I think it might have something to do with Mal0 spawining becuase the game runs for a bit before crashing, and in other saves that dont have it completed it doesnt crash
So this fatal error is something that happens on amd systems. Also if you can please email in your crash logs.
1. If you could share your hardware specification it would help with further debugging
2. Try lowering video settings
3. Try different window modes
4. If using any resource intensive software in background, try closing them
5. If using undervolt on GPU, try using stock settings
6. Try removing all files in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\Config and C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\SaveGames\Settings
7. You could try using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to remove GPU drivers and install them fresh
It would be a great addition for sure, but with 40 plus species to be added we are looking at doubling that for adding males and then adding that many extra voice actors as well.
Thank you. If it helps we do have some very light narrative reasons for males not being around. Obviously we would change that if we added males but it should help suspend disbelief a little.
We would build the same models but have shape keys for turning them more male. It still takes work, it is still extra vocals, and it pulls our team in a different direction.
We are banned on PayPal and itch does not want to support our development for whatever reason (likely mastercard being a butt) so what is left is what we have. You can always buy the game on GOG/JAST or wait for the steam launch on March 7th next year.
Ive noticed that when i read through the documentation tutorial, the one you get for hitting the tab key, always freezes the game. ive tried it on both an existing build that ive updated, and a fresh install and it does it on both, am i the only one?
er, no, it seems to be exiting the tab menu? i reloaded in to the save and went in to the tab menu, didnt get the tutorial, but when exited the tab menu it froze?
The game pauses when you have a tutorial popup. You'll need to take a video of whatever you're doing to close the tutorial without unpausing the game, that way we can see what the issue is.
I'm having the same issue on the current build (V022dhf1) and the issue seems to be solely with exiting the Monsterpedia not the tutorial. When the tutorial is closed you can still interact with the Monsterpedia and all it's sections, but closing the 'pedia causes the game to... not freeze necessarily because it recognizes switching inputs between mouse/keyboard and controller, but it otherwise doesn't respond to your inputs.
Sometimes, however, force quitting the game and immediately restarting and selecting continue will cause whatever glitch is happening to just not trigger and the game will work fine afterwards.
Edit: anytime a tutorial procs while you are in the monsterpedia guaranties triggering the bug.
Okay I think I understand as your way of writing the issue is a little confusing
1. enter monpedia on a new save to prompt the monpedia tutorial popup 2. close popup 3. close monpedia 4. game is now frozen
you also mentioned switching inputs, do you mean to say you're using controller and closing the monpedia then removes control from the controller to mouse and keyboard?
Is there a rarity system for the positions, or chances for the wildlife to interact with each other? Even during the pink moon event I only see maybe 4 or 5 and it's all the same position. (adding to this, what are the conditions for the threesome positions if there are any?)
If you play with the new hotfix you'll be able to see more threesomes. Every position can be seen with the same percentage as the other. It depends on genitals.
Is it possible to make backups of save files? I've been looking through the game folder in case I can copies of the saves but no luck. Adding onto that, if you can make backups, is it possible to transfer them over to the new builds? thanks
Save files are held in your appdata locallow folder. As for backing up data to transfer to new versions of the game, we will endeavor to make sure old save functions work, but there might be a chance in the future that the save structure will change. So take that with a grain of salt.
cant extract file/download file properly its telling me to make sure i make the file is safe to open and when i look at the file its like a paper doc only i cant do anything with it so i need help in order to make the game work . edit 1 i got the adv version to work but the rec version didnt
What kind of shitty camera deletes all pictures when jumped, Sneak system dearlord why is this not already in. Research is finicky All pictures should count toward the total and not diminish if you replace them with lower quality. Light or torch for nightime. I look forward to experiencing the blocked off areas when their done. Lastly Clipping jank. Manual Saves aswell
Yes I found the sneak button right after posting this. I've had score drop after replacing so theres that ok to lamp and clipping why not manual saves? currently the only way for me to continue playing the game is via continue the auto saves have not updated properly in the load game menu. And I don't want to reset progress just to figure out what tourist mode is.
What are you even talking about? The game saves every time you submit a photo. If you don't submit there is no loss of anything.
The only thing you lose leaving the game is your temp photos. And you can save those by submitting them either to your gallery or Monpedia.
As for the stealth, perhaps reading the tutorials found in game would be useful for you as it explains just about everything you need to get started on how systems and mechanics work.
Only one real suggestion, a flashlight, we gotta find it or it could be on the camara but a flashlight nonetheless. Plus it'd add a cool effect for nighttime photos.
nests idea each nest should act diffirently based on the creature type
some might be more frisky then others instead of being ejected out some might try to trap you instead or some might try to be friendly with you and even try to feed you and treat you like their own
example the bunnys might be friendly in their nests even giving the player a show for pictures even asking to mate
but something like wolfs would be more aggressive and try to take you hostage for breeding
That's a lot of ideas, would be good if you could next time reply to your own comment so they are all in one place to see easier.
Most of your ideas are really specific to each species and while I am okay with that as a concept we are only 5 people making a massive game. The scope needs to be far easier to accomplish. We will have nests and side activities. Each nest will be unique but they will all act the same way for the most part.
We will have a first person pov during player and mon acts, not sure about a camera option though.
Predators already hunt the player and attack if they spot you even during mating with another Mon. Some species are rarer than others, when we have the entire island made it will be a big ecosystem of monsters interacting with each other.
No taming or pulling them back to the camp. It's a photography focused game at the end of the day.
i think it would be cool if there was a way to get trapped if a alpha or apex sees you the apex is the top dogs of packs the alphas are like the officers
the apex would easliy outrun the player but alphas are just slower then the player make to many mess ups and you get pounced or grabbed by your neck and dragged back into the breeding cave
this could also be cool if all the creatures had their own apex and alphas
the bunny would place you on a rock and just bounce on you or make you bounce on them
each pack would have 1 male 1 female apex with alphas also having this
if a preditor sees you while their mating they should roar out load to alert their kin to our pressence all you see its like 5 alligators charing you as you try to run away hahaaha
uncommon can range from dom and sub but still passives
elite these are hostile but have a low chance of spawning a dom
hostile as the name suggest these are generaly hostile mobs but always spawn doms
boss/legendary mobs are super hard they always whip you out they are really atoned to their surroundings meaning bushes dont work if they get close and their basicly apex preditors no matter what they spawn in as even showing humanistic signs like knowing how cameras work
boss/legendary types have also been seen to leave a parting gift on researchers cameras with a kiss or a pussy shot to sorta tease their prey into trying again
if you hunt a boss or legendary type remember to bring your A game as they will surly do the same
add a 50% chance that instead of a photo getting deleted it gets corrupted
also if you did add the sub and dom thing you could make doms 25% more likely to delete your photos thru well them being super aggressive and subs will be more gentle with you so they have a 25% chance to not delete your pictures
id love a way if you got caught taking pictures you could calm the girls down by petting them or something and if you go into the bush they would just resume their old pattern
with maybe the highest research stat making the girls jump into the bush with us to tease us and maybe even a animation where they grab our camera and wonder what it is afterwards the gentle place it down and mount us
could also be nice to add dom/sub systems 1 part of the research could be to find out how the girls act as well as make lore aka a blank page we just get to right on could work for lore
but im thinking if they all had things they did and girls they talked to it could be really cool to find out their patterns love interests fav foods eta
basicly a new row of pictures 1 per breeding pose while your fucking one of the girls you can grab your camera for a first person view from the camera to get a perfect score you need to get 9 pictures per pose
1 when she colides with you
2 when shes moving upwards
3 when shes at the tip
the reason its 9
1 for the hips/pussy
1 for the head
1 for the booba
oh also is there any plans to allow us to use the girls to tempt other monsters to our camp :)
also futa oc when :) [i mainly love futas to replace the males and id love for either a new oc or just a feature to add a wang to our current female oc]
How do you get threesomes? I have been playing for over 8 hours have not seen 1 animation for them. I have unlocked all the normal ones. But threesomes I have not seen once. I even am putting on Pink Moon over and over again and not seeing any of them. Also Mal0 is activated.
Threesome occur naturally like the other ones but the setup takes longer to happen. Due to how diagetic it is sometimes those effects can get ruined by other things like girls not waiting long enough or them getting grabbed by a predator/plant. We are working on a fix to make them happen more frequently. I am glad you're enjoying the game though! Thank you for the feedback.
Jamie is female, and she will remain that way in narrative. However you will soon have the option to equip her with a dong so you'll have the choice of what animations you'd like to participate in. She will remain female though.
honestly i think it would be cool if we had a new girl as the futa but i get it costs cash to do such tho maybe a recolor of our current girl maybe like a twin sister who has a cock instead
Please wait for our official announcement though cos we might change it for later. There really isn't a great window for release on steam at the end of the year. We might push it until next year if we can't find a solution.
The fatal error crash seemed to not happened at all when I downloaded after the Pink Moon update and I got pretty far in collecting photos before recently starting to do the same crashing right at the moment of taking a photo. I've sent the crash long when it first happened like I've been instructed. I'd like to ask anyone else that this does happened to, is there any other thing that is consistent in those crashes.
You find them in the world just like the other ones appear. They are less frequent as three mons need to come together to make a threesome. Just look for mons jerking off together and if a third joins it starts a threesome.
Hey if i buy this on itchio are we gunna have another buckshot roulette scam and get left behind in versions once you get it on steam? cuz if not ill buy it asap but if you plan on leaving this version here at least say something so i can use my money more wisely for what i want from it.
All stores get all builds at the same time. The only functional differences are what each store offers. Like steam has steamworks and compatibility with steam deck. Itch has drm free etc etc.
hmm, the new update is nice, and its nice to finally see progress for the photos taken. Explanations of how the scoring system is also new from the last time i tried it, which helps a lot, even if it does feel odd at times with a full frontal shot being an a-, then the second photo which is seemingly identical being a b-. The only real issue that I've run into is the rune puzzle. Upon completion, any time i get within range of the stone pillar the game experiences a fatal error. restarting puts me back at camp and im fine, but the second i get about half-way to the puzzle stone, it crashes again. I'm wondering if something is up with the stone itself. I'll check later if anything happens going the other way.
geforce rtx 3060 ti, windows 10, amd ryzen 7 5800x. No other issues aside from some frame drops with a lot of things happening on-screen. No other crashes.
Hey there, glad you're having a good time with the game. We have a new crash log tool in the game that will help us identify the issue of the crash. Do you think you'd be able to email me a copy of your logs so we can fix the issue?
You can find the logs here C:\Users\ {userName}\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\Logs on your PC, just zip up the entire folder and email it to dave@kinkyfridays.com
copied the log folder and put them into a compressed file. I assume that's how it works, as I've never zipped a file before. If it doesn't reach you guys or i saved it incorrectly let me know.
I've sent a crash report already earlier but want to second that this happens to me too, constant random crashing after solving the pillar puzzle. It's funny that it's different from the other crashes involving taking pictures. With those the game freezes and makes all screen go out for few seconds before the error comes up. But with this one that doesn't happen.
Hey there so I think we have a fix for both issues atm. We have managed to reduce the strain on vram inside the GPU which leads to crashing in both instances. The last fix we need to build is for how the game computes photo scoring on a single millisecond which puts a lot of pressure on some hardware. Once we have it working the patch will be ready. Maybe Friday ish. We will see.
That rune is on the top of the cliff above the waterfall thats close to your base. Could you tell me where the rune right next to that one on the tablet is?
Malous is still a rare spawn even if she is spawning. Even then she is invisible to everyone except the camera viewfinder. Once you've spotted her she will deposit photos then.
I get sticking to Mal0 lore. But upon completing the lil puzzle i feel like we should get at least one free Mal0 interaction or something, like a lil smexy reward
Questions if i bought this did i buy the full game bc if so thank god bc the Pink moon update is fun so I hope it stays in later updates and I hope your heath stays ok!
Good job developer and if it's more than one good job to them too! 😁👍
Yep you are now the proud owner of the game and all future patches forever. The pink moon will stay but the button to force it will be removed in the next numbered patch.
Thank you very much for the kind words! I hope everyone can enjoy the game, let me know of you have any feedback for us!
I am now unable to run the game because whenever I try to start it it says "error microsoft visual C++ runtime is required to run this program" and then fails to launch, I already have that installed, I had it installed before I even had this game. there also appears to be a roughly 50% chance that whenever Mal0 appears the game instantly crashes
I am sure there are more suitable games for you to play on Android, we won't be remaking it to fit onto mobile phones until we have built the full product. Even then, we won't be changing what you wanted for those reasons. I hope you can find the fun in a game without needing to change so much of it.
Sorry no. All stores get the game at the same time, and we won't be gifting people steam keys. If you'd like to get it on steam I would wait for the release there in a month or so.
All runes can be found on the edge of the plains map. Two of them you need to go up high to see. But travel around the outskirts and at night to find them.
← Return to game
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i have the other 4
All of them are on the edge of the plains map. Some are near beacons. Others are in high places. Good luck!
I completed it but now i keep getting fatal error
I think it might have something to do with Mal0 spawining becuase the game runs for a bit before crashing, and in other saves that dont have it completed it doesnt crash
So this fatal error is something that happens on amd systems. Also if you can please email in your crash logs.
1. If you could share your hardware specification it would help with further debugging
2. Try lowering video settings
3. Try different window modes
4. If using any resource intensive software in background, try closing them
5. If using undervolt on GPU, try using stock settings
6. Try removing all files in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\Config and C:\Users\USER\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\SaveGames\Settings
7. You could try using DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) to remove GPU drivers and install them fresh
Let me know how you get on.
Are there any options to toggle off futa?
Yes in the setting menu, you should find a futa mod activated right now, or something like that. Desactivate it or activate it as you wish.
Will there be males in the game besides the main character?
Yes two other male humans. Male monsters maybe will come but don't hold ya breath as they will be the last thing we aDD if they ever get added.
Thanks for the answer, I hope you add them someday
It would be a great addition for sure, but with 40 plus species to be added we are looking at doubling that for adding males and then adding that many extra voice actors as well.
It's a lot of work.
You are doing a great job, thank you for that! I think your game has every chance to become very successful and popular
Thank you. If it helps we do have some very light narrative reasons for males not being around. Obviously we would change that if we added males but it should help suspend disbelief a little.
can’t you cheat by reusing some female ones and reducing the bust and just have them have cocks?
For those that don’t have much sexual dimorphism
We would build the same models but have shape keys for turning them more male. It still takes work, it is still extra vocals, and it pulls our team in a different direction.
a shame that you cant pay that game with paypal :( would be nice to try this game too plz add mor payment methods
We are banned on PayPal and itch does not want to support our development for whatever reason (likely mastercard being a butt) so what is left is what we have. You can always buy the game on GOG/JAST or wait for the steam launch on March 7th next year.
ahh ok good to know
Ive noticed that when i read through the documentation tutorial, the one you get for hitting the tab key, always freezes the game. ive tried it on both an existing build that ive updated, and a fresh install and it does it on both, am i the only one?
er, no, it seems to be exiting the tab menu? i reloaded in to the save and went in to the tab menu, didnt get the tutorial, but when exited the tab menu it froze?
The game pauses when you have a tutorial popup. You'll need to take a video of whatever you're doing to close the tutorial without unpausing the game, that way we can see what the issue is.
I'm having the same issue on the current build (V022dhf1) and the issue seems to be solely with exiting the Monsterpedia not the tutorial. When the tutorial is closed you can still interact with the Monsterpedia and all it's sections, but closing the 'pedia causes the game to... not freeze necessarily because it recognizes switching inputs between mouse/keyboard and controller, but it otherwise doesn't respond to your inputs.
Sometimes, however, force quitting the game and immediately restarting and selecting continue will cause whatever glitch is happening to just not trigger and the game will work fine afterwards.
Edit: anytime a tutorial procs while you are in the monsterpedia guaranties triggering the bug.
Okay I think I understand as your way of writing the issue is a little confusing
1. enter monpedia on a new save to prompt the monpedia tutorial popup
2. close popup
3. close monpedia
4. game is now frozen
you also mentioned switching inputs, do you mean to say you're using controller and closing the monpedia then removes control from the controller to mouse and keyboard?
Okay, I just tried it myself, I can confirm it is freezing the game. that is weird. Thanks for the report!
Is there a rarity system for the positions, or chances for the wildlife to interact with each other? Even during the pink moon event I only see maybe 4 or 5 and it's all the same position. (adding to this, what are the conditions for the threesome positions if there are any?)
If you play with the new hotfix you'll be able to see more threesomes. Every position can be seen with the same percentage as the other. It depends on genitals.
Is it possible to make backups of save files? I've been looking through the game folder in case I can copies of the saves but no luck. Adding onto that, if you can make backups, is it possible to transfer them over to the new builds? thanks
Save files are held in your appdata locallow folder. As for backing up data to transfer to new versions of the game, we will endeavor to make sure old save functions work, but there might be a chance in the future that the save structure will change. So take that with a grain of salt.
cant extract file/download file properly its telling me to make sure i make the file is safe to open and when i look at the file its like a paper doc only i cant do anything with it so i need help in order to make the game work . edit 1 i got the adv version to work but the rec version didnt
Not sure how you're getting that result. It is an exe file not a .doc
thats why im confused but i have it working so i cant complain
What kind of shitty camera deletes all pictures when jumped, Sneak system dearlord why is this not already in. Research is finicky All pictures should count toward the total and not diminish if you replace them with lower quality. Light or torch for nightime. I look forward to experiencing the blocked off areas when their done. Lastly Clipping jank. Manual Saves aswell
Camera is a gameplay choice for a soft failure state.
Sneak system is in. It's based on being spotted and if you're inside foliage.
Each category has a max score. It only adds score of the new photo is better than the last. It never takes away progress.
Considering adding a hip lamp.
Clipping will be fixed with another update to the models.
A big no to manual saves.
Yes I found the sneak button right after posting this. I've had score drop after replacing so theres that ok to lamp and clipping why not manual saves? currently the only way for me to continue playing the game is via continue the auto saves have not updated properly in the load game menu. And I don't want to reset progress just to figure out what tourist mode is.
What are you even talking about? The game saves every time you submit a photo. If you don't submit there is no loss of anything.
The only thing you lose leaving the game is your temp photos. And you can save those by submitting them either to your gallery or Monpedia.
As for the stealth, perhaps reading the tutorials found in game would be useful for you as it explains just about everything you need to get started on how systems and mechanics work.
When will the game be released on Steam?)
March 7th 2025
i did the rune puzzle and now it auto fatal errors ):
We are working on a hotfix for that and a few other things.
alr thank you. cant wait!
Only one real suggestion, a flashlight, we gotta find it or it could be on the camara but a flashlight nonetheless. Plus it'd add a cool effect for nighttime photos.
Flash is a planned camera feature for later content, but a flashlight might not be the best thing. We have considered a hip lamp though.
Android version pls 🥲
We are not focused in that direction. Maybe later, for now, we are building for PC and Steamdeck.
nests idea each nest should act diffirently based on the creature type
some might be more frisky then others instead of being ejected out some might try to trap you instead or some might try to be friendly with you and even try to feed you and treat you like their own
example the bunnys might be friendly in their nests even giving the player a show for pictures even asking to mate
but something like wolfs would be more aggressive and try to take you hostage for breeding
That's a lot of ideas, would be good if you could next time reply to your own comment so they are all in one place to see easier.
Most of your ideas are really specific to each species and while I am okay with that as a concept we are only 5 people making a massive game. The scope needs to be far easier to accomplish. We will have nests and side activities. Each nest will be unique but they will all act the same way for the most part.
We will have a first person pov during player and mon acts, not sure about a camera option though.
Predators already hunt the player and attack if they spot you even during mating with another Mon. Some species are rarer than others, when we have the entire island made it will be a big ecosystem of monsters interacting with each other.
No taming or pulling them back to the camp. It's a photography focused game at the end of the day.
Good ideas though
apexs and alphas :)
i think it would be cool if there was a way to get trapped if a alpha or apex sees you the apex is the top dogs of packs the alphas are like the officers
the apex would easliy outrun the player but alphas are just slower then the player make to many mess ups and you get pounced or grabbed by your neck and dragged back into the breeding cave
this could also be cool if all the creatures had their own apex and alphas
the bunny would place you on a rock and just bounce on you or make you bounce on them
each pack would have 1 male 1 female apex with alphas also having this
cool idea
if a preditor sees you while their mating they should roar out load to alert their kin to our pressence all you see its like 5 alligators charing you as you try to run away hahaaha
idea creature rarity
commons are always passive submissive mobs
uncommon can range from dom and sub but still passives
elite these are hostile but have a low chance of spawning a dom
hostile as the name suggest these are generaly hostile mobs but always spawn doms
boss/legendary mobs are super hard they always whip you out they are really atoned to their surroundings meaning bushes dont work if they get close and their basicly apex preditors no matter what they spawn in as even showing humanistic signs like knowing how cameras work
boss/legendary types have also been seen to leave a parting gift on researchers cameras with a kiss or a pussy shot to sorta tease their prey into trying again
if you hunt a boss or legendary type remember to bring your A game as they will surly do the same
another reason for this as well is to assign pp points higher raritys would give more and more with bosses being close to 2k or more depending on eco
add a 50% chance that instead of a photo getting deleted it gets corrupted
also if you did add the sub and dom thing you could make doms 25% more likely to delete your photos thru well them being super aggressive and subs will be more gentle with you so they have a 25% chance to not delete your pictures
id love a way if you got caught taking pictures you could calm the girls down by petting them or something and if you go into the bush they would just resume their old pattern
with maybe the highest research stat making the girls jump into the bush with us to tease us and maybe even a animation where they grab our camera and wonder what it is afterwards the gentle place it down and mount us
could also be nice to add dom/sub systems 1 part of the research could be to find out how the girls act as well as make lore aka a blank page we just get to right on could work for lore
but im thinking if they all had things they did and girls they talked to it could be really cool to find out their patterns love interests fav foods eta
breeding pictures
basicly a new row of pictures 1 per breeding pose while your fucking one of the girls you can grab your camera for a first person view from the camera to get a perfect score you need to get 9 pictures per pose
1 when she colides with you
2 when shes moving upwards
3 when shes at the tip
the reason its 9
1 for the hips/pussy
1 for the head
1 for the booba
oh also is there any plans to allow us to use the girls to tempt other monsters to our camp :)
also futa oc when :) [i mainly love futas to replace the males and id love for either a new oc or just a feature to add a wang to our current female oc]
How do you get threesomes? I have been playing for over 8 hours have not seen 1 animation for them. I have unlocked all the normal ones. But threesomes I have not seen once. I even am putting on Pink Moon over and over again and not seeing any of them. Also Mal0 is activated.
Threesome occur naturally like the other ones but the setup takes longer to happen. Due to how diagetic it is sometimes those effects can get ruined by other things like girls not waiting long enough or them getting grabbed by a predator/plant. We are working on a fix to make them happen more frequently. I am glad you're enjoying the game though! Thank you for the feedback.
maybe add food if the ladys aint hungy they will wait and if you give them a stick or some type of treat they will follow :)
Are there any chances of getting a playable futa character?
Jamie is female, and she will remain that way in narrative. However you will soon have the option to equip her with a dong so you'll have the choice of what animations you'd like to participate in. She will remain female though.
honestly i think it would be cool if we had a new girl as the futa but i get it costs cash to do such tho maybe a recolor of our current girl maybe like a twin sister who has a cock instead
that or just someone who looks like the girl oc
How do you find the scp one
Explore the world and solve her summon.
hello there will be regional prices, or price will be the same for every country?
On steam it will be set by their system for the time being.
I don't suppose there's a release date for Steam? My self and several friends have it wishlisted
We are planning the date atm. Either this month or early next. It honestly depends on how our last patching efforts go.
Awesome! I look forward to playing it!
Please wait for our official announcement though cos we might change it for later. There really isn't a great window for release on steam at the end of the year. We might push it until next year if we can't find a solution.
thx for answer, cant wait to see it on steam, good luck in development guys!
The fatal error crash seemed to not happened at all when I downloaded after the Pink Moon update and I got pretty far in collecting photos before recently starting to do the same crashing right at the moment of taking a photo. I've sent the crash long when it first happened like I've been instructed. I'd like to ask anyone else that this does happened to, is there any other thing that is consistent in those crashes.
Thanks for the report we are working on getting something that should fix it together atm.
So i see 3some animations locked and also on the cover image for the game, how does one trigger that?
You find them in the world just like the other ones appear. They are less frequent as three mons need to come together to make a threesome. Just look for mons jerking off together and if a third joins it starts a threesome.
Hey if i buy this on itchio are we gunna have another buckshot roulette scam and get left behind in versions once you get it on steam? cuz if not ill buy it asap but if you plan on leaving this version here at least say something so i can use my money more wisely for what i want from it.
All stores get all builds at the same time. The only functional differences are what each store offers. Like steam has steamworks and compatibility with steam deck. Itch has drm free etc etc.
i hope its not ea related i got banned for saying grammar nazi
Having trouble finding the rune with the x in it. feel ive ran around the map 100 times.
i'm missing the top middle rune, i just can't find it
All runes can be found around the edges of the map. You might need to travel high up to find two of them.
It's in a swamp area. You'll be able to see it if it's dark. Took me forever to find it.
The hell is going on here? Is the bunnet supposed to be banging on an invisible cell door?
It's an Easter egg about building wip areas
hmm, the new update is nice, and its nice to finally see progress for the photos taken. Explanations of how the scoring system is also new from the last time i tried it, which helps a lot, even if it does feel odd at times with a full frontal shot being an a-, then the second photo which is seemingly identical being a b-. The only real issue that I've run into is the rune puzzle. Upon completion, any time i get within range of the stone pillar the game experiences a fatal error.
restarting puts me back at camp and im fine, but the second i get about half-way to the puzzle stone, it crashes again. I'm wondering if something is up with the stone itself. I'll check later if anything happens going the other way.
geforce rtx 3060 ti, windows 10, amd ryzen 7 5800x. No other issues aside from some frame drops with a lot of things happening on-screen. No other crashes.
Hey there, glad you're having a good time with the game. We have a new crash log tool in the game that will help us identify the issue of the crash. Do you think you'd be able to email me a copy of your logs so we can fix the issue?
You can find the logs here C:\Users\ {userName}\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\Logs on your PC, just zip up the entire folder and email it to dave@kinkyfridays.com
copied the log folder and put them into a compressed file. I assume that's how it works, as I've never zipped a file before. If it doesn't reach you guys or i saved it incorrectly let me know.
Ya gotta email the file to me though.
I've sent a crash report already earlier but want to second that this happens to me too, constant random crashing after solving the pillar puzzle. It's funny that it's different from the other crashes involving taking pictures. With those the game freezes and makes all screen go out for few seconds before the error comes up. But with this one that doesn't happen.
Hey there so I think we have a fix for both issues atm. We have managed to reduce the strain on vram inside the GPU which leads to crashing in both instances. The last fix we need to build is for how the game computes photo scoring on a single millisecond which puts a lot of pressure on some hardware. Once we have it working the patch will be ready. Maybe Friday ish. We will see.
That rune is on the top of the cliff above the waterfall thats close to your base. Could you tell me where the rune right next to that one on the tablet is?
So all glow stones photographed and deposited. Still no signs of mal0 or no new random pics in the temp gallery yet
Malous is still a rare spawn even if she is spawning. Even then she is invisible to everyone except the camera viewfinder. Once you've spotted her she will deposit photos then.
I get sticking to Mal0 lore. But upon completing the lil puzzle i feel like we should get at least one free Mal0 interaction or something, like a lil smexy reward
Trust in that you'll see her and she'll jump ya bones easily enough.
found her in the cave behind the waterfall near home base
Questions if i bought this did i buy the full game bc if so thank god bc the Pink moon update is fun so I hope it stays in later updates and I hope your heath stays ok!
Good job developer and if it's more than one good job to them too! 😁👍
This is the best porn game I paid for!!! 😆
Yep you are now the proud owner of the game and all future patches forever. The pink moon will stay but the button to force it will be removed in the next numbered patch.
Thank you very much for the kind words! I hope everyone can enjoy the game, let me know of you have any feedback for us!
I am now unable to run the game because whenever I try to start it it says "error microsoft visual C++ runtime is required to run this program" and then fails to launch, I already have that installed, I had it installed before I even had this game. there also appears to be a roughly 50% chance that whenever Mal0 appears the game instantly crashes
Can you zip up your crash log and email to dave@kinkyfridays.com
you can find the logs here C:\Users\ {userName}\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\Logs
Please also make sure your drivers are up to date.
crashlog sent... hopefully
Can you make this game android and instead of 3d can you make it pixelated (map for exploring)
I am sure there are more suitable games for you to play on Android, we won't be remaking it to fit onto mobile phones until we have built the full product. Even then, we won't be changing what you wanted for those reasons. I hope you can find the fun in a game without needing to change so much of it.
sorry for my request and thank you
Is the stone puzzle the malo environment puzzle?
Also will there be a way for you to give those who bought the game here a steam key, makes life easier for steam deck users to have the steam version
Sorry no. All stores get the game at the same time, and we won't be gifting people steam keys. If you'd like to get it on steam I would wait for the release there in a month or so.
This update is exactly what ive been waiting on. I thank you, however my walls dont
is this like you "accidentally the whole bottle?"
I can't find the last rune, I have all except the bottom right one on the tablet. Any chance I can get a hint cause I've been looking for like an hour
All runes can be found on the edge of the plains map. Two of them you need to go up high to see. But travel around the outskirts and at night to find them.