online. I would suggest you do your research on what meets your business requirements and go from there. I cannot comment on your needs.


Hi can you make the female character a futa and turn all mail characters into futas


The monster girls you can make all futa. The player characters no.


so can the male playable character get penetrated by futa monsters

Indeed he can.



Deleted 35 days ago

The tech is there, the monpedia is coming in the next patch with some extra stuff hopefully. So the photosystem is going to be the main thing.

Do you accept gift cards? when i try to buy the game the card declines


We use the Stripe payment service. This would be up to them.

This is a very lovely game. Maybe a bit too pretty for my potato PC... I crash out at frame 2 after pressing enter at the main screen.  Restarting the app causes a D3D device HUNG error, which requires reboot. Any chance you'll be adding a preloader for graphics settings or adjusting the main menu to help potatoes get to the options menu before catching fire

It auto detects system settings. Try using one of the .bat files for launching the game included in the main directory. There is one for dx12 and Vulcan. Start with dx12. Let me know how you go!

Also update your graphic drivers.

The dx12 .bat file did the trick! I still took FPS drops when facing areas with high foliage. Besides that, everything that's been implemented so far works pretty well.

Yeah dx12 has a higher vram capacity but has a lower frame rate. It's especially good for older cards or those without cards.

also any chance in adding a futa option for Jamie?

Jamie won't have a futa option as that is not her character. However we will add for her a strap-on option. As part of the character customization tools we will add later both characters will be able to change their appearance and skins for addons. So you'll be able to modify how the strap-on looks and make it look real.

I Think that's a nice middle ground tbh.

how do you make one of your followers stop following you?

Right now there is no option for it. We are not even sure if we will keep the follower commands just yet. Just look at it as a temp thing needed to make the sex systems work until we can build other options.

(1 edit)

Yes, finally someone realized how to properly update game page on so that game is bumped to the top of games list after major update…

We didn't do anything special outside of making a good patch.

Game looks Cool - but - As soon as I tried the Game This game Crashed My Computer so Dose it has Specific Graphics Requirements would be Good have on Information if it do Not Specific Graphics Requirements this is a Bugg

We are not able to get the minimum requirements up yet as the game is constantly changing. However please update your drivers, the engine is Unreal Engine 5 so a reasonably modern PC would be required. Also please make sure you have some sort of dedicated GPU before you play a fully 3d product like this.

fast question because im confused with images and all is it VR game? just to know before buying

Not VR.

Any chance for a demo? Id like to know if I could run the game before buying.

We are too early in development to make a demo we would be happy to say represents the goal of our game. But once we have passed that stage sure.


Rather curious, are there notions of what will be done for those who don't like futa?  It seems like the mons boinking each other is an intended feature of the game, and even some photo goals will revolve around it.  Will we just be unable to do those goals?  Will there be other, non-peen interactions between the mons?


If you don't like Futa you can turn it off in the menu, this will naturally disable any objectives related to futa photos, etc. While you will be able to finish the game without futa being on, you won't be able to 100% the game. We will build into the game female x female stuff as well, and there have been discussions about including a small variety of male monsters if we get the time to build them. No promises on that last one though.

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Fair enough!  I'm sure the game will be enjoyable either way, and I'm not much fussed about being a completionist, heh.  Would be neat to get some males in the mix, but I know that's not the plan, so it would be a fun bonus if anything.  Focus on your vision first, for sure, and who knows what could come in the future.  It's already shaping up to be great. :)

Thank you for the kind words, and yes! We will focus entirely on what we want the game to be. We have in our minds a very good idea of what it will be and getting to that point will require focus and planning. Meaning some things like male mons will be on the backburner for sure.


For some reason I am unable to purchase this game even thou i put in everything correctly 

Please contact itch support to help out!

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Please confirm your payment options work with the provider. In this case Stripe.

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i bought the game but my dumbass cant figure out how to open it

Run the .exe

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Contact itch support, they are the point of purchase. We have no power to issue refunds 

Any plans on a demo for the game? I would like to try it, but don't feel confident enough to pay for it.

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We do have plans, but it is still too early to make something like that. Once we get deeper into the development you can expect it for sure. Also do not feel any rush to purchase the game, buy it when you feel the time is right. Voting with your wallet is important.

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