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Cheers good game and all, just wanted to tell you that i cant use the chains to get to radio station 2 since the update. its says to press f to interact but if you press f nothing happens. 

how do you get better grades in the pictures,i feel is almost random, is better to have all the subject in camera or as much of the yellow square, i really dont get it.
also i cant see the "darkened screen border" when im hidden, even if im in a bush crouching.

also, could we get a vertical camera option

Scoring has been reworked for the next build so there is not much point me detailing how the old system works. Just be patient for the new build and it will be a lot better.

Crouching darkened screen has not been implemented yet.

Vertical camera options we have no plans for atm. But maybe in the future. You'd be the first person to ask for it though so I dunno how used it would be.

Vertical photos would be really helpful imo

Not sure what it would achieve if we had them tbh. It would change a lot about the ux, systems, and scoring. Enough to put back development a week or so.

In the grand scheme I think a week isn’t much, and given it is a porn game vertical images would be nice, though of course aren’t remotely necessary.

Thousands of people have played this game and given feedback, you are the first to ask about vertical photos. Not saying it's not going to be added but please understand that it is a very low priority for us to add something like this.

There is a lot we want to add first before we get to that point, so please be patient.

Are there any other methods of getting this game?
Cant buy on itch, because i have no credicard and my debit doesnt have a CVC.
When looking for the Game on GOG there seem to be links, but i just get thrown to the all games page.
And Steam tells me that the game is not available in my country.

We sell on JAST as well

Thanks :)
even tho i would've never thought i'd make an acc on a US platform i never heard of, just to buy a game from a studio that located in a neighbor country :D

Yeah it's dumb. Sorry you gotta deal with it. Can't imagine it's fun.

Wierd bug. no clue what happened got launched into the air. well atleast this what the full map looks like

Did you jump on something?

My video is choppy and blinky, basically unplayable. I've fiddled with a few of the settings and turned everything down to minimum.  Is there a driver or something I'm missing? A windows video setting I should change?

It depends on what hardware your PC has. But you can run on older systems if you use the dx11.bat file located inside the game install directory. It forces dx11 to run as the renderer instead of dx12 which can be hard to use on systems around the 2020 year age.

(1 edit)

It's windows 11 but I should have mentioned it's running under parallels.  I'll try the dx11.bat workaround and see if it helps.

EDIT: I tried and it didn't.

(1 edit)

What is your hardware?

M3 macbook pro, 16G memory, so basically low-mid performance GPU.

So integrated graphics with no dedicated vram. You don't even meet the minimum requirements to run the game tbh. Did you see the banner on the store page with the list of hardware requirements?

If you cannot run it on low and with the vulkan.bat or dx11.bat you're out of luck tbh.

For some reason whenever a character climaxes, the game's framerate drops a ton for the duration of the climax. The cum quality is set to Particles, and everything else is set to epic. The game runs smoothly, it only lags whenever someone orgasms. (Specifically characters with a penis.) Is there a way I can fix this issue? Because it makes it difficult to take photos of the wildlife.

What version are you playing on?

Version 022d.hf2,  the latest one. The glitch has been happening since I first started playing this game a while back.

Are you using dx11.bat file to play the game? Why are fluids set to particles instead of low fluids for example? They use different systems and I'm curious why everything else is maxed out.

(2 edits)

Will there be variations in the designs? Like obvious things like height, different body proportions etc. I mean, like certain distinctive features on the face of the same species so that it doesn't look repetitive.


Outside of the skin colors and flaccid penis sizes, no. That adds a level of complexity to our animation system we do not want. Each species will be unique though.

no matter what i try to do, it won't let me purchase the game? is it restricted to a certain card (credit cards, paypal, or other) or am i just dumb lol

We only have stripe due to itch and PayPal removing support from us. 

i ended up learning that my bank doesn't support certain purchases if it's not in the same country or smth. idk it's complicated. the solution? credit card :D

Yeah we are based in Poland, so if it is a issue with your bank that would be why.

Is the update for interactable h scenes out yet?

Yes. Please read the news.

is the GOG version kept up to date with this one?

whats that

GOG is another store you can buy the game through

another store that lets you actually own the games you buy as apparently when you buy through steam you don't actual own the game and it can be taken away at any time they choose.

Any digital store if they died you'd lose access to the files. That's just how it goes. We don't use any drm so owning the game on steam still has the same ownership level as any other digital store.

that is where you are wrong unfortunately as on steam the game can be removed and made impossible to download again even if you already bought it by the makers or steam even if the steam platform still exist and works, all you are buying on steam is a license to play said game even steam now tells you that you don't own the game, but on GOG you can download an offline installer so even if the game is removed or GOG goes down you still have the game you bought just like if you bought a physical copy.

Like you said. On steam once you've downloaded the game once you can back up the install of games that don't have drm. Just like gog.

Yes. All stores get all updates at the same time.

Has anyone been able to get the sutra one where 2 futas are penetrating one hole at the same time? No matter how hard I try it seems to be non-existent even with Pink Moon Haunt. Could use some help and pointers

That is coming in a later update. It is made and ready to go though.

I can login into the game but after selecting my character the game crashes, can anyone help

You'll need to send in your crash logs.

You can find the crash logs on your PC here: "C:\Users\{userName}\AppData\Local\SapphireSafari\Saved\Logs"

Email them to

i sent i

Good base so far. I am just finding the way some of this works to be frustrating. They move out of animations too fast, stealth seems not to work completely and hiding in a bush obscures the camera way too much to get a good shot. I found that just running around and snapping pictures for incremental xp towards each is the only way since you are going to be seen regardless any way

Can I ask what you're ideal stealth setup would be? We wanted to account for the creatures 6th sense which is why you just cannot get too close without them noticing you.


Hey, I'd like to know if anyone also has a bug or a photo on 2 the character goes through the textures

Sorry I don't quite understand what your questions are. Can you elaborate for me?

When I take a picture there is a one in 3 chance that when taking the photo the game micro freezes and makes the character go through the texture. And impossible to get out of the textures even by going back to the main menu (which is also under the textures).IF you want I can put the screens for you.

Sure, i am struggling to understand what you mean by "textures". Can you explain with different words as well as post screenshots?


The character goes through the ground

Okay so you take a photo, and then you fall through he ground? Does the game have any significant frame drops when you take photos?

Will it be possible for there to be transparency toggle for your character: 

a way to toggle, when you do sex scenes, what clothes you wear:

 a way for Mal0 to be visible when you do sex scenes; no point when you can't see their stuff and only slight better with analyze

1. Dunno about this. The player will always be visible in scenes.

2. Clothing toggle is coming.

3. Her invisibility toggle is coming as well.

They can be visible but is there a way for some slight see-through? Unfortunately in some positions for sutra your character gets in way in trying to see what goes on like example blowing a bee.

Also it was mentioned long ago and don't know if it was scraped or will return but would it be possible to bring say your favorite of each species to camp for easier access like a camp mate kind of thing and to also like give them a command like say perform autofellatio? 

I don't think we will make characters invisible simply because it wouldn't look very good.

We also never said we would let players captured or house mons they like. It is not that type of game, afterall you're not on the island to tame the girls, but document them.

not capture or house I mean like you talk to them and you can have them follow you to camp like for convenience but they leave once you close game and have to bring over someone else

I found it, you and it's same name, had made a post 2 years ago. Everything past 2 sounds complicated but 1 and 2 sound like what I'm referring to:

Kinky Fridays2 years ago(+1)(-2)

1 Find a monster you like and hit "F" on them to have them follow you. You'll need at least one penis equipped character to have sex.

2. Hit tab and bring up the follower commands section and select missionary (the only one we have so far). And place the hologram on the ground where you like.

3. Hit e to cycle between the characters for the base position. Hit enter to confirm.

4. Hit e once more to cycle between the characters for the penetrator position. Hit enter to confirm.

5. Use the mouse click and drag limbs of the base character to position then how you like.

6. While hovering over the penetrator character use your mouse wheel to increase or decrease the speed of the animation.

 it needs a lot of work before I would consider it polished but the basics are there.

Yea the follow stuff was how we got the old doll system to work, this was when the girls had no AI to speak of.

2 years old is a very long time ago, and its not remotely the same game.

is it freemode sandbox sex creator or is there story you are forced to play

We will be adding a narrative to the game in the next coming months. But the game is open ended enough were quests can be ignored for gameplay.

Not sure what you mean by sex creator. The game is build around building up familiarity with species of creatures which let's you boink.

why does this game need to run as administrator? first itch game I've tried to play that's needed this.

I mean... It doesn't but I cannot speak for all setups. The game produces a lot of images, when you take a photo, it makes a jpg you can use later however you want. So if you take 300 photos and save them all you'll have 300 jpg files. If you're required to do so by your setup then that would be the reason for it.

is there a way for photos to only save in game? also would turning off administrator mess up anything?

No, out intent is to make the photos accessable. As I said before you do not need to be administrator to get it working. Not sure why you'd think that.


Hey do you plan to give the possibility of playing a transfem has main character, like "a female with dick" ? (sorry for my bad tongue, I still learning) ^^

Jamie will have some attachments to give her a cosmetic appearance enabling her access to animations that need a penis. She will however for narrative purposes remain female.


Ok nice! Thank you for reply me so fast! ^^

If I buy the game today, will I have to pay again when a new update comes out?

No Ibought a while ago and I get the updates everytime

oh nice, ty

no worries

I've found the altar and all five symbols but it just tells me to expand coverage despite having been to each one twice to make sure. Am I missing something else?

Nvm guess that save was just bugged since it worked with a new one.

Anyone Know the locations of the Glyphs, for the Altar in the desert area?  

They can be found around the outskirts of the plains region. Hunt at night and listen out for the magical sounds they make.

i managed that but at night i uploaded the last 2 images hen caused a fatal crash wiping my data 


Are you able to email me your crash logs?

(1 edit)

yes where do i send them and how do i access the crash logs?

I have been looking for awhile and I cant find this last one, any hint on where to look?

All the runes can be found around the edge of the map, sometimes you'll need to travel to high places to see them.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, I just found it


I would really love to play this game but I can only pay with paypal, is there anyway to buy the game with paypal?

Sorry no, PayPal bans accounts making pornography, which is what happened to us.

But is there a other way? 

Yes! You can purchase on GOG, Jast, or wait for the Steam Early Access launch on March 7th 2025.

i bought it on jast but i cant open it after downloading

Not sure what that means. What are you downloading?

I keep crashing when I try to take a photo, it isn't every photo but it crashes everything. Any fixes?

Yes. Send me your crash log.

Next update your drivers.

Next make sure you're running v022d.hf2

Next if your hardware is old run the dx11.bat file

After that if nothing else works you'll need to do a clean install for your driver with DDU (it's software you can Google)

And please make sure your installing the game in a new folder and not overwriting the old install.

i hope when the game is more developed there'll be a free demo them people can try it before buying it 

Yes, after we build the new intro we will be putting together a demo.

sounds great i can't wait

Love the game so far on Windows but I dont know how to export my photos, mostly i been taking poses and landscape shots and i really wanna hop into lightroom. Which folder is it in?

Photos are found in appdata/locallow along with your save file.

Ohhhh, okay, thanks

This is the mistake. I updated the drivers, but it didn't help

Did you do as the error suggested? If so what is your hardware specs? There is also the dx11.bat file in the game directory, try running that.

Will Simplified Chinese be added to this game in the future?

Should be. Most of it will be machine translated though as the game is a work in progress.

will the screen resolution be at 1920x1080? otherwise, after I want to click "continue", I have a black screen and a resolution error

Not sure I quite understand the issue here. You can choose whatever resolution you like. If you're having rendering issues please update your drivers and try running the dx11.bat file found in the install directory.

(3 edits)

Please tell me you caught and fixed the camera bug? not sure if it's just me but after i take about 8-10 photo's, (even if I fresh install and even if I overwrite saves)  the game teleports my camera angle to about 16 miles below the map and to the edge of it by the looks and needless to say makes it rather unplayable. I can't progress any research as I can't get past that marker of about 8-10 photo's

Edit: Just deleted the game save data folder and starting afresh will let you know if that fixes the issue just thought that the data from previous versions may be the issue after I wrote this

Edit2: It did not so this time I got to 9 photo's and bam under the world again and that's not just 9's the limit if I take 3 deposit take 2 deposit take 4 it's the same result, game's unplayable for me at the moment and has been like this for the past 2 updates

Did you perhaps get a video of it happening or screenshots? As that bug is very unique.

(4 edits)

This time I only got to 6 images then got caught whilst it did the camera move. Having trouble posting the Images they dnt seem to want to post

almost forgot, it also requires a reset as it continues into the main menu after i quit game

got em posted finaly had to use the image link in the end as direct upload didn't want to play nice

Is it during a predator capturing you or just photo taking?

it's just a photo thing I just happened to be captured when i took the screen shot 

huh… only one payment option huh… i hope steam is gonna treat you better 

Yeah it's been rough. Despite all that people seem very eager to get themselves a copy so I have high hopes for our steam launch.

same here, i am hesitant on buying but thats fine now you can hide buying things

seriously it looks pretty neat (though i think i'm more likely to be the observer than the partaker if that is even a option)


I mean it is a photography game. That's basically the whole thing tbh. You can interact with friendly species, but it's mostly a peeping game.

how do i find more scenes or is there just 3 for now?

You take photos of sex acts happening in the world and you can recreate them with any friendly species. There are 20ish sex acts to find and more coming in the next couple patches.

ok thank you for letting me know and grate work on this current update so would i need futa on to find the others 

Most require p penises 

i am super confused, i understand i need to increase familiarity in order to interact with them, but no matter what i do or dont do, it just says fearful. is this game just incredibly grindy or is my save bugged or am i just doing something wrong.

That would only happen if you're playing a version that isn't up to date. Submitting photos will update the familiarity and the research level.

one request from someone that doesn't wanna get dicked but still would like futaxfemale scenes, could we get an option to disable futa on male forced scenes? just have them like steal your wallet and skip the animation, I'd prefer to play a male character but I can't really do that without having to watch scenes I don't enjoy. I could disable futa entirely but I WANT to have that in the world, just not forced onto me

You can skip any scene you don't want to watch. As your proposal is quite a lot of work.

(1 edit)

to just automatically skip a scene if it's a futa predator attack? cause while I CAN skip them, they do still briefly play before I can do so, I realize how I phrased it may have sounded like I wanted it to be a proper mechanic but no, I just want it to automatically skip futa predator attacks without showing me any of it

That level of customization along with people asking for species only futa controls is not a big priority for development right now.

We are focused on optimization, content creation, and building the planned mechanics to the game. You'll need to wait until we have more time free.

Fair enough! all I ask is to consider it for the future! certainly not a priority but would be nice

Will do! Thanks for the feedback.

Hey Kinky, i got most of the girls to friendly but don't have any scenes. Were could I "find" them.

Interact with a friendly species and hold down the interaction key. It's all written in the tutorials for the game.

I did that but it just shows them locked with ??? under them.

Yes. You need to photograph the act before you can do it.


the oral animations & postions in general look so nice, but so much content being locked behind futa is a colossal turn off.


There is fxf stuff on the way. But generally a penis is used in sex.


o h   n o


Can someone please tell where this one last is located?


that ones near radio 5


I've seen the singular stones around but where is that one that shows them all

from the camp head north east past plains radio 2,  you could hug the right side of the world while heading in that direction. youll  eventually come across an area thats lower down and should see a grouping of rocks. If youve got the radio towers near by and uncover this location itll look like a eye on the map

(1 edit)

Could you tell me where the other ones are located? i got three so far

4th icon is up on the hill  east of radio 1, 5th icon is next to radio 5

thank you so much!

will there ever be the ability to shear the sheep? maybe to make new clothing or something while getting to see them bette

Haha I don't think so.

why not? the only thing I can see on them through the wool is their dick. I just thought that 1. it would be fun to make them more naked. and 2. they look too hot with all that wool

is their a free trail version

Demo is coming soon.

Are different dick shapes on the roadmap, or only human shaped ones?

Yeah we will have some different ones. Nothing too extreme though.

Looking forward to it!

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